"1월 20일"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
68번째 줄: 68번째 줄:
At meal time, Hsü Ch’ing led me to his table. A man seated there wrote with his chopstick on the table, “Do you eat pork?”
At meal time, Hsü Ch’ing led me to his table. A man seated there wrote with his chopstick on the table, “Do you eat pork?”
I said, “The people of my country observe mourning for three years and do not eat fish, meat, preserved meat, oniony plants, or garlic.” The man took separate plates, loaded them with vegetable courses, and served them to me.
I said, “The people of my country observe mourning for three years and do not eat fish, meat, preserved meat, oniony plants, or garlic.” The man took separate plates, loaded them with vegetable courses, and served them to me.
Hsü Ch’ing then saw that my clothing was not yet dry. He said to me, “It is sunny today; you might take off your clothes and dry them.”
Hsü Ch’ing then saw that my clothing was not yet dry. He said to me, “It is sunny today; you might take off your clothes and dry them.”
I answered, “All my clothes are damp. If I take these off, there is nothing I can wear. I cannot dry them.”
I answered, “All my clothes are damp. If I take these off, there is nothing I can wear. I cannot dry them.”
Hsü Ch’ing led me to a sunny place and seated me so that I might dry out.
Hsü Ch’ing led me to a sunny place and seated me so that I might dry out.
An official came and asked, “Is the King of your country called Emperor?”
An official came and asked, “Is the King of your country called Emperor?”
I answered, “In Heaven there are not two suns; how under the same Heaven can there be two Emperors? My King's one purpose is to serve your country devotedly.”
I answered, “In Heaven there are not two suns; how under the same Heaven can there be two Emperors? My King's one purpose is to serve your country devotedly.”
Then he asked, “Do all the officials of your country really wear rhinoceros [horn] girdles?”
Then he asked, “Do all the officials of your country really wear rhinoceros [horn] girdles?”
77번째 줄: 79번째 줄:
He asked, “Are there gold and silver in your country?” I said, “Gold and silver are not products of my country.”'38 He said, “But then, how are there gold and silver girdles?”
He asked, “Are there gold and silver in your country?” I said, “Gold and silver are not products of my country.”'38 He said, “But then, how are there gold and silver girdles?”
I said, “They all come in trade from your country. That is why they are prized.” When I asked the official who he was, he took out a public document and showed it to me. It [showed that] the Commander had previously dispatched this official with a permit, sending him on to T’ao-chu Chiliad posthaste. He was to place us under guard, question us, and bring us back without fail. This, then, was that Hsieh Min.
I said, “They all come in trade from your country. That is why they are prized.” When I asked the official who he was, he took out a public document and showed it to me. It [showed that] the Commander had previously dispatched this official with a permit, sending him on to T’ao-chu Chiliad posthaste. He was to place us under guard, question us, and bring us back without fail. This, then, was that Hsieh Min.
Another man came and said, “I am from Ting-hai Garrison, Ning-po Prefecture. I was sent here by the Regional Military Commission [Tu-chih-hui shih-ssu] of that place.”
Another man came and said, “I am from Ting-hai Garrison, Ning-po Prefecture. I was sent here by the Regional Military Commission [Tu-chih-hui shih-ssu] of that place.”
I then asked, “Is there a Hsia-shan in Ning-po Prefecture?” He said, “There is.”
I then asked, “Is there a Hsia-shan in Ning-po Prefecture?” He said, “There is.”

2020년 12월 11일 (금) 11:05 판

在桃渚所。是日乍陰乍晴。臣問桃渚所千戶姓名則乃陳華也。華與一官人來看臣。指臣笠曰。此何帽子。臣曰。此喪笠也。國俗皆廬墓三年。不幸如我漂流。或不得已有遠行者。則不敢仰見天日。以堅泣血之心。所以有此深笠也。及至飯時。許淸引臣同卓。座有一人以筯畫卓上曰。你吃猪肉否。臣曰。我國人守喪三年。不食魚肉醢葷。其人以別器。盛素饌以饋臣。許淸又見臣之衣服沾濕未乾。謂臣曰。今日有陽。可脫衣以晒之。臣答曰。我衣皆濕。脫此則無可穿者。不能晒也。許淸引臣坐諸面陽之地。以令晒乾。有一官人來問曰。你國 王稱皇帝否。臣答曰。天無二日。安有一天之下。有二皇帝乎。我 王心誠事大而已。又問曰。你國官人。果皆犀帶乎。曰。一二品着金。三四品着銀。五六品以下。皆着烏角而無犀帶。又問曰。你國有金銀否。曰。金銀非本國所產。曰。然則何以有金銀帶。曰。皆來貿上國。所以貴也。臣問其官人爲何人。其人卽出公文以示。則乃把總官先差此官人。給牌星馳。前去桃渚所。護住臣等。按臨重解。毋得違誤者。姓名卽薛旻也。又有一人來曰。我。寧波府定海衛人。因此處都司公差。到此。臣卽問曰。寧波府有下山否。曰有之。臣因言前日到泊下山逢海賊復漂之故。其人曰。我當持此文字。告知府往問之。臣問其姓名。則王海也。又有外人羣聚而至。爭持紙筆以問。不可勝對。有官人密書以示曰。此處人輕薄。休與閑講。

도저소에 머물렀습니다.

이 날은 흐렸다 개었다 하였습니다.

신이 도저소 천호의 성명을 물으니 진화(陳華)라고 하였습니다.

진화는 한 관인과 함께 신을 보러 와서 신의 갓을 가리키면서 말하기를,“이것은 무슨 모자입니까?”라고 하였습니다.

“이것은 상립(喪笠)[1] 43입니다. 우리나라 풍속에는 모두 3년 동안 여묘(廬墓) 44를사는데, 불행히 나처럼 바다에 표류하거나, 부득이 멀리 여행하게 된 사람은 감히 하늘과 해를 우러러 보면서는 비통한 마음을 견지할 수 없기 때문에 깊은 상립[2]을 쓰는 것입니다.”

밥 먹을 때가 되자, 허청(許淸)은 신을 인도하여 식탁을 같이 하였습니다.

좌중의 어떤 사람이 탁자 위에 젓가락으로 글씨를 쓰며 묻기를,

“당신은 돼지고기를 먹습니까?”[3][4][5][6][7]라고 하였습니다.

“우리나라 사람은 부모상을 입으면 3년 동안은 어육(魚肉), 젓갈, 훈채[8]를 먹지 않습니다.”그 사람은 다른 그릇에 채소 반찬을 담아서 신을 접대하였습니다.

허청은 또 신의 의복이 젖어 마르지 않은 것을 보고 신에게 말하기를,

“오늘은 햇볕이 있으니 옷을 벗어서 햇볕에 쪼이십시오”라고 하였습니다.

“나는 옷이 모두 젖었으니 이 옷을 벗으면 입을 것이 없으므로 햇볕에 쪼일 수 없습니다.” 허청은 신을 이끌어 햇볕이 드는 곳에 앉히고 옷을 말리게 하였습니다.

한 관인이 와서 묻기를, “당신 나라의 왕도 황제라 일컫습니까?”라고 하였습니다.

“하늘에는 해가 둘이 없는데, 어찌 한 하늘 아래에 두 황제[9]가 있을 수 있겠습니까? 우리 왕은 성심껏 대국을 섬기고 있을 뿐입니다.”

“그대 나라의 관인들은 모두 서대(犀帶)를 맵니까?”

“1품·2품은 금대(金帶), 3품·4품은 은대(銀帶), 5품·6품 이하는 모두 오각대(烏角帶)를 매지만 서대는 없습니다.[10] 145

“당신 나라에는 금은이 있습니까?”[11]

“금은은 우리나라에서 나지 않습니다.” [12]

“그렇다면 어떻게 금대, 은대가 있습니까?”

“모두 상국(上國)에 와서 매입하므로 귀한 것입니다.”

신은 그가 어떤 사람인가를 물었더니, 그 사람은 곧 공문(公文)을 내어 보였는데, 바로 파총관이 먼저 이 관인에게 패문(牌文)을 주어 도저소에 빨리 달려가 신 등을 잡아두고 조시하여 압송하는 데 차질이 없도록 한 자이니 성명은 설민(薛旻)이었습니다.

또 한 사람이 와서 말하기를, “나는 영파부[13] 정해위(定海衛)148의 사람인데, 이곳 도사(都司)149가 파견하여 이곳에 온 것입니다” 라고 하였습니다.

신은 곧 묻기를, “영파부에 하산(下山)이란 곳이 있습니까?”라고 하였습니다.


신은 이어서 전일 하산에 정박했다가 해적을 만나 다시 표류하게 된 사정을 말하였습니다.

그 사람이 말하기를, “내가 이 글을 가지고 가서 지부(知府)150에게 알려, 가서 조사하게 할 것입니다”라고 하였습니다.

신이 그의 성명을 물었더니 왕해(王海)라고 하였습니다. 또 바깥사람들이 떼지어 와서 앞을 다투어 종이와 붓을 가지고 물으니 일일이 대답할 수가 없었습니다. 어떤 관인이 가만히 써 보이기를, “이곳 사람들은 경박하니, 쓸데없는 얘기는 하지 마십시오”라고 하였습니다.

20th Day. At T’ao-chu Chiliad. This day was alternately cloudy and fair.

I asked the name of the Chiliarch of T'ao-chu Chiliad; it was Ch'ên Hua. Ch'ên Hua came with an official to see me. He pointed to my bamboo hat and said, “What kind of hat is that?” I said, “This is a mourning hat. It is a national custom for everyone to dwell in a hut by the grave for three years. If, unfortunately, one should be cast adrift like me or must travel far, in order to maintain the mood of grief, one dare not look up at the sun and sky. That is why we have these deep hats.” At meal time, Hsü Ch’ing led me to his table. A man seated there wrote with his chopstick on the table, “Do you eat pork?” I said, “The people of my country observe mourning for three years and do not eat fish, meat, preserved meat, oniony plants, or garlic.” The man took separate plates, loaded them with vegetable courses, and served them to me.

Hsü Ch’ing then saw that my clothing was not yet dry. He said to me, “It is sunny today; you might take off your clothes and dry them.” I answered, “All my clothes are damp. If I take these off, there is nothing I can wear. I cannot dry them.” Hsü Ch’ing led me to a sunny place and seated me so that I might dry out. An official came and asked, “Is the King of your country called Emperor?”

I answered, “In Heaven there are not two suns; how under the same Heaven can there be two Emperors? My King's one purpose is to serve your country devotedly.” Then he asked, “Do all the officials of your country really wear rhinoceros [horn] girdles?” I said, “The first and second ranks wear gold, the third and fourth silver, the fifth and sixth and all those below black horn, but there are no rhinoceros [horn] girdles. 37 He asked, “Are there gold and silver in your country?” I said, “Gold and silver are not products of my country.”'38 He said, “But then, how are there gold and silver girdles?” I said, “They all come in trade from your country. That is why they are prized.” When I asked the official who he was, he took out a public document and showed it to me. It [showed that] the Commander had previously dispatched this official with a permit, sending him on to T’ao-chu Chiliad posthaste. He was to place us under guard, question us, and bring us back without fail. This, then, was that Hsieh Min.

Another man came and said, “I am from Ting-hai Garrison, Ning-po Prefecture. I was sent here by the Regional Military Commission [Tu-chih-hui shih-ssu] of that place.” I then asked, “Is there a Hsia-shan in Ning-po Prefecture?” He said, “There is.” I told him about our previous arrival and mooring at Hsia-shan, meeting pirates, and being set adrift again. The man said, “I shall take this paper and inform the Prefect so that he will make inquiries.” I asked his name, which was Wang Hai. Other outsiders came in crowds and eagerly took paper and brush and asked questions. I could not keep up with them in my answers. An official secretly wrote and showed me a note that said, “The people here are a bad lot. Do not talk with them.”



  • 기후: 흐렸다 개었다
  • 지명: 도저소, 영파부 정해위(定海衛), 영파부 하산(下山)
  • 인명: 진화(陳華), 설민(薛旻), 왕해(王海)
  • 제도(관직): 천호, 파총관, 도사(都司), 지부
  • 시간: 밥 먹을 때
  • 기물: 식탁
  • 풍습(음식): 돼지고기
  • 의전: 다른 그릇에 채소 반찬을 담아서 신을 접대하였습니다.
  • 심리: 동정(허청은 신을 이끌어 햇볕이 드는 곳에 앉히고 옷을 말리게 하였습니다.)
  • 언어(어원): 당신 나라의 왕도 황제라 일컫습니까?
  • 기물: 서대(犀帶), 금은, 종이, 붓
  • 행정: 공문(公文), 패문(牌文), 내가 이 글을 가지고 가서 지부(知府)에게 알려, 가서 조사하게 할 것입니다
  • 사회: 해적, 이곳 사람들은 경박하니
  • 풍습(의복)-조선: 상립(喪笠)
  • 유학-조선: 여묘(廬墓)
  • 경천-조선: 하늘과 해를 우러러
  • 풍습(음식)-조선: 우리나라 사람은 부모상을 입으면 3년 동안은 어육(魚肉), 젓갈, 훈채를 먹지 않습니다.
  • 풍습-조선: 우리나라 사람은 부모상을 입으면 3년 동안은 어육(魚肉), 젓갈, 훈채를 먹지 않습니다.
  • 모화: 어찌 한 하늘 아래에 두 황제가 있을 수 있겠습니까? 우리 왕은 성심껏 대국을 섬기고 있을 뿐입니다, 모두 상국(上國)에 와서 매입하므로 귀한 것입니다
  • 기물-조선: 1품·2품은 금대(金帶), 3품·4품은 은대(銀帶), 5품·6품 이하는 모두 오각대(烏角帶)를 매지만, 금은은 우리나라에서 나지 않습니다.
  • 경제-조선: 모두 상국(上國)에 와서 매입하므로,
  • 사건-조선: 표류

  1. 기품과 절조의 미학 '갓', 오마이뉴스, 2007.04.19
  2. [한국의 老鋪 <13> 박창영 갓방]
  3. 한국의 생활사 : 우리 역사 속 돼지, 김용만 (우리역사문화연구소장)
  4. [황광해의 역사속 한식돼지고기, 동아일보, 2015.12.22]
  5. 성종실록 129권, 성종 12년 5월 4일 무인 1번째기사, 1481년 명 성화(成化) 17년, 경기 관찰사 손순효가 별공하는 돼지를 소와 섞어 쓰자고 하다
  6. 한국인의 소울 푸드 1, 한국외식신문, 2017.11.21
  7. 돼지의 맛, 조선일보, 2017.07.13
  8. 맛있는 종교이야기 7. 오신채, 금강신문, 2016.05.18
  9. 명나라조정에 동시에 두 명의 합법적인 황제가 존재하다
  10. 품대
  11. 당신 나라에 금과 은이 있소?, 제민일보, 2009.04.28
  12. 노려라, 일확천금의 꿈! 조선의 금광, 광화문에서 읽다거닐다느끼다
  13. 먼 길 온 고려인 '宋 나라 영빈관'에 머물다, 인천일보, 2018.08.31