"옥연서당"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(새 문서: {{진행중}} {{문화유산정보 |사진=옥연서당.jpg |사진출처=작성자 임병기(선과), [https://blog.daum.net/12977705/8726360 경주...옥련서당. 석탑재], 옛...)
(다른 사용자 한 명의 중간 판 4개는 보이지 않습니다)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
|사진출처=작성자 임병기(선과), [https://blog.daum.net/12977705/8726360 경주...옥련서당. 석탑재], 옛님의 숨결 그 정취를 찾아, 다음 블로그.
|사진출처=작성자 임병기(선과), [https://blog.daum.net/12977705/8726360 경주...옥련서당. 석탑재], 옛님의 숨결 그 정취를 찾아, 다음 블로그.
|영문명칭=Ogyeonseodang Village Study Hall
|주소=경상북도 경주시 내남면 망성1길 114-59
|주소=경상북도 경주시 내남면 망성1길 114-59
28번째 줄: 27번째 줄:
'''Ogyeonseodang Village Study Hall'''
Ogyeonseodang Hall was established in 1849 as a shrine to venerate the civil official and writer Gwon Sa-min (1557-1634, pen name: Maeheon). The shrine was demolished in the late 19th century when most shrines and Confucian academies were shut down by a nationwide decree and was rebuilt in 1960.
===영문 해설 내용===
Gwon Sa-min was the second son of the civil official Gwon Deok-rin (1529-1573). Upon the outbreak of the Japanese invasion of 1592, he was one of the first to raise a civilian army. He fought in over 100 battles during the war and was later bestowed with the title of meritorious subject for his contributions. After the war, he dedicated himself to teaching his students. In 1844, he was commemorated for his filial devotion. His descendants later published his works as the ''True Records of Gwon Sa-min'' (Maeheon silgi).
* It is said that a Buddhist temple was once located in the vicinity, and that shards of rooftiles dating from the Unified Silla (668-935) to Joseon (1392-1910) periods were discovered. Some of the pillar-base stones of the shrine were made out of the roof stone of a stone pagoda.

2021년 8월 17일 (화) 19:05 기준 최신판

Ogyeonseodang Village Study Hall
작성자 임병기(선과), 경주...옥련서당. 석탑재, 옛님의 숨결 그 정취를 찾아, 다음 블로그.
대표명칭 옥연서당
영문명칭 Ogyeonseodang Village Study Hall
한자 玉淵書堂
주소 경상북도 경주시 내남면 망성1길 114-59



옥연사(玉淵祠)는 임진왜란 때 공을 세운 조선중기의 문신이자 문장가였던 매헌 권사민(梅軒 權士敏, 1557~1634)의 위패를 모신 곳이다. 철종 즉위년(1849)에 세워졌으나, 서원철폐령으로 인해 훼철되었다가 1960년 다시 고쳐 세우면서 옥연서당으로 이름을 바꾸었다.

권사민은 구봉 권덕린(龜峰 權德麟)의 둘째 아들로 초시, 회시, 생원시에 무려 14차례나 급제하였다. 임진왜란 때는 가장 빨리 의병을 일으켜 북상하는 왜군에게 큰 타격을 입혔다. 팔공산과 문경 당교회맹, 영천성 탈환전, 경남 화왕산 전투 등 100여 차례의 전투를 치러 임란공신록(壬亂功臣錄)에 오르기도 하였다. 임진왜란 후에는 후학 양성에만 힘썼다. 헌종 10년(1844)에 효행 정려비(旌閭碑)가 세워졌다. 그 뒤 후손에 의해 『매헌실기(梅軒實記)』가 국역으로 발간되었다.


Ogyeonseodang Village Study Hall

Ogyeonseodang Hall was established in 1849 as a shrine to venerate the civil official and writer Gwon Sa-min (1557-1634, pen name: Maeheon). The shrine was demolished in the late 19th century when most shrines and Confucian academies were shut down by a nationwide decree and was rebuilt in 1960.

Gwon Sa-min was the second son of the civil official Gwon Deok-rin (1529-1573). Upon the outbreak of the Japanese invasion of 1592, he was one of the first to raise a civilian army. He fought in over 100 battles during the war and was later bestowed with the title of meritorious subject for his contributions. After the war, he dedicated himself to teaching his students. In 1844, he was commemorated for his filial devotion. His descendants later published his works as the True Records of Gwon Sa-min (Maeheon silgi).

  • It is said that a Buddhist temple was once located in the vicinity, and that shards of rooftiles dating from the Unified Silla (668-935) to Joseon (1392-1910) periods were discovered. Some of the pillar-base stones of the shrine were made out of the roof stone of a stone pagoda.