"수운 최제우 생가"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(새 문서: {{진행중}} {{문화유산정보 |사진=수운최제우생가.jpg |사진출처=[https://www.gyeongju.go.kr/tour/page.do?mnu_uid=2695&con_uid=727&cmd=2 최제우 생가], 경주문...)
(사용자 2명의 중간 판 4개는 보이지 않습니다)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
|사진출처=[https://www.gyeongju.go.kr/tour/page.do?mnu_uid=2695&con_uid=727&cmd=2 최제우 생가], 경주문화관광, 경주시청.
|사진출처=[https://www.gyeongju.go.kr/tour/page.do?mnu_uid=2695&con_uid=727&cmd=2 최제우 생가], 경주문화관광, 경주시청.
|대표명칭=수운 최제우 생가
|대표명칭=수운 최제우 생가
|영문명칭=Birthplace of Choe Je-u
|한자=水雲 崔濟愚 生家
|한자=水雲 崔濟愚 生家
|주소=경북 경주시 현곡면 가정리 314
|주소=경상북도 경주시 현곡면 가정리 314
28번째 줄: 27번째 줄:
'''Birthplace of Choe Je-u'''
This is the birthplace of Choe Je-u (1824-1864, known as Master Suun), the founder of Donghak (“Eastern Learning”), a Korean religious movement established in 1860. The original house is said to have burnt down circa the year 1844, and the current buildings were constructed anew in 2014 based on historical and archeological evidence. A stele to commemorate the site was erected here in 1971.
===영문 해설 내용===
Donghak arose in opposition to the growing presence of Western powers and Christianity in the 19th century. Donghak promoted the belief that “man is heaven, and all men are equal.” This academic teaching began to develop into a social reform movement to protect the country and ease the lives of the common people. It gradually evolved into a religion known today as Cheondoism (“Religion of the Heavenly Way”) in Korea.
* Choe Je-u was born as Choe Je-seon. Although his father Choe Ok (1762-1840) was from an aristocratic family, Choe Je-u was born into a low social position because his mother Lady Han (?-1834) was a re-married widow. Despite this, he was nonetheless given a good education in his youth. In 1837, he was married to Lady Bak of the Miryang Bak Clan. From 1844, he spent a decade traveling the country selling goods. In 1854, he returned briefly to his hometown before moving in with his in-laws in Ulsan. During this time, he went to Cheonseongsan Mountain twice to pray for 49 days. In 1859, he returned to his home village after going bankrupt and took the name Je-u, meaning "Savior of the Ignorant." The following year, he experienced a revelation and founded the Donghak religion.

2021년 8월 18일 (수) 18:36 기준 최신판

수운 최제우 생가
Birthplace of Choe Je-u
최제우 생가, 경주문화관광, 경주시청.
대표명칭 수운 최제우 생가
영문명칭 Birthplace of Choe Je-u
한자 水雲 崔濟愚 生家
주소 경상북도 경주시 현곡면 가정리 314



이 가옥은 수운 최제우 선생의 생가를 복원한 것이다. 본래 있던 생가는 선생이 20세 무렵에 불타 없어지고 터만 남아 있었다. 1971년 집터에 유허비를 세웠다가 2014년 고증과 관련 자료를 토대로 생가를 복원하였다.

최제우는 ‘사람은 누구나 마음속에 하느님을 모신 존귀한 인격’이라는 시천주사상(侍天主思想)을 완성한 뒤 동학(東學)을 창시했다. 동학은 조선 말기 피폐한 민생을 되살리기 위해 새로운 시대가 열림을 주장하고 만인평등과 인간존엄을 외친 민족 종교이다. 갑오동학농민운동과 일제강점기 해방 운동을 이끌어 한국 정신문화의 근간이 되었으며, 오늘날 천도교(天道敎)라는 이름으로 이어지고 있다.


Birthplace of Choe Je-u

This is the birthplace of Choe Je-u (1824-1864, known as Master Suun), the founder of Donghak (“Eastern Learning”), a Korean religious movement established in 1860. The original house is said to have burnt down circa the year 1844, and the current buildings were constructed anew in 2014 based on historical and archeological evidence. A stele to commemorate the site was erected here in 1971.

Donghak arose in opposition to the growing presence of Western powers and Christianity in the 19th century. Donghak promoted the belief that “man is heaven, and all men are equal.” This academic teaching began to develop into a social reform movement to protect the country and ease the lives of the common people. It gradually evolved into a religion known today as Cheondoism (“Religion of the Heavenly Way”) in Korea.

  • Choe Je-u was born as Choe Je-seon. Although his father Choe Ok (1762-1840) was from an aristocratic family, Choe Je-u was born into a low social position because his mother Lady Han (?-1834) was a re-married widow. Despite this, he was nonetheless given a good education in his youth. In 1837, he was married to Lady Bak of the Miryang Bak Clan. From 1844, he spent a decade traveling the country selling goods. In 1854, he returned briefly to his hometown before moving in with his in-laws in Ulsan. During this time, he went to Cheonseongsan Mountain twice to pray for 49 days. In 1859, he returned to his home village after going bankrupt and took the name Je-u, meaning "Savior of the Ignorant." The following year, he experienced a revelation and founded the Donghak religion.
