"수재정"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(다른 사용자 한 명의 중간 판 하나는 보이지 않습니다)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
|사진출처=[http://www.heritage.go.kr/heri/cul/culSelectDetail.do?ccbaCpno=3413701660000 수재정], 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
|사진출처=[http://www.heritage.go.kr/heri/cul/culSelectDetail.do?ccbaCpno=3413701660000 수재정], 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
|영문명칭=Sujaejeong Pavilion
|주소=경북 경주시 안강읍 하곡리 29번지
|주소=경상북도 경주시 안강읍 하곡리 29번지
|지정번호=경상북도 문화재자료 제166호
|지정번호=경상북도 문화재자료 제166호
32번째 줄: 31번째 줄:
'''Sujaejeong Pavilion'''
'''Sujaejeong Pavilion'''
Sujaejeong Pavilion, located atop a tall stone retaining wall in a valley between Jaoksan and Samseongsan Mountains, was established in 1620 by the scholar Jeong Geuk-hu (1577-1658) to be used as a place to teach his students. It was rebuilt in 1728.  
Sujaejeong Pavilion was established in 1620 by the scholar Jeong Geuk-hu (1577-1658) to be used as a place to teach his students and was rebuilt in 1728. It is located atop a tall stone retaining wall in a valley between Jaoksan and Samseongsan Mountains.
Jeong Geuk-hu studied from a young age under the tutelege of the scholar Jeong Hyeon-gwang (1554-1637) and, despite a 23 year age difference, it is said that Jeong Hyeon-gwang treated him like a friend. During the Japanese invasions of 1592-1598, he fought as a civilian soldier.  
Jeong Geuk-hu studied from a young age under the tutelage of the scholar Jang Hyeon-gwang (1554-1637) and, despite a 23 year age difference, it is said that Jang treated him like a friend. During the Japanese invasions of 1592-1598, Jeong Geuk-hu fought as a civilian soldier.
The pavilion consists of a wooden-floored hall in the center and an underfloor-heated room to each side. Along the front is a narrow wooden veranda with a balustrade. Because it was repaired several times, it is mixed with some later architectural techniques.  
The pavilion consists of a wooden-floored hall in the center and an underfloor-heated room to each side. Along the front is a narrow wooden veranda with a balustrade. Because it was repaired several times, it features some later architectural techniques.
Located across Seokcheon Stream is Seongsanseodang Village Study Hall (Cultural Heritage Material), which was established in 1814 to venerate Jeong Geuk-hu.
Located across Seokcheon Stream is Seongsanseodang Village Study Hall (Gyeongsangbuk-do Cultural Heritage Material No. 167), which was established in 1814 to venerate Jeong Geuk-hu.
===영문 해설 내용===

2021년 8월 17일 (화) 01:42 기준 최신판

Sujaejeong Pavilion
수재정, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 수재정
영문명칭 Sujaejeong Pavilion
한자 水哉亭
주소 경상북도 경주시 안강읍 하곡리 29번지
국가유산 종목 경상북도 문화재자료 제166호
지정(등록)일 1985년 12월 30일
분류 유적건조물/주거생활/조경건축/누정
수량/면적 1동
웹사이트 수재정, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



수재정은 조선 중기 학자 정극후(鄭克後, 1577~1658)가 후학을 교육하기 위해 지은 별장 건물이다. 자옥산(紫玉山)과 삼성산(三聖山)이 서로 접하는 계곡에 높은 축대를 쌓아 건물을 앉혔다. 광해군 12년(1620)에 세웠고, 영조 4년(1728)에 다시 지었다.

건물은 앞면 3칸으로 가운데 칸은 마루, 양 옆칸은 온돌방이며, 그 앞쪽으로 난간을 두른 툇마루를 놓은 누각형 정자이다. 여러 차례 고쳐지으면서 조선 중기와 후기의 건축 기법이 섞여 있다. 석천 건너편에 성산서당(문화재자료 제167호)이 있다.

정극후는 어린 나이에 장현광(張顯光, 1554~1637)으로부터 학문을 배웠다. 장현광은 그의 비범함에 감탄하여 23살의 나이 차에도 불구하고 벗을 대하듯 예우를 갖추었다고 한다. 임진왜란이 일어나자 의병으로 활동하였고, 이후 60세가 될 때까지 과거에 나가지 않고 삼성산 기슭에 집을 짓고 자연과 벗하면서 후진 교육에 힘썼다.


Sujaejeong Pavilion

Sujaejeong Pavilion was established in 1620 by the scholar Jeong Geuk-hu (1577-1658) to be used as a place to teach his students and was rebuilt in 1728. It is located atop a tall stone retaining wall in a valley between Jaoksan and Samseongsan Mountains.

Jeong Geuk-hu studied from a young age under the tutelage of the scholar Jang Hyeon-gwang (1554-1637) and, despite a 23 year age difference, it is said that Jang treated him like a friend. During the Japanese invasions of 1592-1598, Jeong Geuk-hu fought as a civilian soldier.

The pavilion consists of a wooden-floored hall in the center and an underfloor-heated room to each side. Along the front is a narrow wooden veranda with a balustrade. Because it was repaired several times, it features some later architectural techniques.

Located across Seokcheon Stream is Seongsanseodang Village Study Hall (Gyeongsangbuk-do Cultural Heritage Material No. 167), which was established in 1814 to venerate Jeong Geuk-hu.