
"사세충렬문"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
28번째 줄: 28번째 줄:
'''Commemorative Pavilion for Kim Yeo-mul’s Family'''
'''Pavilion for Commemorative Plaques for Kim Yeo-mul’s Family'''
This commemorative pavilion was constructed to honor Kim Yeo-mul (1548-1592), a civil official of the Joseon period, and four virtuous ladies of his family.
This pavilion was constructed to house commemorative plaques for Kim Yeo-mul (1548-1592), a civil official of the Joseon period, and four virtuous ladies of his family.
When the Japanese invaded Joseon in 1592, Kim Yeo-mul fought against the invaders in the Chungju area and was killed in action. A commemorative gate was erected to honor his loyal devotion, and it is now housed in the right section of this pavilion. His tomb and stele are located behind the pavilion.
When the Japanese invaded Joseon in 1592, Kim Yeo-mul fought against the invaders in the Chungju area and was killed in action. A commemorative plaque was betowed by the government in honor of his loyal devotion, and it is now housed in the right section of this pavilion. His tomb and stele are located behind the pavilion.
The four commemorative gates in the left section of the pavilion are for Kim Yeo-mul’s wife Lady Sin, daughter-in-law Lady Ryu, granddaughter-in-law Lady Park, and great-granddaughter-in-law Lady Jeong. During the Manchu Invasions of 1636-1637, they took refuge in Ganghwado Island and committed suicide to preserve their chastity.  
The four commemorative plaques in the left section of the pavilion are for Kim Yeo-mul’s wife Lady Sin, daughter-in-law Lady Ryu, granddaughter-in-law Lady Park, and great-granddaughter-in-law Lady Jeong. During the Manchu Invasions of 1636-1637, they took refuge in Ganghwado Island and committed suicide to preserve their chastity.  
The current pavilion was reconstructed in 1979. The wooden plaque hung on this building reads “Sasechungnyeolmun (四世忠烈門),” meaning “a gate honoring loyalty and matrimonial devotion of four generations.”
The current pavilion was reconstructed in 1979. The wooden plaque hung on this building reads“Sasechungnyeolmun (四世忠烈門),” meaning “gates honoring loyalty and matrimonial devotion of four generations.”
*Commemorative "gate" --> Needs to be changed or explained
===영문 해설 내용===
===영문 해설 내용===

2019년 8월 5일 (월) 15:03 판

"사세충렬문", 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 사세충렬문
한자 四世忠烈門
주소 경기도 안산시 단원구 와동 151
국가유산 종목 문화재자료 제8호
지정(등록)일 1983년 9월 19일
분류 유적건조물/인물사건/인물기념/사우
수량/면적 일곽
웹사이트 "사세충렬문", 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



정문(旌門)이란 충신·효자·열녀 등을 표창하고자 마을 입구나 집 문 앞에 세우던 붉은 문을 말한다. 사세충렬문은 임진왜란 당시에 충주 탄금대 전투에서 신립 장군과 함께 왜적을 막아내다 전사한 김여물(金汝岉, 1548~1592)의 애국 충정과, 병자호란 때 죽음으로 절개를 지킨 김여물의 후실인 평산 신씨(平山 申氏), 김여물의 아들 김류의 처 진주 류씨(晉州 柳氏), 김여물의 손자 김경징의 처 고령 박씨(高靈 朴氏), 김여물의 증손자 김진표의 처 진주 정씨(晋州 鄭氏)의 절개를 기리기 위하여 조정에서 내려 준 정문이다.

현재 건물 안은 2칸으로 나뉘어 있는데, 오른쪽 칸에는 김여물의 충신 정문이 있고, 왼쪽 칸에 4대 열녀의 정문이 있다. 현재 건물은 1979년에 고쳐 지은 것이며, 1983년 경기도 문화재자료로 지정되면서 다시 건물을 보수하였다.


Pavilion for Commemorative Plaques for Kim Yeo-mul’s Family

This pavilion was constructed to house commemorative plaques for Kim Yeo-mul (1548-1592), a civil official of the Joseon period, and four virtuous ladies of his family.

When the Japanese invaded Joseon in 1592, Kim Yeo-mul fought against the invaders in the Chungju area and was killed in action. A commemorative plaque was betowed by the government in honor of his loyal devotion, and it is now housed in the right section of this pavilion. His tomb and stele are located behind the pavilion.

The four commemorative plaques in the left section of the pavilion are for Kim Yeo-mul’s wife Lady Sin, daughter-in-law Lady Ryu, granddaughter-in-law Lady Park, and great-granddaughter-in-law Lady Jeong. During the Manchu Invasions of 1636-1637, they took refuge in Ganghwado Island and committed suicide to preserve their chastity.

The current pavilion was reconstructed in 1979. The wooden plaque hung on this building reads“Sasechungnyeolmun (四世忠烈門),” meaning “gates honoring loyalty and matrimonial devotion of four generations.”

영문 해설 내용

조선 중기의 문신인 김여물(1548-1592)과 그 집안의 여인들을 기리기 위해 세워진 정문이다.

김여물은 임진왜란 당시 충주에서 왜군과 싸우다가 전사하였다. 그의 충절을 기리기 위해 정문이 세워졌으며, 현재 이 건물의 오른쪽 칸에 있다. 건물 뒤편에는 김여물의 묘와 신도비가 세워져있다.

정문 왼쪽 칸에 있는 4개의 정려는 김여물의 후실인 평산신씨, 자부 진주류씨, 손부 고령박씨, 증손부 진주정씨를 기리는 것이다. 이들은 병자호란 때 피난을 갔다가 강화도 앞바다에 몸을 던져 절개를 지켰다고 한다.

현재 건물은 1979년에 고쳐 지은 것이다. 정면에 걸린 현판에는 “사세충렬문(四世忠烈門)”이라고 쓰여 있으며, “4대에 걸친 충성과 절개를 기리는 문”이라는 뜻이다.