
"여경암 (부)거업재, 산신당"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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32번째 줄: 32번째 줄:
'''Yeogyeongam Hermitage including Geoeopjae Hall and Sansindang Shrine'''
'''Yeogyeongam Hermitage including Geoeopjae Hall and Sansindang Shrine'''
Yeogyeongam Hermitage is a ritual house built by the civil official Gwon I-jin (1668-1734) to be used for the maintenance of his father’s tomb. Geoeopjae Hall and Sansindang Shrine are the auxiliary buildings of the ritual house. This complex is remarkable in that it displays a mixture of folk, Buddhist, and Confucian beliefs.  
Yeogeongam was a small Buddhist hermitage built by the civil official Gwon I-jin (1668-1734) in 1715 to serve as a ritual house for the preparation of ancestral rituals and the maintenance of his father’s tomb. A Buddhist monk lived in the auxilliary hall named Geoeopjae and guarded the tomb. Later, in 1882, a shrine named Sansindang honoring the local mountain spirit was added to the complex. This complex is remarkable in that it displays a mixture of folk, Buddhist, and Confucian beliefs.  
The ritual house was constructed in 1715 and was named after the lecture hall of the renowned Chinese scholar Sima Guang (1019-1086). Currently, it is used as a Buddhist worship hall.
It was named after the lecture hall of the renowned Chinese scholar Sima Guang (1019-1086). Currently, it is used as a Buddhist worship hall.
Next to the ritual house is Geoeopjae Hall, which was built the same year. It consists of a wooden-floored hall, underfloor-heated room, and a kitchen. This building was originally intended as the living space for a monk to look after the tomb and pray for the peace of the dead, but later on, it was used as a study hall to educate the younger generations of the family. During the summer, lectures took place in the wooden-floored hall, and in winter, they were held in the underfloor-heated room.  
Next to the ritual house is Geoeopjae Hall, which was built the same year. It consists of a wooden-floored hall, underfloor-heated room, and a kitchen. This building was originally intended as the living space for a monk to look after the tomb and pray for the peace of the dead, but later on, it was used as a study hall to educate the younger generations of the family. During the summer, lectures took place in the wooden-floored hall, and in winter, they were held in the underfloor-heated room.  

2020년 5월 20일 (수) 13:59 판

Yeogyeongam Hermitage, Geoeopjae Hall, and Sansindang Shrine
여경암 (부)거업재, 산신당, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 여경암(부)거업재산신당
영문명칭 Yeogyeongam Hermitage, Geoeopjae Hall, and Sansindang Shrine
한자 餘慶菴(附)居業齋山神堂
주소 대전광역시 중구 운남로85번길 54-153 (무수동, 여경암)
지정(등록) 종목 대전광역시 유형문화재 제18호
지정(등록)일 1989년 12월 13일
분류 유적건조물/종교신앙/제사유적/산신당
수량/면적 3동
웹사이트 여경암 (부)거업재, 산신당, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



여경암(餘慶庵)은 조선 영조 때 문신이었던 권이진이 부친의 묘소를 관리하기 위해 1715년에 지은 건축물이다. 여경암을 중심으로 앞쪽에 거업재, 뒤쪽에 산신당이 자리잡고 있다. ‘여경암’이란 명칭은 송나라 때 사마온공(司馬溫公)이 자제와 제자들을 가르치기 위해 지은 ‘여경사(餘慶寺)’라는 강당의 명칭에서 가져온 것이다. 여경암은 앞면 5칸, 옆면 3칸으로 구획한 후 다시 뒤편으로 2칸씩을 붙인 ‘∪’ 자형의 평면 구조이며, 홑처마에 팔작지붕 건물이다.

거업재(居業齋)는 앞면 6칸, 옆면 1칸의 좁고 긴 형태로, 동측 2칸은 마루방, 가운데 2칸은 온돌방, 서측 2칸은 부엌으로 사용하게 했다. 원래는 스님이 거주하며 묘소 관리와 함께 평안을 기원하게 하였는데 이후 문중 자제의 교육 장소로 활용되었다. 산신당은 고종 19년(1882)에 지은 건물로, 내부에 작은 불단을 만들고 산신 탱화를 모셨다.

이곳은 조선 후기 이 지방 목수의 건축 기법과 양식이 잘 남아 있는 곳으로, 불교의 암자와 유학의 교육 장소, 그리고 도교적인 산신당이 한 울타리 안에 있는 독특한 예이다.


Yeogyeongam Hermitage including Geoeopjae Hall and Sansindang Shrine

Yeogeongam was a small Buddhist hermitage built by the civil official Gwon I-jin (1668-1734) in 1715 to serve as a ritual house for the preparation of ancestral rituals and the maintenance of his father’s tomb. A Buddhist monk lived in the auxilliary hall named Geoeopjae and guarded the tomb. Later, in 1882, a shrine named Sansindang honoring the local mountain spirit was added to the complex. This complex is remarkable in that it displays a mixture of folk, Buddhist, and Confucian beliefs.

It was named after the lecture hall of the renowned Chinese scholar Sima Guang (1019-1086). Currently, it is used as a Buddhist worship hall.

Next to the ritual house is Geoeopjae Hall, which was built the same year. It consists of a wooden-floored hall, underfloor-heated room, and a kitchen. This building was originally intended as the living space for a monk to look after the tomb and pray for the peace of the dead, but later on, it was used as a study hall to educate the younger generations of the family. During the summer, lectures took place in the wooden-floored hall, and in winter, they were held in the underfloor-heated room.

Behind the hermitage is Sansindang Shrine, which was built by Gwon I-jin’s descendants in 1882 to honor the local mountain spirit. The statue enshrined inside is presumed to have been made around the same time.

    • How exactly was it used originally then?
      • I changed the order of the next two sentences.

영문 해설 내용

여경암은 조선시대의 문신 권이진(1668-1734)이 부친의 묘소를 관리하기 위해 지은 재실이고, 거업재와 산신당은 이 재실의 부속 건물이다.

여경암은 1715년 지어졌으며, 건물의 이름은 중국의 사마광(1019-1086)이 후학들을 교육하기 위해 지은 강당의 이름을 딴 것이다. 현재는 불당으로 쓰이고 있다.

여경암 앞에는 같은 해에 지어진 거업재가 있다. 오른쪽부터 마루, 온돌방, 부엌이 있으며, 마루는 여름철 강학공간으로, 온돌방은 겨울철 강학공간으로 활용되었다. 이곳에는 본래 스님이 거주하며 묘소를 관리하고 망자의 평안을 기원해주었으나, 후대에는 가문 후손들의 교육 장소로 이용되었다.

여경암 뒤편에 있는 산신당은 권이진의 후손들에 의해 1882년에 지어졌다. 안에 모셔진 산신상은 건물이 세워질 당시 조성된 것으로 보인다.

이곳은 불교의 암자, 유학의 교육 장소, 도교의 산신당이 한 영역 안에 모여 있는 독특한 예이다.
