
"금곡서원"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
39번째 줄: 39번째 줄:
'''Geumgokseowon Confucian Academy'''
'''Geumgokseowon Confucian Academy'''
Confucian academies, called seowon in Korean, are private education institutions of the Joseon period (1392-1910) which usually combined the functions of a Confucian shrine and a lecture hall.
Confucian academies, called ''seowon'' in Korean, are private education institutions of the Joseon period (1392-1910) which usually combined the functions of a Confucian shrine and a lecture hall.
Geumgokseowon is dedicated to Gim Su-nam (1576-1637), Seong Sam-mun (1418-1456), and Jo Gye-myeong (1568-1641), civil officials and scholars of the mid-Joseon period.*
Geumgokseowon is dedicated to Kim Su-nam (1576-1637), Seong Sam-mun (1418-1456), and Jo Gye-myeong (1568-1641), civil officials and scholars of the mid-Joseon period.
Gim Su-nam fought bravely* against the enemy in Ganghwado during the Manchu invasions of 1636-1637, and (in the act of deperation)* set himself on fire and died by his own sword. Seong Sam-mun was a scholar-official who contributed to the invention of the Korean writing system Hangeul. When in 1455 King Danjong’s (r. 1452-1455) throne was usurped by his uncle King Sejo (r. 1455-1468), Seong plotted to kill King Sejo and return the throne to King Danjong. However, the plan was exposed, and Seong was martyred. Jo Gye-myeong mobilized a civilian army to defend the country during both the Japanese invasions of 1592-1598 and th e Manchu invasions of 1636-1637.  
Kim Su-nam fought bravely against the enemy at Ganghwado Island during the Manchu invasion of 1637 and set himself on fire and died by his own sword.  
This academy was originally built in 1687 as a shrine to hold the spirit tablet of Gim Su-nam. The shrine was moved in 1690 from Jojeong-ri, Nonsan, to Gim’s hometown, Geumgok-ri, and in 1781 the spirit tablets of Seong Sam-mun and Jo Gye-myeong were additionally enshrined in it. In 1868, Geumgokseowon was demolished following a nationwide decree to shut down shrines and Confucian academies, but in 1901 the altar for memorial rituals was rebuilt, and in 1974 the academy was reconstructed.  
Seong Sam-mun was a scholar-official who contributed to the invention of the Korean writing system Hangeul. When in 1455 King Danjong’s (r. 1452-1455) throne was usurped by his uncle King Sejo (r. 1455-1468), Seong plotted to kill King Sejo and return the throne to King Danjong. However, the plan was exposed, and Seong was martyred.  
At the entrance hangs a commemorative plaque, and next to it stands a stele, both honor Gim Su-nam for his loyalty.
Jo Gye-myeong mobilized a civilian army to defend the country during both the Japanese invasions of 1592-1598 and the Manchu invasion of 1637.
This academy was originally built in 1687 as a shrine to hold the spirit tablet of Kim Su-nam. The shrine was moved in 1690 from Jojeong-ri to Kim’s hometown, Geumgok-ri. In 1781 the spirit tablets of Seong Sam-mun and Jo Gye-myeong were additionally enshrined. In 1868, Geumgokseowon was demolished following a nationwide decree to shut down shrines and Confucian academies. In 1901, the altar for memorial rituals was rebuilt, and in 1974 it was expanded into a Confucian academy.
At the entrance are a commemorative plaque and a stele which honor Kim Su-nam for his loyalty.
===영문 해설 내용===
===영문 해설 내용===

2019년 12월 9일 (월) 08:56 판

Geumgokseowon Confucian Academy
금곡서원, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 금곡서원
영문명칭 Geumgokseowon Confucian Academy
한자 金谷書院
주소 충청남도 논산시 논산시 연무읍 금곡리 286번지
지정(등록) 종목 문화재자료 제78호
지정(등록)일 1984년 5월 17일
분류 유적건조물/교육문화/교육기관/서원
수량/면적 1동/2202
웹사이트 금곡서원, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



금곡서원은 김수남(金秀南)의 충절을 기리기 위해 지방 유림들이 세운 서원이다. 만치당(萬癡堂) 김수남(1576-1636)은 병자호란 때 의병을 이끌고 싸우다가 강화도 남루(南樓)에서 김상용 등과 함께 분사焚死*하였다.

김수남의 위패는 1687년(숙종 13)에 은진현 가야곡 조정리에 있는 금곡사(金谷祠)에 모셔졌으나 1690년(숙종 16)에 그의 유풍이 남아 있는 이곳으로 옮겨오게 되었고 1781년(정조 5)에는 성삼문과 조계명의 위패를 함께 모셨다. 1868년(고종 5)에 흥선대원군의 서원철폐령으로 서원이 철거되었지만 1901년에 제단을 다시 세웠고, 1974년에 서원을 복원하였다.

서원은 낮은 산의 남쪽 경사면을 평평하게 다듬어 2단의 대지를 만들고 홍살문**과 현판을 걸어 놓은 외삼문(外三門), 경모재(敬慕齋)라는 현판을 걸어 놓은 유생들의 기숙사 동재(東齋)와 서재(西齋), 내삼문(內三門), 위패를 모신 사당 순으로 건물을 배치하였다. 서원 입구에는 김수남의 충심을 기리는 정려(旌閭)와 함께 김수남을 충심으로 따른 종 무작금(無作金)의 불망비(不忘碑)***가 세워져 있다.

금곡서원은 처음부터 서원은 아니었고, 원래는 위패를 모신 사당으로 세워진 것을 훗날 다시 세우면서 서원으로 바꾼 듯하다.

  • 불에 타서 죽음
  • 경건한 마음으로 출입하라는 의미에서 붉은 칠을 한 문
  • 후세가 잊지 않도록 어떤 사실을 적어 세우는 비석


Geumgokseowon Confucian Academy

Confucian academies, called seowon in Korean, are private education institutions of the Joseon period (1392-1910) which usually combined the functions of a Confucian shrine and a lecture hall.

Geumgokseowon is dedicated to Kim Su-nam (1576-1637), Seong Sam-mun (1418-1456), and Jo Gye-myeong (1568-1641), civil officials and scholars of the mid-Joseon period.

Kim Su-nam fought bravely against the enemy at Ganghwado Island during the Manchu invasion of 1637 and set himself on fire and died by his own sword.

Seong Sam-mun was a scholar-official who contributed to the invention of the Korean writing system Hangeul. When in 1455 King Danjong’s (r. 1452-1455) throne was usurped by his uncle King Sejo (r. 1455-1468), Seong plotted to kill King Sejo and return the throne to King Danjong. However, the plan was exposed, and Seong was martyred.

Jo Gye-myeong mobilized a civilian army to defend the country during both the Japanese invasions of 1592-1598 and the Manchu invasion of 1637.

This academy was originally built in 1687 as a shrine to hold the spirit tablet of Kim Su-nam. The shrine was moved in 1690 from Jojeong-ri to Kim’s hometown, Geumgok-ri. In 1781 the spirit tablets of Seong Sam-mun and Jo Gye-myeong were additionally enshrined. In 1868, Geumgokseowon was demolished following a nationwide decree to shut down shrines and Confucian academies. In 1901, the altar for memorial rituals was rebuilt, and in 1974 it was expanded into a Confucian academy.

At the entrance are a commemorative plaque and a stele which honor Kim Su-nam for his loyalty.

영문 해설 내용

서원은 조선시대에 설립된 사립 교육기관으로, 선현 제향과 교육의 기능을 수행하였다.

금곡서원은 김수남(1576-1637), 성삼문(1418-1456), 조계명(1568-1641)을 모신 서원이다.

김수남은 조선 중기의 문신으로, 병자호란 때 강화도에서 적군과 싸우다 스스로 몸을 불태워 자결하였다. 성삼문은 한글 창제에 공헌한 학자이자 문신이다. 1455년 수양대군이 조카 단종을 폐하고 왕위에 오르자, 단종을 복위시키려는 계획을 세웠으나, 발각되어 처형당했다. 조계명은 조선 중기의 무신으로 임진왜란과 병자호란 때 의병을 일으켰다.

금곡서원은 원래 1687년 김수남의 위패를 모시는 금곡사로 창건되었다. 금곡사는 논산 조정리에 있었는데, 1690년에 그의 고향인 금곡리로 옮겨왔고, 1781년에 성삼문과 조계명의 위패를 함께 모셨다. 1868년 서원철폐령으로 철거되었다가 1901년 제단을 다시 세웠고, 1974년에 서원으로 재건하였다.

입구에 김수남의 충절을 기리는 정려가 있고, 정려 옆에는 김수남의 종 무작금의 충절을 기리는 비가 있다.