
"예천 함양박씨 희이재사"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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37번째 줄: 37번째 줄:
'''Huiijaesa Ritual House of the Hamyang Bak Clan, Yecheon'''
'''Huiijaesa Ritual House of the Hamyang Bak Clan, Yecheon'''
This ritual house was built to hold ceremonial rituals for Pak Jong-rin (1496-1553) and to protect his tomb.
This ritual house was built to hold ceremonial rituals for Bak Jong-rin (1496-1553) and to protect his tomb.
Pak Jong-rin was a civil official of the early period of the Joseon dynasty (1392-1910) and the first ancestor of the Hamyang Bak Clan to settle in Yecheon. Pak passed the state examination in 1532 and served various official posts. But eventually, disappointed with the disorder in the Royal Court he left the capital and settled at the village with his in-laws.
Bak Jong-rin was a civil official of the early period of the Joseon dynasty (1392-1910) and the first ancestor of the Hamyang Bak Clan to settle in Yecheon. Bak passed the state examination in 1532 and served various official posts. But eventually, disappointed with the disorder in the Royal Court he left the capital and settled at the village with his in-laws.
In the 17th century, Pak Jong-rin’s grandson Pak Su-gyeom (1576-1622, pen name: Hui I-dang) built this ritual house, also to use as a school facility for the descendants of the family. Later in the mid-18th century, due to its bad condition, the building was rebuilt at the current location* and named Huiijaesa.  
In the 17th century, Bak Jong-rin’s grandson Bak Su-gyeom (1576-1622, pen name: Hui I-dang) built this ritual house, also to use as a school facility for the descendants of the family. Later in the mid-18th century, due to its bad condition, the building was rebuilt at the current location* and named Huiijaesa.  
This ritual house consists of four buildings, namely, Gamroru, Huiidang, a storehouse, and a servants’ quarters. Shaped as a pavilion, Gamroru serves as the main venue for the rite rituals. It has floor-heated rooms on either side of its wooden-floored hall. On the lower floor, there is a furnace, used for heating.  
This ritual house consists of four buildings, namely, Gamroru, Huiidang, a storehouse, and a servants’ quarters. Shaped as a pavilion, Gamroru serves as the main venue for the rite rituals. It has floor-heated rooms on either side of its wooden-floored hall. On the lower floor, there is a furnace, used for heating.  

2019년 10월 14일 (월) 10:05 판

예천 함양박씨 희이재사
Huiijaesa Ritual House of the Hamyang Bak Clan, Yecheon
예천 함양박씨 희이재사, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 예천 함양박씨 희이재사
영문명칭 Huiijaesa Ritual House of the Hamyang Bak Clan, Yecheon
한자 醴泉 咸陽朴氏 希夷齋舍
주소 경상북도 예천군 허리골길 156-12 (용문면)
지정(등록) 종목 국가민속문화재 제285호
지정(등록)일 2015년 8월 21일
분류 유적건조물/주거생활/주거건축/가옥
시대 조선시대
수량/면적 건물 4동(141.91㎡), 토지 1,445㎡(6필지)
웹사이트 예천 함양박씨 희이재사, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



함양박씨 희이재사는 함양박씨 예천 입향조인 정랑공 박종린(朴從鱗, 1496~1553)의 묘지를 지키기 위해 지은 건물이다. 17세기에 박종린의 손자 희이당 박수겸(朴守謙)이 ‘희이정사(希夷精舍)’로 건립하였다가, 18세기 중반 희이정사가 쇠락하자 원래 있던 곳에서 동쪽으로 옮겨 ‘희이재사’라 하였다.

소백산맥에서 남동쪽으로 뻗은 매봉의 한줄기인 형제봉과 오미봉 사이에 있는 희이곡에 남서향을 하고 있다. 앞면에는 감로루(感露樓)가, 뒷면에는 ‘ㄷ’자형 희이당이 있어 전체가 ‘ㅁ’자형 배치를 이룬다.

재사의 중심 건물인 감로루는 당시의 건축 기법을 잘 보여주며, 특히 땅에 기둥을 세우고 그 위에 온돌방을 지어 올린 점이 독특하다.

시제 때는 제사에 쓰이는 여러 재료를 점검하는 감품(監品), 대를 이을 자손 없이 죽은 사람의 제사를 지내는 의민단(義愍壇)* 제사, 묘를 살피는 요성삼주(繞省三周) 등 조상 의례와 관련된 독특한 무형문화가 전승되고 있다.

  • 의민단: 조선 말기 박주종이 본인문중(함양 박씨) 묘역에 설치한 제단


Huiijaesa Ritual House of the Hamyang Bak Clan, Yecheon

This ritual house was built to hold ceremonial rituals for Bak Jong-rin (1496-1553) and to protect his tomb.

Bak Jong-rin was a civil official of the early period of the Joseon dynasty (1392-1910) and the first ancestor of the Hamyang Bak Clan to settle in Yecheon. Bak passed the state examination in 1532 and served various official posts. But eventually, disappointed with the disorder in the Royal Court he left the capital and settled at the village with his in-laws.

In the 17th century, Bak Jong-rin’s grandson Bak Su-gyeom (1576-1622, pen name: Hui I-dang) built this ritual house, also to use as a school facility for the descendants of the family. Later in the mid-18th century, due to its bad condition, the building was rebuilt at the current location* and named Huiijaesa.

This ritual house consists of four buildings, namely, Gamroru, Huiidang, a storehouse, and a servants’ quarters. Shaped as a pavilion, Gamroru serves as the main venue for the rite rituals. It has floor-heated rooms on either side of its wooden-floored hall. On the lower floor, there is a furnace, used for heating.

  • in 국문 it says 동쪽으로 옮겨 다시 지었다 but it's difficult to translate it since there's no specifics like 'moved from where' or 'moved how far" etc.

영문 해설 내용

박종린(1496-1553)의 묘를 지키고 제사를 지내기 위해 지은 재사이다.

박종린은 조선 전기의 문신으로 함양박씨의 예천 입향조이다. 1532년 과거에 급제하여 여러 관직을 지냈으나, 당시 조정의 혼란스러운 상황에 실망하여 낙향 후 처가가 있는 이 마을로 이주하였다.

17세기에 박종린의 손자 박수겸(1576-1622, 호 : 희이당)이 건립하여 가문의 후손들을 위한 서당으로 사용했다. 이후 건물이 쇠락하여 18세기 중반에 동쪽으로 옮겨 지으면서 희이재사라 이름을 붙였다.

이 재사는 감로루, 희이당, 곳간채, 문간채 등 4개의 건물로 이루어져 있다. 감로루는 재사의 중심건물로, 2층 누각 형태를 하고 있으며 가운데 대청을 중심으로 양옆에 온돌방이 있다. 아래층의 아궁이에서 불을 피워 난방을 하는 구조인 것이 독특하다.