"정과정 유적지"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(새 문서: {{진행중}} {{문화유산정보 |사진=정과정유적지.jpg |사진출처=[http://www.heritage.go.kr/heri/cul/culSelectDetail.do?ccbaCpno=2332100540000 정과정 유적지], 국...)
(사용자 2명의 중간 판 2개는 보이지 않습니다)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
36번째 줄: 35번째 줄:
This historic site is where Jeong Seo (pen name: Gwajeong), a civil official of the Goryeo period (918-1392), lived in exile from 1151-1157.  
This historic site is where Jeong Seo (pen name: Gwajeong), a civil official of the Goryeo period (918-1392), lived in exile from 1151-1157.  
Born in Gaegyeong, the capital of Goryeo, Jeong Seo was talented in literature and ink paintings. As his family was highly prestigious, he began his official career without taking the state examination and served various positions. However, in 1151, he was falsely accused of treason and was sent in exile to Dongnae, today’s Busan. It is said that he built a pavilion and cultivated cucumbers during his exile in Busan. He was moved to Geoje in 1157 and was finally released to go back to Gaegyeong in 1170.
Born in Gaegyeong, the capital of Goryeo, Jeong Seo was talented in literature and ink paintings. As his family was highly prestigious, he began his official career without taking the state examination and served various positions. However, in 1151, he was falsely accused of treason and was exiled to Dongnae, today’s Busan. It is said that he built a pavilion and cultivated cucumbers during his exile in Busan. He was moved to Geoje in 1157 and was finally released to go back to Gaegyeong in 1170.
During his stay here, Jeong Seo composed a folk song to express his longing for the king. The song was spread by word of mouth and was later recorded in ''The History of Goryeo Dynasty'' (Goryeosa), an official historical record compiled in the 15th century. Titled Jeong Gwajeong’s Song, this song is the only folk song dating to the Goryeo period whose author is identified.
During his stay here, Jeong Seo composed a folk song to express his longing for the king. The song was spread by word of mouth and was later recorded in ''The History of Goryeo Dynasty'' (Goryeosa), an official historical record compiled in the 15th century. Titled "The Song of Jeong Gwajeong," it is the only folk song dating to the Goryeo period whose author is identified.
Currently, the historic site is established as a park, and the stele honoring Jeong Seo was erected in 1984.
Currently, the historic site is established as a park, and the stele honoring Jeong Seo was erected in 1984.
55번째 줄: 54번째 줄:
[[분류:부산광역시 문화유산]]
[[분류:부산광역시 문화유산]]
[[분류:부산광역시 수영구 문화유산]]

2023년 4월 7일 (금) 17:46 기준 최신판

정과정 유적지
Historic Site Related to Jeong Seo
정과정 유적지, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 정과정 유적지
영문명칭 Historic Site Related to Jeong Seo
한자 鄭瓜亭 遺蹟址
주소 부산광역시 수영구 망미동 산7-2번지 일원
국가유산 종목 시도기념물 제54호
지정(등록)일 2003년 5월 6일
분류 유적건조물/인물사건/역사사건/역사사건
시대 고려시대
수량/면적 17필지(3,129㎡)
웹사이트 정과정 유적지, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



정과정 유적지는 고려시대 문신인 ‘정서(鄭敍)’가 유배생활을 할 때 정자를 짓고 오이밭을 일구며 임금을 그리워하는 마음을 담은 고려가요인 ‘정과정곡(鄭瓜亭曲)’을 지은 곳으로 알려져 있다.

정과정 유적지 관련 기록을 󰡔동국여지승람(東國輿地勝覽)󰡕이라는 문헌에서 찾을 수 있는데, ‘동래부(東萊府) 남쪽 10리에 위치하고 있으며, 정자는 없으나 그 터는 남아 있다.’라고 되어 있다. 그러나 지금은 그 주변이 개발되어 원래의 지형을 알아볼 수 없고 현재 수영하수처리장에서부터 고려제강에 이르는 지역에 있었을 것으로 보인다.

유적지 내에는 경암(鏡巖) 또는 용두곶이라고 불리는 바위와 한 그루의 보호수, 1984년 토향회에서 건립한 정과정시비(鄭瓜亭詩碑)가 있다.

‘정과정곡’은 우리말로 쓰인 고려가요 중 유일하게 작가를 알 수 있는 작품으로 우리나라 가사문학 연구에 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있다. 따라서 중요한 가사문학 작품이 탄생한 이곳은 문학사적, 역사적으로 매우 큰 가치가 있다.


Historic Site Related to Jeong Seo

This historic site is where Jeong Seo (pen name: Gwajeong), a civil official of the Goryeo period (918-1392), lived in exile from 1151-1157.

Born in Gaegyeong, the capital of Goryeo, Jeong Seo was talented in literature and ink paintings. As his family was highly prestigious, he began his official career without taking the state examination and served various positions. However, in 1151, he was falsely accused of treason and was exiled to Dongnae, today’s Busan. It is said that he built a pavilion and cultivated cucumbers during his exile in Busan. He was moved to Geoje in 1157 and was finally released to go back to Gaegyeong in 1170.

During his stay here, Jeong Seo composed a folk song to express his longing for the king. The song was spread by word of mouth and was later recorded in The History of Goryeo Dynasty (Goryeosa), an official historical record compiled in the 15th century. Titled "The Song of Jeong Gwajeong," it is the only folk song dating to the Goryeo period whose author is identified.

Currently, the historic site is established as a park, and the stele honoring Jeong Seo was erected in 1984.

영문 해설 내용

이 유적지는 고려시대의 문신인 정서가 1151년부터 1157년까지 유배생활을 했던 곳이다.

고려의 수도인 개경에서 태어난 정서는 문장과 그림에 뛰어났다. 명문가 출신이었기 때문에, 그는 과거를 치르지 않고 관직에 나아갔다. 그러나 1151년 역모의 모함을 받아 동래로 귀양을 갔다. 그는 이곳에서 지내는 동안 정자를 짓고 오이밭을 일구었다고 한다. 그는 1157년 거제로 보내졌고, 1170년에 귀양살이를 끝내고 개경으로 돌아갔다.

정서는 이곳에 머물던 당시 왕에 대한 그리움을 표현한 노래를 지었다. 그 노래는 사람들의 입을 통해 전해졌고, 15세기에 편찬된 관찬사서인 『고려사』에 기록되었다. 「정과정곡」이라 불리는 이 노래는 작가를 알 수 있는 유일한 고려가요이다.

현재 이 유적지는 공원으로 조성되어 있으며, 정과정시비는 1984년에 건립한 것이다.