"(Translation) 1480年 金孝之 妻 黃氏 分給文記"의 두 판 사이의 차이
잔글 (Admin님이 (Translation) 1480年 金孝之妻黃氏 分給文記 문서를 넘겨주기를 만들지 않고 (Translation) 1480年 金孝之 妻 黃氏 分給文記 문서로 이동했습니다) |
1번째 줄: | 1번째 줄: | ||
{{Primary Source Document3 | {{Primary Source Document3 | ||
− | |Image = | + | |Image = 1480김효지처황씨분급문기1.JPG |
|English = | |English = | ||
− | |Chinese = | + | |Chinese = 1480年 金孝之 妻 黃氏 分給文記 |
− | |Korean = ('' '') | + | |Korean = [http://archive.aks.ac.kr/imageViewer/ImageViewer.aspx?datauci=G002+AKS+KSM-XE.1480.4717-20101008.B001a_001_00310_001&refuci=G002+AKS+KSM-XD.1480.4717-20101008.B001a_001_00310_002&fname=G002+AKS+KSM-XE.1480.4717-20101008.B001a_001_00310_001-IMG.001.jpg&closed=true 1480년 김효지 처 황씨 분급문기(''Gim Hyoji cheo Hwang Ssi bun-geub-mun-gi'')] |
− | |Genre = [[ ]] | + | |Genre = [[Social Life and Economic Strategies]] |
− | |Type = | + | |Type = Record |
− | |Author = | + | |Author = 黃氏 |
− | |Year = | + | |Year = 1480 |
− | |Key Concepts= | + | |Key Concepts= Neo-Confucianism, Adoption, Property, Inheritance |
|Translator = [[2018 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Advanced)#Participants | Participants of 2018 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Advanced Translation Group)]] | |Translator = [[2018 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Advanced)#Participants | Participants of 2018 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Advanced Translation Group)]] | ||
|Editor = | |Editor = |
2018년 7월 11일 (수) 09:19 판
Primary Source | ||
Title | |
English | ||
Chinese | 1480年 金孝之 妻 黃氏 分給文記 | |
Korean(RR) | 1480년 김효지 처 황씨 분급문기(Gim Hyoji cheo Hwang Ssi bun-geub-mun-gi) | |
Text Details | ||
Genre | Social Life and Economic Strategies | |
Type | Record | |
Author(s) | 黃氏 | |
Year | 1480 | |
Source | ||
Key Concepts | Neo-Confucianism, Adoption, Property, Inheritance | |
Translation Info | ||
Translator(s) | Participants of 2018 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Advanced Translation Group) | |
Editor(s) | ||
Year | 2018 |
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Original Script
- 3 Discussion Questions
- 4 Further Readings
- 5 References
- 6 Translation
- 6.1 (sample) : Jaeyoon Song
- 6.2 Student 1 : (Write your name)
- 6.3 Student 2 : (Write your name)
- 6.4 Student 3 : (Write your name)
- 6.5 Student 4 : (Write your name)
- 6.6 Student 5 : (Write your name)
- 6.7 Student 6 : (Write your name)
- 6.8 Student 7 : (Write your name)
- 6.9 Student 8 : (Write your name)
- 6.10 Student 9 : (Write your name)
- 6.11 Student 10 : (Write your name)
- 6.12 Student 11 : (Write your name)
- 6.13 Student 12 : (Write your name)
- 6.14 Student 13 : (Write your name)
- 6.15 Student 14 : (Write your name)
- 개요
- - 黃氏/수취: 우형원(禹亨元) , 김효로(金孝盧) , 명주(明珠) , 김씨(金氏) , 정인로(鄭仁老) , 김효원(金孝源) , 정씨(鄭氏) , 이씨(李氏) , 김씨(金氏) , 김장룡(金長龍)
- - 작성지역 경상도 안동 / 경상북도 안동시
- - 원문정보: 『고전자료총서 82-2 광산김씨 오천고문서』(한국정신문화연구원 편, 한국정신문화연구원, 1982). G002+AKS+KSM-XE.1480.4717-20101008.B001a_001_00311_001
- history
- -1480년(成宗11)에 金孝之의 처 黃氏가 繼後子 生員 金孝盧, 收養女子, 侍養三寸姪女, 三寸姪, 四寸孫子, 四寸孫女, 三寸姪婦, 孽子 四寸孫子 등 9인에게 각각 그 공로를 논하여 차등적으로 노비를 나누어 준 分給文記이다. 成化16년 12월 15일에 작성된 본 분재기에 앞서 황씨는 11월 25일에도 분재기를 작성하였다. 9인에게 차등적으로 노비를 상속한 본 문서와 달리 11월 25일 문서에서는 전답과 가옥을 나누어 주었으며, 상속인도 계후자 김효로, 收養女子 明珠, 侍養三寸姪女 金氏 3인으로 국한하였다. 전답이나 가옥에 비해 노비가 분할상속이 자유로웠기 때문에 평소 자신에게 효도를 하고 도움을 준 친척들에게 정의를 표시할 수 있었으리라고 생각된다.
Original Script
Classical Chinese | English |
①成化拾陸年庚子 拾貳月拾伍日 許與爲臥乎事段 女矣身亦 無子息爲沙餘▣…▣ 賤妾子女無白乎等用良 吾矣使用爲如乎 家翁邊奴婢乙 繼後子收養侍養▣…▣ 中論功差等分給爲臥乎 ②繼後子生員孝盧衿 婢龍粉二所生奴凡伊年貳婢▣…▣ 今年拾壹 三所生婢貴非年玖 婢訥叱之二所生奴嚴同年貳 婢內隱伊二所生▣…▣ 捌 婢龍德四所生婢龍莊年拾捌 奴紅萬良妻幷産二所生奴加音金年拾陸▣…▣ 年拾貳 婢甘時三所生婢耳德年肆拾參 婢四月二所生婢正月年參拾壹 五所生▣…▣ 拾參 婢內隱伊四所生奴小山年拾 婢耳莊二所生婢義今年拾參 主祀婢亏乙莊▣…▣ 參拾捌 婢內隱德二所生逃奴金仇知 ③收養女子明珠衿 婢求瑟二所生婢屎▣…▣ 二所生婢德今年拾 婢甘莊一所生婢桂樹年拾參 婢四月一生故婢仍邑德▣…▣參 奴莫知良妻幷産二所生奴亡乃年拾肆 奴龍粉一所生婢權德年玖 婢亏▣…▣ 年參拾陸 同婢一所生奴嚴山年伍 婢元非一所生婢元今年貳拾壹 婢耳德一▣…▣婢內隱加年陸 奴紅萬良妻幷産一所生婢訥叱非年拾玖 ④侍養三寸姪女 故別侍衛▣…▣婢屎非一所生婢屎今年拾參 婢甘莊五所生奴貴山年壹 ⑤三寸姪別侍衛鄭仁老▣…▣槨准備爲沙餘良 連連進退爲旀 女矣得病時 盡情侍養爲臥乎等用良 奴莫知良妻幷▣…▣拾婢內隱伊一所生婢內隱代年貳拾貳 婢亡吾之四所生婢四月年伍拾柒 ⑥四寸孫子忠贊▣…▣矣父母上京爲去乙 二年乙 女矣家長養爲沙餘良 時時往來 孝道爲臥乎等用良 婢內隱▣…▣婢今伊所生逃奴內隱松 ⑦四寸孫女別侍衛周鐵守妻鄭氏段 數數來往 孝道爲臥乎等▣…▣ 音代年拾陸 ⑧三寸姪故參軍金蔡妻李氏段 其矣家翁死後良中置 來往孝道爲臥乎▣…▣隱伊年肆拾捌 二所生婢耳莊年肆拾陸 ⑨四寸孫女幼學權叔平妻金氏段 數數往來 孝道▣…▣ 生婢哲非年拾陸 ⑩孼四寸孫子金長龍段 兒時始叱往來孝道爲旀 女矣得病時 晝▣…▣良 遠處奴婢等乙 有功捉來爲臥乎等用良 婢耳莊一所生婢文德年貳拾柒同婢一所▣…▣生奴末之年貳拾玖 爲等如 各衿亦中 分給爲臥乎 各各後所生幷以 子孫傳持鎭長使用爲▣…▣爲行去等 此文字事意乙用良 告官辨爲乎事是亦在
財主 故別侍衛金孝▣…▣ 證保 錄事▣…▣ 證保 勵節校▣…▣ 四寸孫壻▣…▣ 筆執 前▣…▣
(translation) |
Discussion Questions
Further Readings
(sample) : Jaeyoon Song
- Discussion Questions:
Student 1 : (Write your name)
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Student 2 : (Write your name)
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Student 3 : (Write your name)
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Student 4 : (Write your name)
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Student 5 : (Write your name)
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Student 6 : (Write your name)
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Student 7 : (Write your name)
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Student 8 : (Write your name)
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Student 9 : (Write your name)
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Student 10 : (Write your name)
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Student 11 : (Write your name)
- Discussion Questions:
Student 12 : (Write your name)
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Student 13 : (Write your name)
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Student 14 : (Write your name)
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