
이동: 둘러보기, 검색
Royal Edict Pavilion
대표명칭 어서각
영문명칭 Royal Edict Pavilion
한자 御書閣
주소 전라북도 진안군 동향면 대량리 662-1
지정(등록) 종목 진안군 향토문화유산 유형 제17호



1402년(태종 2) 태종이 자신을 왕위에 오르게 한 공신 성석린에게 내린 보물 제746호 ‘성석린고신왕지(成石璘告身王旨)’를 보관하고 있는 건물이다. 1824년에 지어져 이후 여러 차례 개수되었다. 정면 3칸, 측면 2칸 규모를 갖추고 있다. 어서각 왼편에는 창녕 성씨의 문중사당 옥천사(玉川祠)가 있다. 성석린(1338[충숙왕 복위 7]~1423년[세종 5])은 여말 선초의 문신으로, 이성계의 개국에도 참여하였다. 태종 이방원이 형제들을 죽이고 즉위한 후 화가 난 이성계는 함흥에 머물며 돌아오지 않았다. 태종이 여러 차례 차사를 보내 간청해도 돌아오지 않자 옛 친구였던 성석린이 차사로 가서 이성계를 설득해 태종과 화해하게 하였다고 한다.


Royal Edict Pavilion

This pavilion was built in 1824 to house a royal edict conferred by King Taejong (r. 1400-1418) to Seong Seok-rin (1338-1423), a civil official of the early Joseon period.

Before ascending to the throne, King Taejong was involved in the murder of his own brothers for the crown. His father, King Taejo, the founder of the Joseon dynasty (1392-1910), was so distressed by the incident that he retired to his hometown in Hamheung (in present-day Hamgyeongnam-do Province, North Korea). In order to restore his relationship with his father, King Taejong sent Seong Seok-rin, who was an old friend of King Taejo, to Hamheung. Seong successfully persuaded the former king and brought him back to the capital. In recognition of his efforts and achievement, King Taejong bestowed Seong with honorable titles, and appointed him as a meritorious subject by conferring this royal edict in 1402. The royal edict was preserved by Seong's descendants, who had moved to the Jinan area in the mid-15th century. The edict was designated as Treasure No. 746 in 1983.

The building was repaired several times. To the left of the pavilion is Okcheonsa Shrine of the Changnyeong Seong Clan.

관련 문화유산