
"박상진 의사 생가"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
36번째 줄: 36번째 줄:
'''Birthplace of Bak Sang-jin'''
'''Birthplace of Bak Sang-jin'''
This house is where independence activist Bak Sang-jin (1884-1921) from Ulsan was born. Bak Sang-jin passed the judge examination in 1910 and was appointed to the Pyeongyang District Court, but retired and joined the independence movement. In 1915, the Great Korean Liberation Association was formed and he served as commander in chief as the Great Korean Liberation Association went on to be the largest organization of military independence activists in Korea. In 1918, he was arrested by the Japanese colonial police and he died in 1921 after being sentenced to death.
This house is where independence activist Bak Sang-jin (1884-1921) from Ulsan was born. Bak Sang-jin passed the judge examination in 1910 and was appointed to the Pyeongyang District Court, but retired and joined the independence movement. In 1915, the Great Korean Liberation Association was formed and he served as commander in chief as the Great Korean Liberation Association went on to be the largest organization of military independence activists in Korea in the 1910s. In 1918, he was arrested by the Japanese colonial police and he died in 1921 after being sentenced to death.
This house was built in 1825 and it consists of six buildings such as a men's quarters, women's quarters, and servants’ quarters. As Bak Sang-jin used the property of his family lineage to support the independence movement, the ownership of this house was also handed over to other people. In 1959, the servants’ quarters collapsed during typhoon and it was rebuilt, so the other buildings also underwent repairs and were modified after this. In 2002, Ulsan bought the birthplace (house?) and rebuilt it based on archaeological evidence and historical records until 2007.
This house was built in 1825 and it consists of six buildings such as a men's quarters, women's quarters, and servants’ quarters. As Bak Sang-jin used the property of his family lineage to support the independence movement, the ownership of this house was also handed over to other people. In 1959, the servants’ quarters collapsed during typhoon and it was rebuilt, so the other buildings also underwent repairs and were modified after this. In 2002, Ulsan bought the birthplace (house?) and rebuilt it based on archaeological evidence and historical records until 2007.

2022년 9월 13일 (화) 09:37 판

박상진 의사 생가
대표명칭 박상진 의사 생가
한자 朴尙鎭 義士 生家
주소 울산광역시 북구 박상진길 23 (송정동)
국가유산 종목 울산광역시 문화재자료 제5호
지정(등록)일 1997년 10월 9일
분류 유적건조물/인물사건/인물기념/탄생지
수량/면적 2동 총4동
웹사이트 박상진 의사 생가, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



울산의 대표적인 독립운동가 고헌 박상진 의사가 태어나고 자란 집이다. 1825년 지어진 조선 후기 양반 살림집으로 사랑채, 안채, 행랑채 등 건물 6동이 ‘ㅂ’자로 배치되어 있다.

1959년 태풍 때문에 행랑채가 무너져 다시 지었는데, 이때 솟을대문*을 평대문**으로 바꾸었다. 울산광역시가 2002년 생가를 사들여 복원 정비 사업을 시작하였고 2007년 지금의 모습을 갖추게 되었다.

박상진 의사는 1910년 판사 시험에 합격하여 평양 지원에 발령 받았으나 사퇴한다. 이후 독립운동에 뛰어들어 1915년 광복회를 결성하고 총사령을 맡아 활동하다가 1918년 체포되어 1921년 순국하였다.

  • 솟을대문: 행랑채의 지붕보다 높이 솟게 지은 대문
  • 평대문: 기둥의 높이를 행랑채의 높이와 같게 한 대문


Birthplace of Bak Sang-jin

This house is where independence activist Bak Sang-jin (1884-1921) from Ulsan was born. Bak Sang-jin passed the judge examination in 1910 and was appointed to the Pyeongyang District Court, but retired and joined the independence movement. In 1915, the Great Korean Liberation Association was formed and he served as commander in chief as the Great Korean Liberation Association went on to be the largest organization of military independence activists in Korea in the 1910s. In 1918, he was arrested by the Japanese colonial police and he died in 1921 after being sentenced to death.

This house was built in 1825 and it consists of six buildings such as a men's quarters, women's quarters, and servants’ quarters. As Bak Sang-jin used the property of his family lineage to support the independence movement, the ownership of this house was also handed over to other people. In 1959, the servants’ quarters collapsed during typhoon and it was rebuilt, so the other buildings also underwent repairs and were modified after this. In 2002, Ulsan bought the birthplace (house?) and rebuilt it based on archaeological evidence and historical records until 2007.

영문 해설 내용

이 집은 울산 출신의 독립운동가 박상진(1884-1921)이 태어난 곳이다. 박상진은 1910년 판사 시험에 합격하여 평양법원에 발령 받았으나, 사퇴하고 독립운동에 투신하였다. 1915년 대한광복회를 결성하고 총사령을 맡았으며, 대한광복회는 1910년대 국내 최대의 독립군 단체로 성장하였다. 1918년 일제 경찰에 체포되었고 사형 선고를 받아 1921년 순국하였다.

이 집은 1825년에 지어졌으며 사랑채, 안채, 행랑채 등 건물 6동으로 이루어져 있다. 박상진이 집안의 재산을 독립운동 자금으로 사용했기 때문에, 이 집도 다른 사람의 소유로 넘어가게 되었다. 행랑채는 1959년 태풍으로 무너져 다시 지었고, 다른 건물들도 이후에 수리를 거치며 변형되었다. 울산광역시가 2002년 생가를 사들였고 2007년까지 복원 정비하였다.