
"영월 요선정"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
32번째 줄: 32번째 줄:
'''Yoseonjeong Pavilion'''
'''Yoseonjeong Pavilion'''
Yoseonjeong Pavilion was built in 1915 and it was the center of Yoseongye Mutual Assistance Society which played a leading role in the establishment of a mutual assistance society for the locals in Mureung-ri. The name Yoseonam Pavilion means "A Pavilion Welcoming the Daoist Immortals".
Yoseonjeong Pavilion was built in 1915 by the Yoseongye Mutual Assistance Society to serve as a gathering place, as well as to house a royal plaque inscribed by King Sukjong (r. 1674-1720) of the Joseon dynasty (1392-1910). The pavilion overlooks the picturesque scenery of Jucheongang River and the potholes of Yoseonam Rock, after which the pavilion is named.
Here, the scenery  of the upper Jucheongang River, a tributary of the Namhangang River, is very beautiful. During the Unified Silla period (676-935), there was a large Buddhist temple on the northern skirt of Sajasan Mountain and it is presumed that the hermitage of this Buddhist temple was at the current location of Yoseonjeong Pavilion.
The pavilion's royal plaque was bestowed in 1698 to commemorate the restoration of the honor of King Danjong (1441-1457, r. 1452-1455), who died in exile in Yeongwol after being forced off the throne. It was originally housed in a pavilion on the northern bank of Jucheongang River but eventually found its way into the hands of a Japanese police officer during the colonial period (1910-1945). The plaque was acquired by the Yoseongye Mutual Assistance Society using funds gathered by its members.
This pavilion is hung with a plaque featuring an inscription by King Sukjong (r. 1674-1720) of the Joseon dynasty (1392-1910), so it has a deep historical meaning. King Danjong (r. 1452-1455), the sixth ruler of Joseon, was sentenced to death following his exile to the Yeongwol area after his throne was usurped. In 1698, King Sukjong reinstated King Danjong and personally bestowed an inscription which was housed in a pvailion on the northern hill of Jucheongang River. However, over a long period of time that pavilion was destroyed and the plaque with King Sukjong's inscription was owned by the Japanese. Therefore, members of the Yoseongye Mutual Assistance Society acquired the inscription plaque and built Yoseonjeong Pavilion to house it.
It is thought that during the Unified Silla period (676-935), the site of this pavilion was occupied by a Buddhist hermitage affiliated with a large temple on the northern skirt of the nearby Sajasan Mountain.
===영문 해설 내용===
===영문 해설 내용===

2024년 4월 23일 (화) 16:28 판

요선정, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 요선정
한자 邀仙亭
주소 강원도 영월군 도원운학로 13-39 (무릉리)
국가유산 종목 강원도 문화재자료 제41호
지정(등록)일 1984년 6월 2일
분류 유적건조물/주거생활/조경건축/누정
수량/면적 1동
웹사이트 요선정, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



이 정자는 무릉도원면 무릉리 지역민의 계 조직인 요선계가 중심이 되어 1915년에 세웠다. 이곳은 남한강의 지류인 주천강 상류로 풍경이 아름다울 뿐만 아니라 조선 19대 임금 숙종의 어제시를 봉안하고 있어 역사적으로 의미가 깊다.

어제시는 숙종이 직접 하사하여 주천면 주천강 북쪽 언덕에 있던 청허루에 봉안하였으나, 오랜 세월이 지나면서 청허루가 훼손되었고 숙종의 어제시 현판은 일본인이 소유하게 되었다. 이에 요선계 회원들은 어제시 현판을 되찾아, 이를 봉안하기 위하여 요선정을 세웠다.

통일신라 시대에는 철감국사 도윤과 징효대사가 그리 멀지 않은 사자산 기슭에 흥녕선원을 세우고 자주 이곳에 와서 포교했다고 하여, 당시 이곳에 작은 암자가 있었을 것으로 추정한다.


Yoseonjeong Pavilion

Yoseonjeong Pavilion was built in 1915 by the Yoseongye Mutual Assistance Society to serve as a gathering place, as well as to house a royal plaque inscribed by King Sukjong (r. 1674-1720) of the Joseon dynasty (1392-1910). The pavilion overlooks the picturesque scenery of Jucheongang River and the potholes of Yoseonam Rock, after which the pavilion is named.

The pavilion's royal plaque was bestowed in 1698 to commemorate the restoration of the honor of King Danjong (1441-1457, r. 1452-1455), who died in exile in Yeongwol after being forced off the throne. It was originally housed in a pavilion on the northern bank of Jucheongang River but eventually found its way into the hands of a Japanese police officer during the colonial period (1910-1945). The plaque was acquired by the Yoseongye Mutual Assistance Society using funds gathered by its members.

It is thought that during the Unified Silla period (676-935), the site of this pavilion was occupied by a Buddhist hermitage affiliated with a large temple on the northern skirt of the nearby Sajasan Mountain.

영문 해설 내용

요선정은 무릉리 지역민의 계 조직인 요선계가 중심이 되어 1915년에 세웠다. 요선정이라는 이름은 ‘신선을 맞이하는 정자’라는 뜻이다.

이곳은 남한강의 지류인 주천강 상류로 풍경이 매우 아름답다. 통일신라시대에는 북쪽 사자산 기슭에 큰 사찰이 있었는데, 이 사찰의 부속 암자가 지금의 요선정 자리에 있었던 것으로 추정된다.

이 정자에는 조선 숙종(재위 1674-1720)의 어제시 현판이 걸려 있어 역사적으로도 의미가 깊다. 조선의 제6대 왕인 단종(재위 1452-1455)은 왕위를 빼앗긴 뒤 영월 지역으로 유배되어 세상을 떠났다. 숙종은 1698년 단종을 복권시켰고, 어제시를 직접 하사하여 주천강 북쪽 언덕에 있던 누각에 봉안하였다. 그러나 오랜 세월이 지나면서 그 누각은 훼손되었고 숙종의 어제시 현판은 일본인이 소유하게 되었다. 이에 요선계 회원들은 어제시 현판을 되찾아, 이를 봉안하기 위하여 요선정을 세웠다.