
"허한, 허적초상"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
37번째 줄: 37번째 줄:
'''Portraits of Heo Han and Heo Jeok'''
These portraits depict the civil official Heo Han (1574-1642) and his son Heo Jeok (1610-1680).  
These portraits depict Heo Han (1574-1642) and his son Heo Jeok (1610-1680), both civil officials of the Joseon period (1392-1910).  
In 1615, Hoe Han became a civil official through a system of exemption from the state examination for the nobility and the family members of senior statesmen. He was posthumously promoted to the position of chief state councilor. Heo Jeok passed the state examination in 1637 and served various official posts. In 1662, he went to China as an official envoy, and in 1671, was promoted to chief state councilor, the highest position in the central government, which he served for three consecutive terms.  
In 1615, Hoe Han became a civil official through a system of exemption from the state examination for the nobility and the family members of senior statesmen. He was posthumously promoted to the position of chief state councilor, the highest position in the government. Heo Jeok passed the state examination in 1637 and served various official posts. In 1662, he went to China as an official envoy. In 1671, he was promoted to chief state councilor, a position he served for three consecutive terms.  
The portrait of Hoe Han measures 147 cm in height and 63 cm in width. He is portrayed seated on a chair wearing a Joseon-period civil official’s garment and headwear with his hands hidden in the sleeves. There are two inscriptions on the left and right sides of the portrait, but the date of the completion is not mentioned. While his head is turned to his right exposing 70% of his left side profile according to the traditional portrait composition, his body is directly facing the front which could have been the influence of the techniques used in photography.  
The portrait of Hoe Han measures 147 cm in height and 63 cm in width. He is portrayed seated on a chair wearing a Joseon-period civil official’s garment and cap, with his hands hidden in his sleeves. There is an inscription on both the left and right sides of the portrait, but there is no record of when the painting was made. While his head is positioned according to traditional portrait composition, turned to his right to expose three-fourths of his left profile, his body is positioned in a non-traditional manner, facing directly forward. This may have been an influence of photography techniques, suggesting the painting may be a copy made after photography was introduced to Korea in the early 1880s.
The portrait of Hoe Jeok measures 162 cm in height and 83.5 cm in width. According to the inscription on the right side of the portrait, it is a copy made in 1796 of the original portrait from 1653. Thus, this portrait combines the styles of the mid-17th and the 18th-century portrait painting. Hoe Jeok is depicted seated on a chair wearing a civil official’s garment and headwear with his hands hidden in the sleeves. Spread under the chair is a red rug. Rugs with intricate designs were popular elements in the portraits between the 16th and the 17th centuries. Such rugs were often substituted with simpler red rugs on the copies made in the later periods. The elaborately depicted rank badge on the garment is a popular element of the 19th-century portraits.
The portrait of Hoe Jeok measures 162 cm in height and 83.5 cm in width. According to the inscription on the right side of the portrait, it is a 1796 copy of a 1653 original. Thus, this portrait combines the styles of the mid-17th and the late 18th-century portrait painting. Hoe Jeok is depicted seated on a chair wearing a civil official’s garment and cap, with his hands hidden in his sleeves. Spread under the chair is a red rug. In the 16th-17th centuries, rugs with intricate designs were popular, but when later copies of the paintings were made, they were often replaced with simpler red rugs. The elaborate rank badge on the chest was a popular feature in 19th-century portraits.
*사진 영향에 대한 내용은 추가 설명이 필요합니다.
===영문 해설 내용===
===영문 해설 내용===

2021년 10월 4일 (월) 09:57 판

허한・허적 초상
대표명칭 허한・허적 초상
한자 許僩・許積 肖像
지정번호 충청북도 유형문화재 제201호
지정일 2000년 10월 27일
분류 유물/일반회화/인물화/초상화
시대 조선시대
수량/면적 2폭
웹사이트 허한・허적초상, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



조선시대 문신인 허한(許僩, 1574~1642)과 그의 아들 허적(許積, 1610~1680)의 초상이다. 본관은 양천(陽川)이다.

허한 초상은 147×63cm 크기로, 사모(紗帽)*에 단령(團領)**을 입고 공수(拱手)***자세로 의자에 앉은 전신 좌상이다. 화면 좌우측에 한자로 된 화기가 있으나 제작 시기를 알 수 있는 기록은 없다. 초상화 속의 허한은 몸은 정면을 향하면서 얼굴은 좌안칠분(左顔七分)****으로 표현되어 있다. 이는 얼굴은 전통 기법으로, 몸은 근대의 사진 구도를 따른 것으로 생각된다. 이런 특징으로 볼 때 이 초상화는 근대 이후에 제작되었을 것으로 추정된다.

허적은 남인의 영수로서 호조판서·우의정·좌의정을 거쳐 총 3번 영의정을 지낸 인물이다. 초상은 162×83.5cm 크기로, 사모에 단령을 입고 있다. 화면 우측의 화기에는 1796년에 허적의 44세 본을 모사하여 그렸음을 밝히고 있다. 따라서 이 초상화에는 허적이 44세인 17세기 중엽의 화풍과 모사 당시인 18세기 후반의 화풍이 공존하고 있다. 즉 카펫의 일종인 채전(彩氈)은 16세기 초부터 17세기 말까지 초상화의 주요 배경으로 사용되었는데, 당시의 화려한 문양 대신 붉은색으로 간략하게 표현한 것은 후대에 모사하면서 보이는 경향이다. 또한 복잡하고 화려하게 표현된 흉배(胸背)*****는 19세기에 유행한 양식이다. 이 초상화는 17세기 초상 양식의 흔적과 18∼19세기의 양식을 보여주는 독특한 작품이다.

  • 사모(紗帽): 고려 말기부터 조선 말기에 걸쳐 문무백관이 관복을 입을 때 갖추어 쓰던 검은 모자.
  • 단령(團領): 조선 시대 관원들이 공무를 볼 때 입었던, 깃을 둥글게 만든 옷.
  • 공수(拱手): 두 손을 한 군데 겹쳐 주먹을 감싸는 모습.
  • 좌안칠분(左顔七分): 얼굴의 왼쪽 부분이 차지하는 비율이 70% 정도임.
  • 흉배(胸背): 조선시대 왕족과 관리의 관복 가슴과 등에 달았던 장식으로 그 문양에 따라 품계를 나타내며, 왕족이 사용하는 것은 보(補)라 함.


Portraits of Heo Han and Heo Jeok

These portraits depict Heo Han (1574-1642) and his son Heo Jeok (1610-1680), both civil officials of the Joseon period (1392-1910).

In 1615, Hoe Han became a civil official through a system of exemption from the state examination for the nobility and the family members of senior statesmen. He was posthumously promoted to the position of chief state councilor, the highest position in the government. Heo Jeok passed the state examination in 1637 and served various official posts. In 1662, he went to China as an official envoy. In 1671, he was promoted to chief state councilor, a position he served for three consecutive terms.

The portrait of Hoe Han measures 147 cm in height and 63 cm in width. He is portrayed seated on a chair wearing a Joseon-period civil official’s garment and cap, with his hands hidden in his sleeves. There is an inscription on both the left and right sides of the portrait, but there is no record of when the painting was made. While his head is positioned according to traditional portrait composition, turned to his right to expose three-fourths of his left profile, his body is positioned in a non-traditional manner, facing directly forward. This may have been an influence of photography techniques, suggesting the painting may be a copy made after photography was introduced to Korea in the early 1880s.

The portrait of Hoe Jeok measures 162 cm in height and 83.5 cm in width. According to the inscription on the right side of the portrait, it is a 1796 copy of a 1653 original. Thus, this portrait combines the styles of the mid-17th and the late 18th-century portrait painting. Hoe Jeok is depicted seated on a chair wearing a civil official’s garment and cap, with his hands hidden in his sleeves. Spread under the chair is a red rug. In the 16th-17th centuries, rugs with intricate designs were popular, but when later copies of the paintings were made, they were often replaced with simpler red rugs. The elaborate rank badge on the chest was a popular feature in 19th-century portraits.

영문 해설 내용

조선시대의 문신인 허한(1574-1642)과 그의 아들 허적(1610-1680)의 초상이다.

허한은 1615년 음서제도로 벼슬길에 올라 여러 관직을 지냈고, 사후 영의정에 추증되었다. 허적은 1637년 과거에 급제한 뒤 여러 관직을 지냈다. 1662년에는 사신으로 청나라에 다녀오기도 하였고, 1671년 처음으로 최고위 관직인 영의정에 오른 이후 총 3차례에 걸쳐 영의정을 지냈다.

허한 초상은 147×63cm 크기이다. 허한은 두손을 소매에 넣고 의자에 앉아있으며, 조선시대의 관복을 입고 관복과 함께 갖추어 쓰던 검은 모자를 썼다. 왼쪽과 오른쪽에 기록이 남아있으나, 제작시기는 적혀있지 않다. 초상화 속의 허한은 몸은 정면을 향하면서 얼굴은 왼쪽 얼굴을 70% 정도 보여주는 형태로 그려져 있다. 이는 얼굴은 전통 기법으로, 몸은 후대 사진을 찍을 때의 구도를 따른 것으로 생각된다.

허적 초상은 162×83.5cm 크기이다. 오른쪽에 적힌 기록에 따르면 1653년에 그려진 허적 초상을 1796년에 모사한 작품임을 알 수 있다. 따라서 이 초상화에는 17세기 중엽의 화풍과 모사 당시인 18세기 후반의 화풍이 공존하고 있다. 허적은 두손을 소매에 넣고 의자에 앉아있으며, 조선시대의 관복을 입고 관복과 함께 갖추어 쓰던 검은 모자를 썼다. 의자 아래에는 붉은 색의 깔개가 깔려있다. 깔개는 16세기 초부터 17세기 말까지 초상화의 주요 배경으로 사용되었으며, 원래의 화려한 문양 대신 붉은색으로 간략하게 표현하는 것은 후대에 모사하면서 보이는 경향이다. 또한 흉배를 화려하게 표현하는 것은 19세기에 유행하는 양식이다.
