Draft Women's Advancement and Social Change
Title | Increasing Women’s Entry into Society |
[숨기기]1차 원고
Men and Women Are Equal
From July 1, 2015, the South Korean government has implement the Framework Act on Gender Equality. The underlying principle of the Act is “to achieve a de facto gender-equal society by rectifying and eliminating gender-discriminatory mind-sets and practices.” Its purpose is to “to realize gender equality in all areas such as politics, economy, society, and culture.” Accordingly, all citizens are entitled to “the right to receive gender-equal treatment in all domains including family,” while the state agencies of all levels are obliged to “prepare legal and institutional systems necessary for the realization of gender equality and to secure financial resources therefor.”
Prior to the Framework Act on Gender Equality, the Korean government established the Framework Act on Women’s Development in order to establish gender equality in Korean society. Women who were discriminated against due to their gender have begun to demand equal rights and equal opportunity in workplaces. Furthermore, pregnancy rights have been introduced to protect woman from being dismissed or refused of a promotion due to her pregnancy. Legal and organisational frameworks to protect victims of domestic violence and single mother have been installed. The mass media also has played a significant role in promoting gender equality.
Gradually Improving Women’s Status in Korea
According to a survey by the Korean Women’s Development Institute (2015), 51.3% of women are employed while 74.05% of men are employed. The ratio of female workers to male workers is gradually improving. In terms of wage, a female worker earns 67.0% of what a male worker earns on average. This is 1.1% improvement from the previous yea. On average, women worked 10.9 hours fewer than men on weekly basis. The employment level of women was higher than that of men among young people (42.5% for women, 38.9% for men). However, women occupied only 11.1% of managerial posts in private companies and only 4.5% of high-profile government posts. Considering the fact that 44.6% of civil servants are women, we may expect that these figures will improve in near future.
In last 30 years, Korean women’s status has been greatly improved. Before, women were expected to follow what was called Samjongjido (‘three subordination of women’), which demanded a woman to obey her father when she is a maiden, obey her husband once she is married, and obey her son once her husband dies. Such gender norms dictated Korean women to be subordinated to their male family members. According to a family law now abandoned, a woman who could not bear a son were returned to her father after all her husband died and daughters were married. This meant that without giving birth to a son, a woman was not accepted into her husband’s family.
Much has changed today. Korean women as independent beings are no longer bound to the traditional gender norms and family laws but can actively pursue their own values and goals in life. Since the late 20th century, the traditional barriers that barred women from taking up certain professions have been lifted as women’s status in the society has improved. Many women now work in high-risk professions as speed-racers, pilots, and deep-sea divers that have been set exclusively for men. Recently, the Korean society has seen an increase in the number of women entering the military and medicine.
Women's status at home has also greatly improved. Women have become more proactive in making household decisions. For example, among Korean couples in their 40s, 17.9% of wives make the final decision for household finances while only 4.5% of husbands exercise the same influence. The women’s right to divorce has also improved. Housewives can demand from her husband the equal share of household assets as alimony.
Yet, there is still room for improvement. The glass-ceiling that prevents women from claiming up to executive posts still exists today. It is reported that only 2.4% of the executive positions of Korea 10 top corporations are occupied by women. Even in the so-called ‘pink-collared’ field of education, only 37% of principals and vice-principals are women. Both the public and private sectors are working closely together to further raise women’s status and to ultimately establish a gender-equal society in Korea.
The Rise of Korean Women’s Status
From July 1, 2015, the Republic of Korean government implemented the Framework Act on Gender Equality. Its underlying principle is “to achieve a de facto gender-equal society by rectifying and eliminating gender-discriminatory mind-sets and practices.” Its purpose is to “to realize gender equality in all areas such as politics, economy, society, and culture.” Accordingly, all citizens are entitled to “the right to receive gender-equal treatment in all domains including family,” while the state agencies of all levels are obliged to “prepare legal and institutional systems necessary for the realization of gender equality and to secure financial resources for that.”
Prior to that law, the government established the Framework Act on Women’s Development in order to launch gender equality in Korean society. Women who were long discriminated against due to their gender have begun to demand equal rights and equal opportunity in workplaces. Furthermore, pregnancy rights have been introduced to protect woman from being dismissed or refused of a promotion due to her pregnancy. Legal and organisational frameworks to protect victims of domestic violence and single mothers have been installed. The mass media also has played a significant role in promoting gender equality.
According to a survey by the Korean Women’s Development Institute (2015), 51.3% of women are employed while 74.05% of men are employed. The ratio of female workers to male workers is gradually improving. In terms of wage, a female worker earns 67.0% of what a male worker earns on average. This is 1.1% improvement from the previous yea. On average, women worked 10.9 hours fewer than men on weekly basis. The employment level of women was higher than that of men among young people (42.5% for women, 38.9% for men). However, women occupied only 11.1% of managerial posts in private companies and only 4.5% of high-profile government posts. Considering the fact that 44.6% of civil servants are women, we may expect that these figures will improve in the near future.
In last 30 years, Korean women’s status has been greatly improved. Before then, women were expected to follow what was called Sam-jongjido (‘three subordination of women to their male family members’), which demanded a woman to obey her father when she is a maiden, obey her husband once she is married, and obey her son once her husband dies. According to a family law now abandoned, a woman who could not bear a son could be returned to her father after all her husband died and daughters were married. This meant that without giving birth to a son, a woman was not accepted into her husband’s family.
Much has changed today. Korean women as independent beings are no longer bound to traditional gender norms and family laws but can actively pursue their own values and goals in life. Women's status at home has also greatly improved, as they have become more proactive in making household decisions.
Yet, there is still room for improvement. The glass-ceiling that prevents women from climbing up to executive posts still exists today. It is reported that only 2.4% of the executive positions of the top-10 Korean corporations are occupied by women. Even in the so-called ‘pink-collared’ field of education, only 37% of principals and vice-principals are women.
Both the public and private sectors are now working closely together to further raise women’s status and to ultimately establish a gender-equal society in Korea.