
"국민성금 헌납기(T-6 건국기)"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
28번째 줄: 28번째 줄:
'''Aircraft Donated by Citizen Donation (T-6 Texan)'''
'''Aircraft Donated by Citizen Donation (T-6 Texan)'''
This North American Aviation T-6 Texan, as its nickname (“Nationally donated Aircraft”) suggests, is the first military aircraft purchased by Korea from the US using the money donated by the Korean people. In 1949, the ROK government launched a fundraising campaign under the motto “Our Craft with Our Money.” The campaign successfully ended in May 1950 with a total of USD 300,000 raised from ordinary Korean citizens, which was enough to buy 10 T-6 Texan aircraft from Canada. The advanced trainers were given the famous nickname “National Foundation Aircraft” (Geongukgi) and used as bombers during the early phase of the Korean War, slowing down the southward advancement of the North Korean forces. After the arrival of the F-51D and the ceasefire agreement signed in 1953, the aircraft began to be used as trainers.  
The North American T-6 Texan was the first military aircraft purchased using money donated by the Korean people. It is known in Korean as the "Aircraft Presented through Citizen Donations."
In 1949, the Republic of Korea government launched a fundraising campaign under the motto “Our Aircraft with Our Money.” The campaign successfully ended in May 1950 with a total of USD 300,000 raised from ordinary Korean citizens, which was enough to buy 10 T-6 Texan aircraft from Canada. They were known as Geongukgi, meaning “National Foundation Aircraft,” and used as bombers during the early phase of the Korean War (1950-1953), helping to slow down the southward advancement of the North Korean forces. After the arrival of the F-51D and the ceasefire agreement signed in 1953, the aircraft began to be used in training.
*Donated by Citizen Donation은 좀 어색해요~
*이 거는 유일하게 남아 있는 하나예요? 남은 것 더 있나요?

2020년 10월 7일 (수) 14:57 판

국민성금 헌납기(T-6 건국기)
Aircraft Donated by Citizen Donation (T-6 Texan)
국민성금 헌납기(T-6 건국기), 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 국민성금 헌납기(T-6 건국기)
영문명칭 Aircraft Donated by Citizen Donation (T-6 Texan)
한자 國民誠金 獻納機(T-6 建國機)
주소 충청북도 청주시 상당구 단재로 635 (남일면, 공군사관학교) 공군박물관
지정(등록) 종목 국가등록문화재 제667호
지정(등록)일 2016년 10월 20일
분류 등록문화재/기타/동산
수량/면적 1대/기장(세로)9.0×기폭(가로)12.8×기고(높이)3.9(m)
웹사이트 국민성금 헌납기(T-6 건국기), 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



국민성금 헌납기(T-6 건국기)는 대한민국 국민의 성금으로 구입한 최초의 항공기이다. 정부는 1949년에 “우리 비행기는 우리 손으로 구입하자”라는 모금운동을 전개했다. 그 결과 1950년 5월, 당시 30만 달러가 모금되어 캐나다에서 T-6 10대를 도입한 후 ‘건국기’라고 명명했다. 공군은 6·25 전쟁 당시 T-6 건국기에 폭탄을 장착한 후 출격하여 북한군의 남하를 더디게 했다. 같은 해에는 F-51D 전투기를 도입하여 정찰기와 연락기로 사용하였으며, 휴전 후에는 조종사 양성을 위한 훈련기로 활용했다.


Aircraft Donated by Citizen Donation (T-6 Texan)

The North American T-6 Texan was the first military aircraft purchased using money donated by the Korean people. It is known in Korean as the "Aircraft Presented through Citizen Donations."

In 1949, the Republic of Korea government launched a fundraising campaign under the motto “Our Aircraft with Our Money.” The campaign successfully ended in May 1950 with a total of USD 300,000 raised from ordinary Korean citizens, which was enough to buy 10 T-6 Texan aircraft from Canada. They were known as Geongukgi, meaning “National Foundation Aircraft,” and used as bombers during the early phase of the Korean War (1950-1953), helping to slow down the southward advancement of the North Korean forces. After the arrival of the F-51D and the ceasefire agreement signed in 1953, the aircraft began to be used in training.

  • Donated by Citizen Donation은 좀 어색해요~
  • 이 거는 유일하게 남아 있는 하나예요? 남은 것 더 있나요?
