2017-1 Critical Reading of Korean Classics II 韓國古典의 理解
DH 교육용 위키
About the Course
- Course Title: Critical Reading of Korean Classics II
- Professor: Shin Jeong-su[text@aks.ac.kr]
- Classroom: Room 202
- Description:
This is a comprehensive narrative history of Korean literature from its inception and the establishment of a royal Confucian academy in the seventh century, through a period during which most literature in Korea was written in Chinese and the subsequent invention of the Korean alphabet in 1443–1444, to the present day. It provides a wealth of information for scholars, students, and lovers of literature. Combining both history and criticism, the study reflects the latest scholarship and offers a systematic account of the development of all genres.
- Course Material:
∙ Peter H. Lee. A History of Korean Literature. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003. ∙ http://www.seelotus.com/frame_g.htm