"오정각"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
33번째 줄: 33번째 줄:
This pavilion was built to house the commemorative plaques honoring Kim Mun-gi (1399-1456), a civil official of the early Joseon period, and his descendants.
This pavilion was built to house the commemorative plaques honoring Kim Mun-gi (1399-1456), a civil official of the early Joseon period, and his descendants.
Kim Mun-gi passed the state examination in 1426 and served various official posts. In 1452, King Danjong (r. 1452-1455) ascended to the throne at the young age of 12, but was quickly usurped by his uncle, who later became King Sejo (r. 1455-1468). During this political turmoil, Kim Mun-gi attempted to restore Danjong to the throne but failed and was executed. His son Kim Hyeon-seok, who was a local magistrate of Yeongwol, also died at that time, following his father. Kim Hyeon-seok’s son Kim Chung-ju was enslaved as a puninshment, but he managed to escape and lived by making charcoal in a mountain in Ansan. Kim Chung-ju lived in mourning for his father and grandfather all his life, and his son Kim Gyeong-nam and grandson Kim Yak-jeon were also renowned for their filial piety.  
Kim Mun-gi passed the state examination in 1426 and served various official posts. In 1452, King Danjong (r. 1452-1455) ascended to the throne at the young age of 12, but was quickly usurped by his uncle, who later became King Sejo (r. 1455-1468). During this political turmoil, Kim Mun-gi attempted to restore Danjong to the throne but failed and was executed. His son Kim Hyeon-seok, who was a local magistrate of Yeongwol, also died at that time, following his father. Kim Hyeon-seok’s son Kim Chung-ju was enslaved as a punishment, but he managed to escape and lived by making charcoal in a mountain in Ansan. Kim Chung-ju lived in mourning for his father and grandfather all his life, and his son Kim Gyeong-nam and grandson Kim Yak-jeon were also renowned for their filial piety.  
In 1731, Kim Mun-gi's honor was reinstated by a royal order, and in 1870, commemorative plaques were bestowed to this family to honor the loyalty of Kim Mun-gi and his son and the filial devotion of Kim Chung-ju and his son and grandson. The same year, this pavilion was built to house the commemorative plaques and has since underwent several repairs.
In 1731, Kim Mun-gi's honor was reinstated by a royal order, and in 1870, commemorative plaques were bestowed to this family to honor the loyalty of Kim Mun-gi and his son and the filial devotion of Kim Chung-ju and his son and grandson. The same year, this pavilion was built to house the commemorative plaques and has since underwent several repairs.

2019년 8월 9일 (금) 14:55 판

Ojeonggak Commemorative Pavilion
"오정각", 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 오정각
영문명칭 Ojeonggak Commemorative Pavilion
한자 五旌閣
주소 경기도 안산시 단원구 화정동 29
국가유산 종목 문화재자료 제7호
지정(등록)일 1983년 9월 19일
분류 유적건조물/인물사건/인물기념/사우
수량/면적 1동
웹사이트 "오정각", 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



정문(旌門)이란 충신·효자·열녀 등을 표창하고자 마을 입구나 집 문 앞에 세우던 붉은 문을 말한다. 오정각(五旌閣)은 김문기(金文起)와 그의 아들 김현석에 대한 충신 정문과 손자인 김충주, 증손자인 김경남, 고손인 김약전 세 사람의 효자 정문을 모신 곳이다.

현재의 이 건물은 조선 고종 7년(1870)에 후손들이 오세충효 정각(五世忠孝 旌閣)을 건립한 뒤 국가 보조와 종친들의 성금으로 몇 차례 중수하여 보전하고 있다.

김문기는 세종 8년(1426)에 문과에 급제한 뒤 여러 관직을 거처 세조 원년에 공조판서(工曹判書) 겸 삼군도진무(三軍都鎭撫)가 되었으나 성삼문, 박팽년 등과 단종 복위를 꾀할 때 병력 동원을 책임진 사실이 적발되어 처형되었다. 그 후 영조 33년에 충의공이라는 시호가 내려졌다. 그 아들 김현석은 영월군수로 재임 중 아버지와 같이 순절하였다. 손자인 김충주는 형인 충립(忠立)과 함께 노비가 되어 상주(尙州)로 가는 도중 삼수점(三水店)에서 도망하여 이 곳 마하산에 숨어 숯을 구어 생계를 유지하였다.

후손들은 선조인 김충주가 망월암에 올라가 영월 쪽을 바라보며 단종과 할아버지·아버지를 생각하면서 눈물을 흘리며 일생을 보내어 그 곳에 있던 소나무가 말라죽었다 하여 그가 살던 집터에 고송정을 지었다. 아들인 김경남과 손자인 김약전도 효성이 지극하여 3대가 효자로 일컬어져 왔다.


This pavilion was built to house the commemorative plaques honoring Kim Mun-gi (1399-1456), a civil official of the early Joseon period, and his descendants.

Kim Mun-gi passed the state examination in 1426 and served various official posts. In 1452, King Danjong (r. 1452-1455) ascended to the throne at the young age of 12, but was quickly usurped by his uncle, who later became King Sejo (r. 1455-1468). During this political turmoil, Kim Mun-gi attempted to restore Danjong to the throne but failed and was executed. His son Kim Hyeon-seok, who was a local magistrate of Yeongwol, also died at that time, following his father. Kim Hyeon-seok’s son Kim Chung-ju was enslaved as a punishment, but he managed to escape and lived by making charcoal in a mountain in Ansan. Kim Chung-ju lived in mourning for his father and grandfather all his life, and his son Kim Gyeong-nam and grandson Kim Yak-jeon were also renowned for their filial piety.

In 1731, Kim Mun-gi's honor was reinstated by a royal order, and in 1870, commemorative plaques were bestowed to this family to honor the loyalty of Kim Mun-gi and his son and the filial devotion of Kim Chung-ju and his son and grandson. The same year, this pavilion was built to house the commemorative plaques and has since underwent several repairs.

The name of this pavilion, "Ojeonggak (五旌閣)," means "a pavilion for five commemorations." In the neighborhood, a pavilion named Gosongjeong was also built in memory of Kim Chung-ju.

영문 해설 내용

조선 전기의 문신인 김문기(1399-1456)와 그의 자손들을 기리는 정려를 보관하기 위해 세워진 건물이다.

김문기는 1426년 과거에 급제하여 여러 관직을 역임하였다. 그러던 중 1452년 단종(재위 1452-1455)이 12살의 어린 나이로 즉위하였다가 숙부인 세조(1455-1468)에게 왕위를 빼앗기고 말았다. 김문기는 단종을 복위시키기 위한 모의에 동참하였으나, 적발되어 처형되었다. 당시 영월군수였던 아들 김현석 역시 아버지를 따라 순절하였다. 손자인 김충주는 노비가 되어 끌려가다가 탈출하였고, 안산의 마하산 기슭에 숨어 살며 숯을 만들어 생계를 유지하였다. 김충주의 아들 김경남과 손자 김약전은 효행으로 이름이 높았다.

이후 1731년 김문기가 복권되었고, 1870년에는 김문기 부자의 충절과 김충주와 그 자손의 효행을 기리기 위해 정려가 내려졌다. 이 정려각은 정려를 보존하기 위해 1870년에 지어졌으며, 이후 여러 차례 중수되었다.

이 정려각의 이름은 '오정각(五旌閣)'이고, '다섯 개의 정려를 보관하는 건물'이라는 뜻이다. 인근에는 김충주를 기념하기 위해 고송정이라는 정자가 건립되었다.