"디지털 시대의 고전 번역 I"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(Translation and Discussion)
(Hanja, Hangeul, Romanization Tools)
92번째 줄: 92번째 줄:
*[http://roman.cs.pusan.ac.kr/ 한국어/로마자 변환기]
*[http://roman.cs.pusan.ac.kr/ 한국어/로마자 변환기]
*[https://www.yellowbridge.com/ Yellow Bridge Chinese-English Dictionary]
*[https://www.yellowbridge.com/ Yellow Bridge Chinese-English Dictionary]
*[http://humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/Lexis/Lindict/ Lin Yutang's Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage (Online Version)]
*[http://www.hipenpal.com/tool/chinese_simplified_and_traditional_characters_japanese_kanji_to_hangul_converter_in_korean.php 한자 > 한글 변환기]
*[http://www.hipenpal.com/tool/chinese_simplified_and_traditional_characters_japanese_kanji_to_hangul_converter_in_korean.php 한자 > 한글 변환기]
*[http://dhlab.aks.ac.kr/~neccrow/wiki/index.php/%ED%95%9C%EC%96%B4%EB%8C%80%EC%82%AC%EC%A0%84_%EC%9B%B9%EC%82%AC%EC%9D%B4%ED%8A%B8_%EC%82%AC%EC%9A%A9%EB%B2%95#.EC.9D.B4_.EC.9B.B9.EC.82.AC.EC.9D.B4.ED.8A.B8_.EC.A3.BC.EC.86.8C 한어대사전 웹사이트 사용법]
*[http://dhlab.aks.ac.kr/~neccrow/wiki/index.php/%ED%95%9C%EC%96%B4%EB%8C%80%EC%82%AC%EC%A0%84_%EC%9B%B9%EC%82%AC%EC%9D%B4%ED%8A%B8_%EC%82%AC%EC%9A%A9%EB%B2%95#.EC.9D.B4_.EC.9B.B9.EC.82.AC.EC.9D.B4.ED.8A.B8_.EC.A3.BC.EC.86.8C 한어대사전 웹사이트 사용법]

2018년 5월 2일 (수) 13:44 판

강의 개요

The purpose of this class is to learn the method and process of academic translation in digital environments.
Students in this class will read Korean Classics on Agriculture and translate them into English, using Wiki software as a collaborative translation tool.

No. Date Topics Reference
1 2018-03-07 The Educational Purpose of this Class. Introduction to Digital Humanities. 디지털 인문학이란?
What is Digital Humaniteis?
What is Collaborative Translation?
2 2018-03-14 A New Paradigm of Academic Translations: Communicatin and Collaboration in Digital Environments Global Korean Studies and Digital Humanities
3 2018-03-21 Wiki Software as a Collaborative Translation Tool: Understandig Wiki Software What is Wiki Software?
위키 콘텐츠 제작 방법

MediaWiki Syntax Guide

4 2018-03-28 Design of Collaborative Translation Scheme: Design of Wiki Based Translation Process 온톨로지의 이해
위키 콘텐츠의 체계 구상
5 2018-04-04 Understanding Wiki Syntax / Compilation of Wiki Documents 위키 문서 제작 방법
6 2018-04-11 Planning of a Wiki Based Translation Project
7 2018-04-18 Field Work
8 2018-04-25 Text Reading and Translation: Preparing the seed grain. Plowing the soil.
9 2018-05-02 Text Reading and Translation: Cultivating Rice. Cultivating non-glutinous millet. Growing glutinous millet
10 2018-05-09 Text Reading and Translation: Growing beans, red beans, and mung beans
11 2018-05-16 Text Reading and Translation: Growing barley and wheat
12 2018-05-23 Text Reading and Translation: Growing sesame and buckwheat
13 2018-05-30 Text Reading and Translation: Farming Tools in Nongsajikseol
14 2018-06-06 Implementation of the Translation Result Database and Online Service
15 2018-06-13 Presentation of the Translation Results (on Wiki Based Online Systems)


담당 교수


Class Materials for 農事直說


Translation and Discussion

  1. Introduction 序文
  2. Preparing the seed grain 備穀種
  3. Plowing the soil 耕地
  4. How to assess the quality of uncultivated land 荒地辨試之法
  5. Planting hemp 種麻
  6. Cultivating Rice (Supplement: Dry field rice) 種稻 附旱稻
    1. Wet farming 種稻 水耕
    2. Dry farming 乾耕
    3. Transplanting 苗種
    4. Firing and water dressing method 火耨法
    5. The method to plant mountain rice 種山稻法
  7. Cultivating non-glutinous millet 種黍粟 附占勿谷粟․靑粱粟․薥黍
  8. Growing glutinous millet 種稷 附姜稷
  9. Growing beans, red beans, and mung beans. 種大豆․小豆․菉豆
  10. Cultivating barley and wheat 種大小麥 附春麰
  11. Growing sesame 種胡麻 鄕名眞荏子
  12. Growing buckwheat 種蕎麥 鄕名木麥


  1. The Glossary
  2. Farming Tools in Nongsajikseol and Examples in Other Sources
  3. GAVK Geographical Appendix of the Veritable Records of King Sejong Household, Population, Arable Land, Wet Field, Dry Field, Ratio

Translation/Research Resources

Hanja, Hangeul, Romanization Tools

Glossary / Thesaurus / Dictionary

Further Research