(Translation) 2019 寧無不平之心乎

Obelokon (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2019년 7월 7일 (일) 17:58 판 (Student Translation : Olga)

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Original Script

昔黃相國喜。微時行役。憩于路上。見田父駕二牛耕者。問曰。二牛何者爲勝。田父不對。輟耕而至。附耳細語曰。此牛勝。公恠之曰。何以附耳相語。田父曰。雖畜物。其心與人同也。此勝則彼劣。使牛聞之。寧無不平之心乎。公大悟。遂不復言人長短云。 《芝峯類說.卷十五.性行部》


Student Translation : Olga

In the days of old there was Prime Minister Hwang Hee. When [he] was [still] in a low rank he was travelling. [He] was resting by the road. Saw a farmer driving oxen, plowing. [Hwang Hee] asked [the farmer]: "Out of two oxen, which one is better?" The farmer did not reply. [He] kept plowing and came [after that]. [He] took [Hwang Hee's] ear and said in a low voice: "This ox is better." The master [thought it] odd and said: "Why are you speaking to my ear?" The farmer said: "Although it is a beast, its mind and [that one of] a human are the same. This [one] is better and that [one] is worse. If you let an ox hear it, how would it not have a mind of resentment?" The master came to a great realization. Therefore he never spoke of people's strengths and weaknesses again.

  • Discussion Questions:

1. Is there a way to better reflect a meaning of mutual communication in the 相語? Should it rather be translated as "speak to each other"? 2. How should we translate 悟 without giving it religious connotation?