
"울산 개운포 좌수영성"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
39번째 줄: 39번째 줄:
Jwasuyeongseong Fortress at Gaeunpo Port is where the troops under the command of the navy commander of East Gyeongsang-do Province were stationed between 1459 and 1592 during the Joseon period (1392-1910).
Jwasuyeongseong Fortress at Gaeunpo Port is where the troops under the command of the navy commander of East Gyeongsang-do Province were stationed between 1459 and 1592 during the Joseon period (1392-1910).
In 1413, the East Gyeongsang-do Navy Headquarters was first installed in today's Busan area. However, the navy headquarters was moved to Gaeunpo Port in 1459 for the reason that it was not suitable to place the navy headquarters in the Busan area as at that time was it was an area frequently passed by the Japanese. After this, the East Gyeongsang-do Navy Headquarters was again moved to Haeunpo Port in Busan, but records that during the Japanese invasions of 1592-1598 there were around three battles in this fortress reveal that Gaeunpo Port was a strategically important area.
In 1413, the East Gyeongsang-do Navy Headquarters was first installed in today's Busan area. However, the navy headquarters was moved to Gaeunpo Port in 1459 for the reason that it was not suitable to place the navy headquarters in the Busan area as at that time was it was an area frequently passed by the Japanese. After this, the East Gyeongsang-do Navy Headquarters was again moved to Haeunpo Port in Busan, but records that during the Japanese invasions of 1592-1598 there were still battles around three times in this fortress reveal that Gaeunpo Port was a strategically important area.
Jwasuyeongseong Fortress was built on the ridges of the valley where Oehwanggang River and Ulsanman Bay meet. The shape of the wall is a long oval on a north-south axis and the remaining walls measure around 1,264 m in perimeter.
Jwasuyeongseong Fortress was built on the ridges of the valley where Oehwanggang River and Ulsanman Bay meet. The shape of the wall is a long oval on a north-south axis and the remaining walls measure around 1,264 m in perimeter.

2022년 9월 12일 (월) 20:02 판

울산 개운포 좌수영성
대표명칭 울산 개운포 좌수영성
한자 蔚山 開雲浦 左水營城
주소 울산광역시 남구 성암동 81번지 일원
국가유산 종목 울산광역시 기념물 제6호
지정(등록)일 1997년 10월 9일
분류 유적건조물/정치국방/성/성지
수량/면적 21,899㎡
웹사이트 울산 개운포 좌수영성, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



울산 개운포 좌수영성은 조선 세조 5년(1459)부터 선조 25년(1592) 까지 경상좌도수군절도사영*이었다.

경상좌수영은 동래 부산포에 최초로 설치되었는데, 일본 배가 자주 오고 가는 곳에 수영을 두는 것이 적절하지 못하다는 등의 이유로 이곳으로 옮겨 왔다.

외황강과 울산만이 만나는 곳에 있고, 평지와 산지의 특성을 모두 지닌다. 성벽의 둘레는 약 1,264m이며, 모양은 남북으로 긴 타원형이다. 성 안에 골짜기가 있다.

경상좌수영이 다시 동래 해운포로 옮겨 간 이후인 임진왜란 때에도 이 성에서 세 차례 정도 전투가 있었다는 기록을 통해 개운포가 군사적으로 중요한 지역이었음을 알 수 있다.

  • 경상좌도수군절도사영: 조선시대 낙동강 동쪽인 동남해안을 방어하는 수군의 지휘 본부, 줄여서 ‘경상좌수영’이라고 부르기도 한다.


Jwasuyeongseong Fortress at Gaeunpo Port, Ulsan

Jwasuyeongseong Fortress at Gaeunpo Port is where the troops under the command of the navy commander of East Gyeongsang-do Province were stationed between 1459 and 1592 during the Joseon period (1392-1910).

In 1413, the East Gyeongsang-do Navy Headquarters was first installed in today's Busan area. However, the navy headquarters was moved to Gaeunpo Port in 1459 for the reason that it was not suitable to place the navy headquarters in the Busan area as at that time was it was an area frequently passed by the Japanese. After this, the East Gyeongsang-do Navy Headquarters was again moved to Haeunpo Port in Busan, but records that during the Japanese invasions of 1592-1598 there were still battles around three times in this fortress reveal that Gaeunpo Port was a strategically important area.

Jwasuyeongseong Fortress was built on the ridges of the valley where Oehwanggang River and Ulsanman Bay meet. The shape of the wall is a long oval on a north-south axis and the remaining walls measure around 1,264 m in perimeter.

영문 해설 내용

개운포 좌수영성은 조선시대인 1459년부터 1592년까지 경상좌도 수군절도사가 이끄는 군대가 주둔하던 곳이다.

경상좌수영은 1413년 지금의 부산 지역에 최초로 설치되었다. 그러나 당시 부산 지역은 일본인들이 자주 오고 가는 지역이기 때문에, 수영을 두는 것이 적절하지 못하다는 이유로 1459년 개운포로 수영이 옮겨졌다. 이후 경상좌수영은 다시 부산 해운포로 옮겨갔으나, 임진왜란 때에도 이 성에서 세 차례 정도 전투가 있었다는 기록을 통해 개운포가 군사적으로 중요한 지역이었음을 알 수 있다.

좌수영성은 외황강과 울산만이 만나는 골짜기의 능선에 지어졌다. 성벽의 모양은 남북으로 긴 타원형이고, 남아있는 성벽의 둘레는 약 1,264m이다.
