
"효자 신급 정문"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
28번째 줄: 28번째 줄:
'''Commemorative Plaque of Sin Geup for His Filial Devotion'''
This plaque, bestowed in 1703, is to commemorate the filial-piety of Sin Geup (1543-1592), a Confucian scholar of the Joseon period (1392-1910). These commemorative plaques were intended to be hung on red gates that were built before the houses of filial sons and daughters, but this one is currently stored in this pavilion for preservation.
Sin Geup was an erudite scholar who was well-read in Confucian classics, particularly interested in history. When the renowned scholars, Yi I (1536-1584) and Seong Hon (1535-1598), were impeached in 1583, he submitted a memorial to the king insisting the impeachment was wrong. During the Japanese Invasion of 1592, on his refuge way to Icheon, he heard a report that his elderly mother and family were murdered by the invaders. Then he threw himself on a cliff saying, “My elder brother lives far away, my two younger brothers died, and even my elderly mother passed away. How can I live?”
The pavilion was established in 1703 to house the commemorative plaque. The original pavilion was located at the foot of Mudeungsan Mountain, but demolished during the Korean War (1950-1953). The current one was rebuilt here in 1980. The other plaque hung next to that of Sin Geup belongs to Sin Yun-ha, the 5th generation descendant of Sin Geup. His filial-piety was also acknowledged by King Gojong (r.1863-1907) and was bestowed the commemorative plaque in 1865.
===영문 해설 내용===
=='''참고 자료'''==
37번째 줄: 42번째 줄:
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2020년 7월 5일 (일) 00:30 판

효자 신급 정문
대표명칭 효자 신급 정문
한자 孝子 申礏 旌門
주소 경기도 포천시 내촌면 음현리 734-2
국가유산 종목 포천시 향토유적 제9호
지정(등록)일 1986년 4월 9일
소유자 사유



숙종 29년(1703)에 신급(申礏, 1543~1592)의 효행을 표창해 내린 정려문이다. 일찍이 학문에 힘써 경서를 통달했고 특히 역사에 밝았다. 선조 16년(1583)에 상소를 올려 이이(李珥, 1536~1584), 성혼(成渾, 1535~1598)에 대한 탄핵의 부당함을 지적하는데 핵심 역할을 했다. 임진왜란 때에는 이천으로 피난하는 도중에, 노모와 가족이 적에게 피살되었다는 소식을 듣고서, “형은 멀리 떠나고 두 동생은 모두 순절하였으며 노모마저 돌아가셨으니, 무슨 면목으로 세상에 살아남으리오” 하면서 절벽 아래로 투신하여 목숨을 끊었다.

숙종 29년(1703)에 효자 정려를 내리고 정각을 세웠다. 당초 무등산 아래에 세웠으나 6·25 전쟁 때 소실되어 1980년에 현 위치에다 재건립했다. 5대손 신윤하(申胤夏)도 부모에 대한 효행으로 고종 2년(1865)에 효자 정문을 받아, 현재 같은 곳에 편액을 나란히 걸어놓았다.


Commemorative Plaque of Sin Geup for His Filial Devotion

This plaque, bestowed in 1703, is to commemorate the filial-piety of Sin Geup (1543-1592), a Confucian scholar of the Joseon period (1392-1910). These commemorative plaques were intended to be hung on red gates that were built before the houses of filial sons and daughters, but this one is currently stored in this pavilion for preservation.

Sin Geup was an erudite scholar who was well-read in Confucian classics, particularly interested in history. When the renowned scholars, Yi I (1536-1584) and Seong Hon (1535-1598), were impeached in 1583, he submitted a memorial to the king insisting the impeachment was wrong. During the Japanese Invasion of 1592, on his refuge way to Icheon, he heard a report that his elderly mother and family were murdered by the invaders. Then he threw himself on a cliff saying, “My elder brother lives far away, my two younger brothers died, and even my elderly mother passed away. How can I live?”

The pavilion was established in 1703 to house the commemorative plaque. The original pavilion was located at the foot of Mudeungsan Mountain, but demolished during the Korean War (1950-1953). The current one was rebuilt here in 1980. The other plaque hung next to that of Sin Geup belongs to Sin Yun-ha, the 5th generation descendant of Sin Geup. His filial-piety was also acknowledged by King Gojong (r.1863-1907) and was bestowed the commemorative plaque in 1865.