"Text:Heritage:L36-0137-0000"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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70번째 줄: 70번째 줄:
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2021년 4월 13일 (화) 11:05 판

해설문 홈

국문 해설문

현장 안내판 해설문 내용 - 국문

문화재청 국가문화유산포털 해설문 - 국문

목포진지 (木浦鎭址)
전라남도 문화재자료 제137호
분 류 : 유적건조물 / 정치국방 / 성 / 성곽시설
수량/면적 : 일원
지정(등록)일 : 1987.01.15
소 재 지 : 전남 목포시 만호동 1-56번지
소유자(소유단체) :
관리자(관리단체) : 목포시

목포지역은 예부터 내륙과 해상을 연결하는 군사상의 요충지였는데, 목포진은 조선시대 수군의 진영으로 목포영, 목포대라고 부른다. 조선 왕조 때 각 도의 여러 진에 붙은 종 4품의 무관인 만호가 배치되었다고 해서 만호영, 만호진, 만호청이라고 부르기도 한다.

여러 기록을 통해서 볼 때 조선 세종 15년(1433)에 목포병선을 황원(현재 해남)으로 옮기고, 세종 21년(1439)에 현재의 자리에 목포 만호진을 설치하였으며, 개항과 함께 고종 21년(1895)에 폐진된 것으로 보인다. 현재 목포 만호진의 성이나 유적은 거의 남아있지 않다. 원래 위치는 대략 현재의 목포시 만호동 일대일 것으로 추측되며, 이 일대 민가의 담장이나 축대에서 당시의 돌을 확인할 수 있다.

만호진의 성은 일본 영사관, 영국 영사관 기지로 사용되다가 민가로 전용되었으며, 만호동 공터에는 목포진 유적비라고 적힌 비석이 있다.


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영문 해설문

현장 안내판 해설문 내용 - 영문

Mokpo Naval Base Site Jeollanam-do Cultural Heritage Material No. 137
Designation Date: January 15, 1987

This historic site is where the naval base called Mokpojin was established in 1439 during the reign of King Sejong of Joseon to protect the sea routes in the area.

The defense efforts of the Mokpojin Naval Base were largely focused on the waters off Mokpo until 1501, when a naval fort was built with a defensive wall measuring 2 meters in height and 400 meters in length. The fort has four fates placed in the four cardinal directions, and contains government offices with a public guesthouse, a jail, and a well.

The fort’s coastal defense battery was closed in 1895 when Joseon reformed its military system, but the rest of the facilities were used to house the government offices of the Korean Empire, including the Office of Tㄱade Supervision (Gamniseo) and the Maritime Customs House (Haegwan), after 1897 when the port of Mokpo was opened to the outside world. That is why the Mokpojin site is widely regarded as an important part of Mokpo’s historical heritage and the starting point of its modern history. The site was designated as a Jeollanam-do Cultural Material in 1987, and was renovated and developed into a history park in 2014.

The name of the district in which the site is located, Mango-dong, originated from the naval based established during the Joseon period, which was headed by the Manho, or “commander of ten thousand households”. The Joseon soldiers stationed in the coaster fort and their families living around it became the roots of today’s modern port city of Mokpo.

구 현장 안내판

Mokpojin site
Cultural Property Material No. 137
Jeollanam-do, Mokpo-si, Mango-dong 1-56

Mokpojin site was the navy camp during Chosun dynasty, and called Manhojin because Head of Jin, Mango, was arranged. Geographically, Mokpo is holding an estuary of Yeongsan river, and located in geographical strategic position connecting to the sea. Also it was used for grain transfer way as it is connected between Honam and south of Keongsang province. Therefore, Mokpojin was recognized as an important location even from early Chosun Dynasty.

Construction of the Mokpojin was approved in the 21th year of King Sejong’s reign (1439), and full completing was done in the 8th year of reign of king Yeonsangun (1502). According to the record of Muheonbigo, the stone wall was 1306 cheok in circumference and 7 cheok* 3 chon* tall. There used to be a pond and a well here.

After that, Mokpojin played the defending role of the west and south sea area of Korean Peninsula. However, the camp was closed by Royal Order No. 141, which was announced on July 15th in the 32nd year of the reign of King Gojong (1895), and only a memorial monument survived here since that time. Mokpo City completed the recovery construction in 2013, and now we see that partial recovery Mokpojin.

  • Manho : military position
  • Muheonbigo : literature remark
  • cheok, chon : the Korean foot (1 Cheok = 30.3 cm, 1 chon = 3.3 cm)

문화재청 국가문화유산포털 해설문 - 영문

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