"경주부 관아건물"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
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'''Gyeongju-bu Government Office Buildings'''
'''Gyeongju-bu Government Office Buildings'''
These three buildings were part of the Gyeongju-bu Government Office during the Joseon period (1392-1910). The buildings include a magistrate’s residence, a '''government officials'''’ office, and a military officials’ office. Although the year of their construction is unknown, based on the fact that the buildings appear on a map of the Gyeongju area drawn in the late 18th century, it is presumed that they were built before this time.  
These three buildings were part of the Gyeongju-bu Government Office during the Joseon period (1392-1910). The buildings include a magistrate’s residence, an administrative clerks’ office, and a military officials’ office. Although the year of their construction is unknown, based on the fact that the buildings appear on a map of the Gyeongju area drawn in the late 18th century, it is presumed that they were built before this time.
The magistrate’s residence building was never moved from its original location and is considered well-preserved in its original state. During the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945), the building was used as the museum of the Japanese colonial government in Gyeongju. From 1945 until 1975, it was used as the Museum of Gyeongju. The government official's office and military official's offices were moved to their current locations from the eastern side of the complex and from the northern gate area, respectively. The three buildings are currently used as the Gyeongju Cultural Center's folk history museum, library, and storage facility.
The magistrate’s residence building was never moved from its original location and is considered well-preserved in its original state. During the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945), the building was used as the museum of the Japanese colonial government in Gyeongju. From 1945 until 1975, it was used as the Museum of Gyeongju. The administrative clerks’ office and military officials’ offices were moved to their current locations from the eastern side of the complex and from the northern gate area, respectively. The three buildings are currently used as the Gyeongju Cultural Center’s folk history museum, library, and storage facility.
===영문 해설 내용===
===영문 해설 내용===

2020년 7월 7일 (화) 00:35 기준 최신판

경주부 관아건물
Gyeongju-bu Government Office Buildings
경주부 관아건물, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 경주부 관아건물
영문명칭 Gyeongju-bu Government Office Buildings
한자 慶州府 官衙建物
주소 경상북도 경주시 동부동 159-1
국가유산 종목 경상북도 기념물 제177호
지정(등록)일 2020년 2월 17일
분류 유적건조물/정치국방/궁궐·관아/관아
시대 조선시대
수량/면적 3동
웹사이트 경주부 관아건물, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



경주부와 관련된 3동의 건물로 내아(內衙)와 부사(府使), 양무당(養武堂)이다. 『경주읍내전도』와 『동경통지』에서 확인되기 때문에 적어도 100년 이상의 역사를 지닌 건축물임은 분명하다.

내아는 관아의 살림집으로 창건된 이래 현재 위치에서 큰 변화없이 그대로 유지되어 왔다. 부사와 양무당은 이건해 온 건물로 원래 관아의 호장과 무관들이 사무를 보던 공간이다. 부사 건물은 맞배지붕에 부섭지붕*을 1칸씩 달아내어 확장한 것이고, 양무당은 ㄷ자형 건물이다. 지금은 경주문화원에서 향토사료관, 도서실, 수장고로 활용하고 있다.

특히 내아 건물은 일제강점기에는 총독부 박물관의 경주분관이었고, 이후 1975년까지 경주박물관으로 이용되었기에 근대적 의미도 간직하고 있다.

  • 부섭지붕: 벽이나 물림간에 기대어 만든 지붕


Gyeongju-bu Government Office Buildings

These three buildings were part of the Gyeongju-bu Government Office during the Joseon period (1392-1910). The buildings include a magistrate’s residence, an administrative clerks’ office, and a military officials’ office. Although the year of their construction is unknown, based on the fact that the buildings appear on a map of the Gyeongju area drawn in the late 18th century, it is presumed that they were built before this time.

The magistrate’s residence building was never moved from its original location and is considered well-preserved in its original state. During the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945), the building was used as the museum of the Japanese colonial government in Gyeongju. From 1945 until 1975, it was used as the Museum of Gyeongju. The administrative clerks’ office and military officials’ offices were moved to their current locations from the eastern side of the complex and from the northern gate area, respectively. The three buildings are currently used as the Gyeongju Cultural Center’s folk history museum, library, and storage facility.

영문 해설 내용

조선시대 경주부 관아에 속한 건물로, 수령의 생활공간인 내아, 관아의 관리들의 사무공간인 부사, 무관들의 사무공간인 양무당 등 총 3동의 건물이다. 모두 언제 세워졌는지는 정확히 알 수 없으나, 18세기 말에 제작된 경주 지역 지도에서 확인되는 것으로 보아 그 이전에 지어진 것으로 추정된다.

내아는 현재 위치에 처음 지어진 후 이전되거나 크게 변화되는 일 없이 원래의 형태가 그대로 유지되었다. 일제강점기에는 총독부 박물관의 경주분관으로, 광복 이후 1975년까지는 경주박물관으로 이용되었다. 부사는 관아의 동편 영역에, 양무당은 관아의 북문 근처에 있었던 것을 현재 위치로 옮겨온 것이다. 지금은 세 건물 모두 경주문화원에서 사용하고 있으며, 내아는 향토사료관으로, 부사는 도서실로, 양무당은 수장고로 활용하고 있다.
