
"종오정 일원"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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34번째 줄: 34번째 줄:
This historic site was established in 1745 by the scholar Choe Chi-deok (1699-1770).  
This historic site was established in 1745 by the scholar Choe Chi-deok (1699-1770).  
Choe Chi-deok was known for his filial devotion. After the death of his parents, he built Ilseongjae Hall at this site in 1745 so that he could look after their tombs and perform ancestral rituals. His students followed him to this place to continue their studies, building Gwisanseosa Lecture Hall in 1746 and Jongojeong Pavilion in 1747. The name Jongojeong comes from a phrase in the ''Analects'' and expresses Choe Chi-deok's wish to spend his life doing the things he enjoys. In 1954, a shrine for the veneration of Choe Chi-deok was built at the rear of the complex. The large lotus pond at the front of the complex boasts beautiful views in summer when the flowers are in bloom and is representative of a traditional Korean garden.  
Choe Chi-deok was known for his filial devotion. After the death of his parents, he built Ilseongjae Hall at this site in 1745 so that he could look after their tombs and perform ancestral rituals. His students followed him to this place to continue their studies. They built Gwisanseosa '''Lecture Hall''' in 1746 and Jongojeong Pavilion in 1747. The name Jongojeong comes from a phrase in the ''Analects'' and expresses Choe Chi-deok's wish to spend his life doing the things he enjoys. In 1954, a shrine for the veneration of Choe Chi-deok was built at the rear of the complex. The large lotus pond at the front of the complex boasts beautiful views in summer when the flowers are in bloom and is representative of a traditional Korean garden.  
''Ilseongjae Hall is located to the right of the lotus pond, perpendictular to the other buildings. Jeongojeong Pavilion is located behind the lotus pond, and Gwisanseosa Lecture Hall is located to the right of the pavilion and is surrounded by its own enclosure wall. Both the pavilion and lecture hall have a similar layout with a wooden-floored hall in the center and an underfloor-heated room to each side.'' In front of Jeongojeong Pavilion are stone structures presumed to date to the Silla period (57 BCE-935 CE) and a Chinese juniper tree that is said to have been personally planted by Choe Chi-deok.  
''Ilseongjae Hall is located to the right of the lotus pond, perpendictular to the other buildings. Jeongojeong Pavilion is located behind the lotus pond, and Gwisanseosa '''Lecture Hall''' is located to the right of the pavilion and is surrounded by its own enclosure wall. Both the pavilion and '''lecture hall''' have a similar layout with a wooden-floored hall in the center and an underfloor-heated room to each side.'' In front of Jeongojeong Pavilion are stone structures presumed to date to the Silla period (57 BCE-935 CE) and a Chinese juniper tree that is said to have been personally planted by Choe Chi-deok.  

2021년 8월 15일 (일) 13:11 판

종오정 일원
종오정 일원, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 종오정 일원
한자 從吾亭 一圓
주소 경북 경주시 손곡동 375외 5필
국가유산 종목 경상북도 기념물 제85호
지정(등록)일 1992년 11월 26일
분류 유적건조물/인물사건/역사사건/역사사건
수량/면적 3,858㎡
웹사이트 종오정 일원, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



이곳은 조선 영조 때의 학자인 문효공 최치덕(文孝公 崔致德, 1699~1770)의 유적지이다. 건물은 종오정, 귀산서사(龜山書社), 일성재(日省齋), 연당(蓮塘) 등으로 구성되어 있다.

최치덕은 평생을 후배 양성에 힘썼으며, 70여 명의 제자를 길러냈다. 또한 그는 자신의 학문 연구도 소홀히 하지 않았으며, 많은 저서를 남긴 인물이다.

문효공이 1745년 돌아가신 부모를 모시려고 일성재를 짓고 머무를 때, 그에게 학문을 배우려고 따라온 제자들이 생활할 수 있도록 귀산서사가 함께 세워졌다. 연당에는 종오정을 중심으로 앞쪽 양 옆에 향나무를 비롯한 여러 종류의 나무가 아름답게 어우러져 있는데, 우리나라에서 손꼽히는 전통정원으로 원형이 잘 유지되어 있다.


Jongojeong Pavilion and Surroundings --> Historic Site Related to Choe Chi-deok

This historic site was established in 1745 by the scholar Choe Chi-deok (1699-1770).

Choe Chi-deok was known for his filial devotion. After the death of his parents, he built Ilseongjae Hall at this site in 1745 so that he could look after their tombs and perform ancestral rituals. His students followed him to this place to continue their studies. They built Gwisanseosa Lecture Hall in 1746 and Jongojeong Pavilion in 1747. The name Jongojeong comes from a phrase in the Analects and expresses Choe Chi-deok's wish to spend his life doing the things he enjoys. In 1954, a shrine for the veneration of Choe Chi-deok was built at the rear of the complex. The large lotus pond at the front of the complex boasts beautiful views in summer when the flowers are in bloom and is representative of a traditional Korean garden.

Ilseongjae Hall is located to the right of the lotus pond, perpendictular to the other buildings. Jeongojeong Pavilion is located behind the lotus pond, and Gwisanseosa Lecture Hall is located to the right of the pavilion and is surrounded by its own enclosure wall. Both the pavilion and lecture hall have a similar layout with a wooden-floored hall in the center and an underfloor-heated room to each side. In front of Jeongojeong Pavilion are stone structures presumed to date to the Silla period (57 BCE-935 CE) and a Chinese juniper tree that is said to have been personally planted by Choe Chi-deok.

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