"용담정"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(새 문서: {{진행중}} {{문화유산정보 |사진=용담정.jpg |사진출처=[https://www.gyeongju.go.kr/tour/page.do?mnu_uid=2695&con_uid=723&cmd=2 용담정], 경주문화관광, 경주...)
(다른 사용자 한 명의 중간 판 하나는 보이지 않습니다)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
|사진출처=[https://www.gyeongju.go.kr/tour/page.do?mnu_uid=2695&con_uid=723&cmd=2 용담정], 경주문화관광, 경주시청.
|사진출처=[https://www.gyeongju.go.kr/tour/page.do?mnu_uid=2695&con_uid=723&cmd=2 용담정], 경주문화관광, 경주시청.
|영문명칭=Yongdamjeong Pavilion
|주소=경북 경주시 현곡면 가정리 산 63-1
|주소=경북 경주시 현곡면 가정리 산 63-1
30번째 줄: 29번째 줄:
'''Yongdamjeong Pavilion'''
Yongdamjeong Pavilion is the place where Choe Je-u (1824-1864) had a religious revelation in 1860 and established Donghak (“Eastern Learning”), a Korean religious movement. As the original pavilion no longer stood, the current pavilion was built on its former site in 1975 by followers of Cheondoism (“Religion of the Heavenly Way”), which developed from Donghak.
===영문 해설 내용===
Choe Je-u was born about 2 km to the northwest of Yongdamjeong Pavilion, which was built by his father Choe Ok (1762-1840). Choe Je-u returned to this pavilion in 1859, after spending a decade and a half travelling salesman and living with his in-laws in Ulsan. Here, he spent his time in prayer and meditation. On May 25, 1860, he had a direct encounter with the Lord of Heaven (''Sangje''), who bestowed upon him a talisman and an incantation, through which physical and spiritual heath could be restored. Choe had the revelation that Heaven was within the heart of each person. Based on this revelation, he founded Donghak, named in opposition to Catholicism (“Western Learning,” Seohak) which Choe felt was encroaching upon and harming Korean society. The teachings of Donghak included elements of shamanism, Daoism, Buddhism, and neo-Confucianism. Donghak also promoted ideas of egalitarianism and human rights, which posed a threat to the existing neo-Confucian law and social order.
In 1864, Choe Je-u was sentenced to death for allegedly preaching heretical teachings. His tomb is located about 1.3 km to the northwest of this pavilion.

2021년 8월 18일 (수) 18:40 기준 최신판

Yongdamjeong Pavilion
용담정, 경주문화관광, 경주시청.
대표명칭 용담정
영문명칭 Yongdamjeong Pavilion
한자 龍潭亭
주소 경북 경주시 현곡면 가정리 산 63-1



용담정은 최제우(崔濟愚)의 아버지 근암공 최옥(崔鋈)이 공부하며 소일하던 곳이자 최제우가 태어난 곳이고, 동학을 창도한 곳이다. 근암공이 63세 되던 해인 1824년에 아들 최제우가 이곳에서 태어났다. 이 때 구미산 일대가 3일 동안 크게 진동하였다고 한다.

최제우는 자라면서 다른 곳으로 거처를 옮겨 청소년기를 보냈다. 아버지를 여의고 가정형편이 어려워지자 10여 년간 전국을 유랑한다. 30대 때 이곳으로 돌아와 하느님을 생각하며 진리와 깨달음의 길로 나아갔으며, 37세에 비로소 사람은 누구나 마음 속에 하느님을 모신 존귀한 인격이라는 인내천(人乃天)사상을 확립하고 민족종교인‘동학’을 창시하였다. 이후 동학을 전파하였지만, 나라에서는 ‘이단지도(異端之道)’라 하여 그를 체포하여 참형에 처하였다. 그의 유해를 거두어 구미산 기슭에 장사를 지냈으나, 역적에게 제사를 지낸다 하여 이곳은 상당 기간 방치되었다. 이후 제자들은 다양한 민족운동을 펼쳐 나갔다.

용담정은 1968년 4월 현지의 천도교인들이 모은 성금으로 직접 관할하게 되었고, 1974년 구미산 일대가 경주국립공원에 속해지면서 본격적인 성역화 사업을 추진하여 1975년 2월 성역으로서의 면모를 갖추게 되었다.


Yongdamjeong Pavilion

Yongdamjeong Pavilion is the place where Choe Je-u (1824-1864) had a religious revelation in 1860 and established Donghak (“Eastern Learning”), a Korean religious movement. As the original pavilion no longer stood, the current pavilion was built on its former site in 1975 by followers of Cheondoism (“Religion of the Heavenly Way”), which developed from Donghak.

Choe Je-u was born about 2 km to the northwest of Yongdamjeong Pavilion, which was built by his father Choe Ok (1762-1840). Choe Je-u returned to this pavilion in 1859, after spending a decade and a half travelling salesman and living with his in-laws in Ulsan. Here, he spent his time in prayer and meditation. On May 25, 1860, he had a direct encounter with the Lord of Heaven (Sangje), who bestowed upon him a talisman and an incantation, through which physical and spiritual heath could be restored. Choe had the revelation that Heaven was within the heart of each person. Based on this revelation, he founded Donghak, named in opposition to Catholicism (“Western Learning,” Seohak) which Choe felt was encroaching upon and harming Korean society. The teachings of Donghak included elements of shamanism, Daoism, Buddhism, and neo-Confucianism. Donghak also promoted ideas of egalitarianism and human rights, which posed a threat to the existing neo-Confucian law and social order.

In 1864, Choe Je-u was sentenced to death for allegedly preaching heretical teachings. His tomb is located about 1.3 km to the northwest of this pavilion.