"경주 장산 토우총"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(다른 사용자 한 명의 중간 판 2개는 보이지 않습니다)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
|사진출처=작성자 한정환, [http://www.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=A0002465394 통일신라 석실돌방무덤 구조는 어떻게 생겼을까], 오마이뉴스 2018년 8월 22일자 기사.
|사진출처=작성자 한정환, [http://www.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=A0002465394 통일신라 석실돌방무덤 구조는 어떻게 생겼을까], 오마이뉴스 2018년 8월 22일자 기사.
|대표명칭=경주 장산 토우총
|대표명칭=경주 장산 토우총
|영문명칭=Touchong Tomb of Jangsan Mountain, Gyeongju
|한자=慶州 獐山 土偶塚
|한자=慶州 獐山 土偶塚
|주소=경상북도 경주시 서악동 산 68-1번지
|주소=경상북도 경주시 서악동 산 68-1번지
34번째 줄: 33번째 줄:
'''Touchong Tomb of Jangsan Mountain, Gyeongju'''
'''Touchong Tomb of Jangsan Mountain, Gyeongju'''
This tomb, located on the southeastern foot of Jangsan Mountain, is presumed to date to the mid-8th century during the Unified Silla period (668-935). Based on its layout, size, and location, it is presumed to have belonged to the Silla royal family or the high aristocracy. There are about 200 other ancient tombs on Jangsan Mountain.
This tomb, located on the southeastern foot of Jangsan Mountain, is presumed to date to the mid-8th century during the Unified Silla period (668-935). Based on its layout, size, and location, it is presumed to have belonged to the Silla royal family or the high aristocracy. There are about 400 other ancient tombs on Jangsan Mountain.
The tomb underwent an archeological survey in 1968. It consists of an earthen burial mound, underneath which is a stone chamber with an entrance corridor. The corridor is located at the southern side of the stone chamber, and there is a door separating the corridor and the chamber. The chamber walls were painted with lime. Inside the chamber are three stone platforms where bodies would have been laid to rest. At either end of the platforms are stone headrests and footrests. As one of the platforms was wide enough to accommodate two bodies, it is presumed that a total of four people were buried in this tomb.  
The tomb underwent an archaeological survey in 1968. It consists of an earthen burial mound, underneath which is a stone chamber with an entrance corridor. The corridor is located at the southern side of the stone chamber, and there is a door separating the corridor and the chamber. The chamber walls were painted with lime. Inside the chamber are three stone platforms where bodies would have been laid to rest. At either end of the platforms are stone headrests and footrests.  
In each of the four corners of the chamber, the remains of clay figurines, known as ''tou'' in Korean, were found. Thus, the tomb came to be known as Touchong, meaning "Tomb of the Figurines." Twelve pieces of earthenware were also found in the tomb.
In each of the four corners of the chamber, the remains of clay figurines were found. Thus, the tomb came to be known as Touchong, meaning “Tomb of the Clay Figurines.Twelve pieces of earthenware were also found in the tomb.
*[http://encykorea.aks.ac.kr/Contents/Item/E0077615 민백]
*[https://m.blog.naver.com/juntaxi/120120209486 블로그] --> 토우가 4개가 맞나요? 어디서 보관되어 있는지 확인이 안되네요.
*[https://www.cha.go.kr/cop/bbs/selectBoardArticle.do?nttId=19527&bbsId=BBSMSTR_1021&pageUnit=10&searchCnd=&searchWrd=&ctgryLrcls=&ctgryMdcls=&ctgrySmcls=&ntcStartDt=&ntcEndDt=&searchUseYn=&mn=NS_03_08_01 경주 장산고분군(慶州 獐山古墳群) 분포 및 측량조사보고서 상]
*[https://www.cha.go.kr/cop/bbs/selectBoardArticle.do?nttId=21253&bbsId=BBSMSTR_1021&mn=NS_03_08_01 경주 장산고분군(慶州 獐山古墳群) 분포 및 측량조사보고서 하]
===영문 해설 내용===
* 토우총 토우, 문화콘텐츠닷컴, 한국콘텐츠진흥원. https://www.culturecontent.com/content/contentView.do?search_div=CP_THE&search_div_id=CP_THE013&cp_code=cp0317&index_id=cp03170179&content_id=cp031701790001&search_left_menu=3
* 장산토우총, 한국민족문화대백과사전, 한국학중앙연구원. http://encykorea.aks.ac.kr/Contents/Item/E0077615
* https://m.blog.naver.com/juntaxi/120120209486
* 『경주 장산고분군(慶州 獐山古墳群) 분포 및 측량조사보고서』 상, 국립경주문화재연구소, 2011. https://www.cha.go.kr/cop/bbs/selectBoardArticle.do?nttId=19527&bbsId=BBSMSTR_1021&pageUnit=10&searchCnd=&searchWrd=&ctgryLrcls=&ctgryMdcls=&ctgrySmcls=&ntcStartDt=&ntcEndDt=&searchUseYn=&mn=NS_03_08_01
* 『경주 장산고분군(慶州 獐山古墳群) 분포 및 측량조사보고서』 하, 국립경주문화재연구소, 2011.  https://www.cha.go.kr/cop/bbs/selectBoardArticle.do?nttId=21253&bbsId=BBSMSTR_1021&mn=NS_03_08_01 경

2021년 8월 17일 (화) 19:11 기준 최신판

경주 장산 토우총
Touchong Tomb of Jangsan Mountain, Gyeongju
작성자 한정환, 통일신라 석실돌방무덤 구조는 어떻게 생겼을까, 오마이뉴스 2018년 8월 22일자 기사.
대표명칭 경주 장산 토우총
영문명칭 Touchong Tomb of Jangsan Mountain, Gyeongju
한자 慶州 獐山 土偶塚
주소 경상북도 경주시 서악동 산 68-1번지



장산에는 이 고분을 비롯하여 많은 고분이 분포하고 있어 같은 서악동고분군 가운데 장산고분군을 구분해서 부르기도 한다.

이 고분은 8세기 중엽 무렵에 축조된 통일 신라 시대 굴식돌방무덤[橫穴式石室墳]으로 1968년 수습조사하였다. 네모진 널방의 남쪽 중앙에 긴 널길을 달아냈고, 돌문이 설치되어 있다. 널방에는 두텁게 회를 발랐다. 침상(寢牀) 모양의 주검받침 위에는 각각 돌로 만든 머리받침과 발받침이 있어 시신을 직접 안치했음을 알 수 있다.

고분 안에서 여러 점의 토기와 함께 널방 바닥 네 모서리에서 토우가 출토되어 장산 토우총이라 이름 붙였다. 토우는 사람이나 동물의 모습을 흙으로 빚어 만든 것으로 당시 사람들의 종교관이나 내세관 등을 반영한다고 볼 수 있다.

구조와 크기, 무덤의 입지 등으로 미루어 통일신라시대 왕족이나 최고 귀족의 가족이 묻혔던 것으로 추정된다.


Touchong Tomb of Jangsan Mountain, Gyeongju

This tomb, located on the southeastern foot of Jangsan Mountain, is presumed to date to the mid-8th century during the Unified Silla period (668-935). Based on its layout, size, and location, it is presumed to have belonged to the Silla royal family or the high aristocracy. There are about 400 other ancient tombs on Jangsan Mountain.

The tomb underwent an archaeological survey in 1968. It consists of an earthen burial mound, underneath which is a stone chamber with an entrance corridor. The corridor is located at the southern side of the stone chamber, and there is a door separating the corridor and the chamber. The chamber walls were painted with lime. Inside the chamber are three stone platforms where bodies would have been laid to rest. At either end of the platforms are stone headrests and footrests.

In each of the four corners of the chamber, the remains of clay figurines were found. Thus, the tomb came to be known as Touchong, meaning “Tomb of the Clay Figurines.” Twelve pieces of earthenware were also found in the tomb.
