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  • ...edited, attribute: '''def_en''', ref: '''RS000001''', user: '''lyndsey''', date: '''20170522''' || en: Sin Suk-ju + others ...each time a relationship is edited, the relationship creator and creation date should be updated to reflect the most recent edit.
    35 KB (5,301 words) - 14:52, 21 August 2017
  • | Value || Date || an individual day || 17-May-17 ...urement systems, etc. Furthermore, address and spatial objects, as well as date and temporal object, were differentiated rather than grouped as “place”
    43 KB (6,117 words) - 11:31, 21 August 2017
  • ...ltural Heritage Search] || CHA || Korean || Search can be sorted by title, date, and relevance. Can only search by keyword and can only filter by designati in Korean and Chinese, region, address, manager, owner, and designation date.
    101 KB (15,400 words) - 16:48, 19 August 2017
  • ...nderstandability and helpfulness of English interpretive texts is entirely unknown. into English so as to convey the original mismatch in terminology used, date formatting, and inclusion of information. Differences between and within te
    49 KB (7,000 words) - 16:54, 23 August 2017