2019 JSG Summer Hanmun Workshop (Advanced)
- Jaeyoon Song (宋在倫, 송재윤)
- Email: jaeyoon.song@gmail.com, songjae@mcmaster.ca
연도 | 성명 | 국적 | 소속 | 직위 | 연구/전공분야 | 그룹 |
2019 | - | - | - | - | - | Advanced Translation Group |
This workshop (Advanced Translation Team) will train researchers of Korean studies to read traditional Korean sources and to translate them into contemporary English. For such purposes, This workshop has been designed as an intensive three-week course (six hours daily, overall 90 hours, not including historical field trips) on a variety of Korean sources including: royal court documents, literati writings, philosophical treatises, historical essays, folktales, literary works, social and economic documents, etc. Through a series of graduate seminars, we will read these sources and translate them into English in a highly collaborative manner.
Each translated piece will be a stand-alone article with a detailed introduction, fully annotated translations, discussions and questions, references, and suggestions for further reading. Our collective translations will be published online. All of our works will belong to the public domain of Korean studies and be used for pedagogical and research purposes in the future. The products from the two previous workshops are available on the Jangseogak website:
In the future, all the materials in the website above will be transferred to our new website of Korean Documents:
We will produce a set of definitive translations through team work. All the participants will be required to make contributions in our daily seminars. Each participant will be presenting on sources of his/her choice and lead off discussion with questions and insights on the meanings of those sources. In addition to the pre-selected sources, each participant will be required to dig up the digital archives of Korean sources to find relevant sources for further discussion in class.
During the first two weeks, the participants will have learned to analyze and interpret the meanings of the given texts as well as to translate those sources into English. In the last week Seminars, the participants will present the sources they have found on the digital archives as well as in Jangseogak Archives (The Soyiyeon [reading room] will be open daily,” and discuss their significance. In the third week, aside from the presentations, we will continue to read the documents included in the textbook.
- The Digital Archive of Old Korean Documents: http://archive.aks.ac.kr/
- The Digital Archives of Korean Sources: http://db.itkc.or.kr/
Journal of Korean Documents
We plan to found a new peer-reviewed academic journal solely for the purpose of discovering a variety of Korean documents. The translated documents we have produced so far through the former workshops will eventually be published online as stand-alone articles in the Journal of Korean Documents. All participants who have successfully completed the Hanmun Workshop (Advanced Translated Team) will be granted membership of this journal. This journal will serve as the forum of debate on Korean documents. We recommend that you consider submitting your own findings about Korean documents. The specifics of this journal will be announced soon.
- Session 1 - 9:00–10:30 AM
- Session 2 - 10:40–12:00 AM, 1:00–2:00 PM
- Session 3 - 2:10–4:00 PM
Week | Date | Contents |
Week I | Jul 1 | Opening Ceremony, Placement Test, Introduction |
Jul 2 | The Royal Documents | |
Jul 3 | The Royal Documents | |
Jul 4 | Literati Writings | |
Jul 5 | Literati Writings | |
Week II | Jul 8 | Literati Writings |
Jul 9 | Old Documents | |
Jul 10 | Old Documents | |
Jul 11 | Old Documents | |
Jul 12 | Old Documents | |
Week III | Jul 15 | Seminar * |
Jul 16 | Seminar * | |
Jul 17 | Seminar * | |
Jul 18 | Seminar * | |
Jul 19 | Seminar * |
(2019)Primary Sources for Korean Studies
Part I. Royal Court Documents 王室文獻
I-1. 高麗 禮賓省 牒(1079) 『朝鮮群載』 卷20, 「異國」
I-2. 裵權 朝謝文書(1419) 《韓國古文書精選》 2, 「朝謝文書」, 10.42-43.
I-6. 英祖 朝鮮國王世弟冊封誥命(1722)
I-7. 萬頃縣令 牒呈 抄本([1760])
I-8. 金憙 訓諭 敎書(1792) 《韓國古文書精選>》 3, 「訓諭敎書」, 11.52-53.
Part II. Literati Writings 士大夫文章
II-1. 金時習(1435-1493) 《梅月堂文集》卷之二十 「名分說」
II-2. 鄭澈(1536-1594) 《松江原集》卷之二 「戒酒文」
II-3. 成俔(1439-1504) 《慵齋叢話》卷之九 「文明論」
II-4. 李珥(1537-1584) 《栗谷全書》 卷之九 「答成浩原(壬申)」
II-5. 崔鳴吉(1586-1647) 《遲川先生集》卷之十一 「丙子封事 第一」
II-6. 徐命膺(1716-1787) 《保晩齋集》卷第七 「北學議 序」
Part III. Old Documents 古文書
III-1. 1354年 尹光琠 別給文記
III-2. 1354年 尹丹鶴 所志
III-3. 1354年 尹東眞 等 所志
III-4. 1354年 尹丹鶴 斜給立案
III-5. 1354年 眈津監務官 題辭
Part IV. Miscellaneous Writings
IV-1. 특강자료 1
IV-1-1. 慶州 防禦里 上洞契 『射契考往錄』
IV-1-1-1. 壬辰3月22日 射契改立義
IV-1-1-2. 癸亥2月15日 完議
IV-1-2. 慶州 防禦里 上洞契 契案 「完議序」
IV-1-3. 慶州 防禦里 上洞契 「考往錄」
IV-1-4. 萬曆22年 鎭川 立案
IV-2. 특강자료 : 1722年 英祖 朝鮮國王世弟冊封誥命
위키 교실 Wiki Guide
- Network Graph in Wiki
- Download: Wiki
참고자료 References
- Old Documents and Sources(한국고문서자료관)
- Veritable Records of Joseon Dynasty(조선왕조실록)
- Korean Classics and Literati's Collection of Writings(한국고전종합DB)
- Korean Historic Figures Database(한국역대인물)
- Index of Korean Administrational Titles by Maurice Courant(韓國歷代行政-官職總攬/PDF)
- Répertoire historique de l'administration coréenne by Maurice Courant(韓國歷代行政-官職總攬/Database)
- Useful Websites by 'Gateway to Premodern Korean Studies'
- Chinese Text Project(中國哲學書電子化計劃)
- 中央研究院漢籍電子文獻
- National Institute of Japanese Literature(国文学研究資料館)
- TLS(The Thesaurus Linguae Sericae)
- Resources for East Asian Language and Thought by Charles Muller
- Download: Classical Chinese and Literary Chinese (handout)
- Download: 이동철 교수님 특강 자료 1:한국학과 인터넷
- Download: 이동철 교수님 특강 자료 2: 인터넷에서의 韓國學資料와 情報의 檢索과 活用