"제주 삼성혈"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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(사용자 2명의 중간 판 6개는 보이지 않습니다)
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Samseonghyeol is the three holes from which the three progenitors (Go Eulna, Yang Eulna, and Bu Eulna) of the three clans emerged. According to the legend and the historical records, thousands years ago the three demi-gods, Go Eulna, Yang Eulna, and Bu Eulna, sprang out of the holes and began to live a hunting life. When they came of age, they took to their wives the three princesses from Byeongnangguk, "the kingdom of blue waves," who brought the seeds of five grains and livestock. Thus they led an agricultural stock-farming life and in the end they founded the tribal state, which would be the kingdom of Tamna.
'''Samseonghyeol Shrine, Jeju'''
In 1526, Yi Su-dong, the governor of Jeju made the area around the holes a sanctuary by building an altar, fences, and the red gate (Hongmun), and began to perform the sacrificial rites in spring, autumn, and winter annually to worship the three progenitors. Since then until now the site around Samseonghyeol, has been managed as a sanctuary by the governors of Jeju and the sacrificial rites also held every spring and autumn.
Samseonghyeol, meaning “Holes of the Three Surnames,” is the legendary birthplace of the Jejudo Island people. It is said that three divine beings, namely Go Eul-na, Yang Eul-na, and Bu Eul-na, were born here and lived a life of foraging. However, upon welcoming three princesses from the land of Byeongnangguk, who brought with them the seeds of the five grains and livestock, they began a life of agriculture. This developed into the kingdom of Tamna.
In 1526, the local magistrate Yi Su-dong first erected an altar, a red gate, and a stone enclosure wall and began performing veneration rituals in spring and autumn. Subsequent local magistrates continued to transform the site into a sacred area. Even now, veneration rituals are performed on April 10th (Great Ritual of the Spring Term), October 10th (Great Ritual of the Autumn Term), and December 10th (Great Ritual of the Clans’ Establishment).
The shrine, where the ancestral tablets of the three progenitors (Go Eulna, Yang Eulna, and Bu Eulna) are enshrined, was built by Ryu Han-myeong, the governor of Jeju in 1698. In the shrine, the ancestral rites are conducted in spring (April 10) and autumn (October 10) annually by the their descendants. The letters (三聖殿) inscribed on the tablet were written by Prince Imperial Yi Gang, the fifth son of Emperor Gojong.
'''Samseongjeon Shrine'''
This shrine, established in 1698 by the local magistrate Ryu Han-myeong, enshrines the spirit tablets of the progenitors of the Three Clans of Tamna. Veneration rituals are performed by their descendants on April 10th and October 10th. The name plaque was calligraphed by Prince Imperial Ui (1877-1955), the fifth son of Emperor Gojong of the Joseon dynasty (1392-1910).
All the tasks related with the ancestral rites are carried out in the hall. The hall was built by the governor of Jeju, Yang Se-hyeon in 1771.
'''Ritual Preparation Hall'''
This hall, established in 1771 by the local magistrate Yang Se-hyeon, is where all tasks related to the veneration rituals were managed.
The local students of Confucianism in Jeju studied the Confucian classics in the hall. The hall was built by Jang In-sik, the governor of Jeju in 1849.
'''Sungbodang Hall'''
This hall, established in 1849 by the local magistrate Jang In-sik, was where Confucian students perfected their studies.
Samseonghyeol is the site from which the three progenitors of the three clans emerged. Since they are the founders of Tamna kingdom, in this site, every year the governor of Jeju-do Province performs the ancestral sacrifices and prays for Jeju citizens’ public peace.
'''Samseonghyeol Holes'''
These holes are where the progenitors of the Three Clans of Tamna first emerged. On December 10th, a ritual to commemorate the establishment of the clans is held here and officiated by the governor of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province to pray for the well-being of the citizens of Jeju.

2022년 12월 24일 (토) 16:34 기준 최신판

제주 삼성혈
Samseonghyeol Shrine, Jeju
제주 삼성혈, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 제주 삼성혈
영문명칭 Samseonghyeol Shrine, Jeju
한자 濟州 三姓穴
주소 제주특별자치도 제주시 삼성로 22 (이도일동)
국가유산 종목 사적 제134호
지정(등록)일 1964년 6월 10일
분류 유적건조물/종교신앙/구비전승지/구비전승지
시대 시대미상
수량/면적 33,832㎡
웹사이트 제주 삼성혈, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.




삼성혈은 제주도 사람의 전설적인 발상지(發祥地)이다. 삼신인(三神人)인 고을나(髙乙那)·양을나(良乙那)·부을나(夫乙那)가 이곳에서 태어나 수렵생활을 하다가 오곡(五穀)의 종자와 가축을 가지고 온 벽랑국(碧浪國) 3공주를 맞이하면서부터 농경생활이 비롯되었으며, 탐라왕국(耽羅王國)으로 발전하였다고 전한다.

조선 중종 21년(1526) 목사(牧使) 이수동(李壽童)이 처음 표단(標壇)과 홍문(紅門)을 세우고 담장을 쌓아 춘·추봉제(春·秋奉祭)하기 시작한 이래 역대 목사에 의하여 성역화(聖域化)사업이 이루어졌고 현재에도 매년 춘기대제(春期大祭)·추기대제(秋期大祭)·건시대제(乾始大祭)를 봉향하고 있다.


삼성시조(三姓始祖)의 위패(位牌)가 봉안(奉安)된 사당(祠堂)으로 조선 숙종 24년(1698) 목사(牧使) 류한명(柳漢明)에 의해 건립되었으며, 제향(祭享)은 매년 춘기대제(4월 10일)와 추기대제(10월 10일)를 후손들이 봉향한다. 편액은 의친왕(義親王) 이강(李堈, 고종 5남)의 친필이다.


제향(祭享)에 관한 업무를 맡는 곳으로, 조선 영조 47년(1771년) 목사(牧使) 양세현(梁世絢)에 의해 건립되었다.


재생(齋生, 선비)들이 학업을 연마하던 곳으로, 조선 헌종 15년(1849) 목사(牧使) 장인식(張寅植)에 의해 건립되었다.


태초에 삼을나(髙乙那·良乙那·夫乙那)가 용출(湧出)하신 곳으로, 매년 건시대제(12월 10일)를 제주특별자치도지사가 초헌관이 되어 제주도민의 안녕을 기원하는 제주도민제(濟州道民祭)로 봉향한다.



Samseonghyeol Shrine, Jeju

Samseonghyeol, meaning “Holes of the Three Surnames,” is the legendary birthplace of the Jejudo Island people. It is said that three divine beings, namely Go Eul-na, Yang Eul-na, and Bu Eul-na, were born here and lived a life of foraging. However, upon welcoming three princesses from the land of Byeongnangguk, who brought with them the seeds of the five grains and livestock, they began a life of agriculture. This developed into the kingdom of Tamna.

In 1526, the local magistrate Yi Su-dong first erected an altar, a red gate, and a stone enclosure wall and began performing veneration rituals in spring and autumn. Subsequent local magistrates continued to transform the site into a sacred area. Even now, veneration rituals are performed on April 10th (Great Ritual of the Spring Term), October 10th (Great Ritual of the Autumn Term), and December 10th (Great Ritual of the Clans’ Establishment).


Samseongjeon Shrine

This shrine, established in 1698 by the local magistrate Ryu Han-myeong, enshrines the spirit tablets of the progenitors of the Three Clans of Tamna. Veneration rituals are performed by their descendants on April 10th and October 10th. The name plaque was calligraphed by Prince Imperial Ui (1877-1955), the fifth son of Emperor Gojong of the Joseon dynasty (1392-1910).


Ritual Preparation Hall

This hall, established in 1771 by the local magistrate Yang Se-hyeon, is where all tasks related to the veneration rituals were managed.


Sungbodang Hall

This hall, established in 1849 by the local magistrate Jang In-sik, was where Confucian students perfected their studies.


Samseonghyeol Holes

These holes are where the progenitors of the Three Clans of Tamna first emerged. On December 10th, a ritual to commemorate the establishment of the clans is held here and officiated by the governor of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province to pray for the well-being of the citizens of Jeju.
