
"노성 궐리사"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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30번째 줄: 30번째 줄:
'''Gwollisa Shrine in Noseong-myeon'''
'''Gwollisa Shrine in Noseong-myeon'''
This shrine holds a portrait of Confucius. The name of the shrine Gwollisa originates from Gwollisa-chon, the Korean name the area where Confucius was born and raised.
This shrine holds a portrait of Confucius. The name of the shrine Gwollisa originates from Gwol-ri, the Korean pronounciation of Queli, the district where Confucius was born and raised.
The idea to establish this shrine** was put forward in 1687 by the prominent scholar Song Si-yeol (1607-1689), and in 1716, the shrine was built by his students at the foot of Igusan Mountain. The next year a portrait of Confucius was brought by an envoy from China and enshrined here. In 1791, portraits of five Confucian sages of the Song dynasty, namely, Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073), Cheng Hao (1032-1085), Cheng Yi (1033-1107), Zhang Zai (1020-1077), and Zhu Xi (1130-1200) were added to the shrine. In 1805, the governor of Chungcheong-do Province Bak Yun-su (1753-1824) moved the shrine to the current location. A total of four Gwollisa shrines were established in the Gangneung, Jecheon, Osan, and Nonsan areas, but only the two located in Nonsan and Osan survived to this day.  
The idea to establish this shrine** was put forward in 1687 by the prominent scholar Song Si-yeol (1607-1689), and in 1716, the shrine was built by his students at the foot of Igusan Mountain. The next year a portrait of Confucius was brought by an envoy from China and enshrined here. In 1791, the portraits of five Confucian sages of the Song dynasty, namely Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073), Cheng Hao (1032-1085), Cheng Yi (1033-1107), Zhang Zai (1020-1077), and Zhu Xi (1130-1200) were added to the shrine. In 1805, the governor of Chungcheong-do Province, Bak Yun-su (1753-1824), moved the shrine to the current location. A total of four Gwollisa shrines were established in the Gangneung, Jecheon, Osan, and Nonsan areas, but only the two located in Nonsan and Osan have survived to this day.
From front to back, the shrine complex consists of a main gate, a lecture hall, an inner gate, and a shrine. Located to the left of the shrine complex are a ritual house and a custodians' office***. To the left of the main gate of the shrine is a stone pillar topped with a capstone. The pillar is inscribed with the characters that read "Gwolli" and is presumed to be a marker of the shrine property. The statue of Confucius, located in the far left next to the ritual house, was brought from China in 2002.
From front to back, the shrine complex consists of a main gate, lecture hall, inner gate, and a shrine. Located to the left of the shrine complex are a ritual house and a custodians' office***. Also, to the left of the main gate of the shrine is a stone pillar topped with a capstone. The pillar is inscribed with the characters that read "Gwolli" and is presumed to be a marker of the shrine’s territory. The statue of Confucius, located in the far left next to the ritual house, was brought from China in 2002.
*Contemporary Mandarin: Queli or Queli-cun? I couldn’t find any trustworthy spellings of this village transcribed from Chinese
**Did Song Si-yeol propose to establish all four 궐리사 shrines or only this one?
**Did Song Si-yeol propose to establish all four 궐리사 shrines or only this one?
***There are two more buildings there (gate quarters and sth else). Do we have to mention them?
***There are two more buildings there (gate quarters and sth else). Do we have to mention them?
*궐리사 영역을 표시한 것 - 이 부분은 이해 잘 안 됐어요 - 린지
===영문 해설 내용===
===영문 해설 내용===

2021년 2월 25일 (목) 17:25 판

Gwollisa Shrine in Noseong-myeon
노성 궐리사, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 노성궐리사
영문명칭 Gwollisa Shrine in Noseong-myeon
한자 魯城闕里祠
주소 충청남도 논산시 노성면 교촌리 294번지
지정(등록) 종목 충청남도 기념물 제20호
지정(등록)일 1978년 12월 30일
분류 유적건조물/인물사건/인물기념/사우
수량/면적 1,564㎡
웹사이트 노성 궐리사, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



궐리사는 공자의 영정을 모신 사당(祠堂)으로, 공자가 자란 마을인 궐리촌에서 이름이 유래되었으며 일명 춘추사(春秋祠)라고도 한다. 우리나라의 궐리사는 강릉과 제천에도 있었으나, 현재는 오산과 노성 두 곳만 남아 있다. 이곳은 숙종 13년(1687)에 송시열이 건립을 추진하였으나 숙종 15년(1689) 정읍에서 사약을 받고 세상을 떠나는 바람에 뜻을 이루지 못했다. 그 후 제자인 권상하·김만준·이건명·이이명·김창집 등이 숙종 42년(1716)에 노성 이구산(尼丘山)에 세우고, 숙종 43년(1717)에 중국에서 구해온 공부자유상(孔夫子遺像)을 모셨던 것으로 보인다. 정조 15년(1791)에는 송조오현(宋朝五賢)인 주돈이‧정호‧정이‧장재‧주희의 영상을 추가로 봉안하였고, 순조 5년(1805)에 관찰사 박윤수(朴崙壽) 등이 사당을 지금의 위치에 옮겨 세웠다.

현재의 궐리사는 중건 당시보다 규모가 축소된 형태이다. 경내에는 강당인 현송당(絃誦堂)을 비롯하여 내삼문, 궐리사, 모성재, 관리사, 문간채 등이 있다. 궐리사의 남쪽에는 돌기둥이 있는데, 기둥의 정확한 목적은 알 수 없으나, 다만 네모난 기단 위에 기둥을 세우고 탑의 지붕돌을 그 위에 올려놓은 모습과 ‘궐리'라는 글자가 새겨진 것으로 보아 궐리사의 표시물로 추정된다.


Gwollisa Shrine in Noseong-myeon

This shrine holds a portrait of Confucius. The name of the shrine Gwollisa originates from Gwol-ri, the Korean pronounciation of Queli, the district where Confucius was born and raised.

The idea to establish this shrine** was put forward in 1687 by the prominent scholar Song Si-yeol (1607-1689), and in 1716, the shrine was built by his students at the foot of Igusan Mountain. The next year a portrait of Confucius was brought by an envoy from China and enshrined here. In 1791, the portraits of five Confucian sages of the Song dynasty, namely Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073), Cheng Hao (1032-1085), Cheng Yi (1033-1107), Zhang Zai (1020-1077), and Zhu Xi (1130-1200) were added to the shrine. In 1805, the governor of Chungcheong-do Province, Bak Yun-su (1753-1824), moved the shrine to the current location. A total of four Gwollisa shrines were established in the Gangneung, Jecheon, Osan, and Nonsan areas, but only the two located in Nonsan and Osan have survived to this day.

From front to back, the shrine complex consists of a main gate, a lecture hall, an inner gate, and a shrine. Located to the left of the shrine complex are a ritual house and a custodians' office***. To the left of the main gate of the shrine is a stone pillar topped with a capstone. The pillar is inscribed with the characters that read "Gwolli" and is presumed to be a marker of the shrine property. The statue of Confucius, located in the far left next to the ritual house, was brought from China in 2002.

    • Did Song Si-yeol propose to establish all four 궐리사 shrines or only this one?
      • There are two more buildings there (gate quarters and sth else). Do we have to mention them?


  • 궐리사 영역을 표시한 것 - 이 부분은 이해 잘 안 됐어요 - 린지

영문 해설 내용

궐리사는 공자의 영정을 모시는 사당이다. 궐리사라는 이름은 공자가 태어나고 자란 궐리촌이라는 지명에서 유래하였다.

한국에서는 1687년 송시열(宋時烈, 1607∼1689)의 발의로 궐리사의 건립이 논의되기 시작하였으며, 그의 제자들이 1716년 논산 이구산에 궐리사를 창건하였다. 이듬해 중국에 가는 사신 편에 들여온 공자의 영정을 사당에 봉안하였으며, 1791년에는 ‘송조오현(宋朝五賢)’으로 일컬어지는 주돈이(1017-1073), 정호(1032-1085), 정이(1033-1107), 장재(1020-1077), 주희(1130-1200)의 영정을 추가로 모셨다. 1805년 충청도 관찰사인 박윤수(1753-1824)가 사당을 지금의 위치로 옮겨 지었다. 원래 강릉, 제천, 오산, 논산 등에 궐리사가 세워졌으나, 지금은 이곳과 오산의 궐리사(경기도 기념물 제147호)만 남아 있다.

현재 경내에는 앞쪽에서부터 정문, 강당, 내삼문, 사당이 있고, 왼쪽에는 재실과 관리사가 있다. 정문 앞쪽에는 지붕돌을 얹은 돌기둥이 세워져 있는데, 정면에 ‘궐리’라는 글자가 새겨진 것으로 보아 궐리사 영역을 표시한 것으로 추정된다. 돌기둥 뒤편의 공자 동상은 2002년 중국에서 들여온 것이다.
