
"수봉정"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
30번째 줄: 30번째 줄:
'''Subongjeong Pavilion'''
'''Subongjeong Pavilion'''
Subongjeong Pavilion was built in 1924 by Yi Gyu-in (1859-1936; pen name: Subong) to provide medical care to the community and promote Korean nationalist education in support of the independence movement during the Japanese colonial period (1910-1392). It was originally a two-story building consisting of a study hall named Bihaedang and a pharmacy named Boindang but was rebuilt in 1953 as a single story building. It now consists of a wooden-floored hall in the center with an underfloor-heated room to each side which serve as a study hall and a medical clinic.  
Subongjeong Pavilion was built in 1924 by Yi Gyu-in (1859-1936; pen name: Subong) to provide medical care to the community and promote Korean nationalist education in support of the independence movement during the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945). It was originally a two-story building consisting of a study hall named Bihaedang and a pharmacy named Boindang but was rebuilt in 1953 as a single story building. It now consists of a wooden-floored hall in the center with an underfloor-heated room to each side, which serve as a study hall and a medical clinic, respectively.  

2021년 8월 15일 (일) 13:13 판

수봉정, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 수봉정
한자 秀峯亭
주소 경북 경주시 외동읍 괘릉리
국가유산 종목 경상북도 기념물 제102호
지정(등록)일 1995년 1월 14일
분류 유적건조물/주거생활/조경건축/누정
수량/면적 473㎡
웹사이트 수봉정, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



수봉정은 수봉 이규인(秀峯 李圭寅, 1859∼1936)이 구휼과 육영, 독립운동 지원을 위해 1924년에 지은 정자건물이다. 서당인 비해당(匪懈堂)과 약국인 보인재(輔仁齋)를 갖춘 2층 건물로 지어졌으나, 1953년 1층으로 고쳐지었다. 앞면 7칸, 옆면 3칸이고 홑처마 팔작지붕이다. 가운데 대청을 중심으로 양쪽에 학교와 의원을 겸하도록 설계되었다.

정자라는 이름이 붙어있으나, 실은 일제강점기에 근대 민족교육의 터전과 민중의료의 장을 열기 위한 건물이었다. 또한 선생의 선각과 ‘실제로 몸소 이행 한다’라는 뜻의 실천궁행(實踐躬行)의 정신을 배우는 장소로서 그 의미가 깊다.


Subongjeong Pavilion

Subongjeong Pavilion was built in 1924 by Yi Gyu-in (1859-1936; pen name: Subong) to provide medical care to the community and promote Korean nationalist education in support of the independence movement during the Japanese colonial period (1910-1945). It was originally a two-story building consisting of a study hall named Bihaedang and a pharmacy named Boindang but was rebuilt in 1953 as a single story building. It now consists of a wooden-floored hall in the center with an underfloor-heated room to each side, which serve as a study hall and a medical clinic, respectively.

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