
"사나사 원증국사 탑"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
40번째 줄: 40번째 줄:
This stupa was made in 1383 to honor Bou (1301-1382, also known as State Preceptor Wonjeung) an eminent Buddhist monk of the Goryeo period (918-1392). After a monk’s death, a stupa containing his remains was erected together with a stele recording his life and achievements. Although this stupa does not have the name of its owner inscribed on it, the Stele of State Preceptor Wonjeung (Tangible Cultural Heritage of Gyeonggi-do No. 73) located next to it, suggest that the stupa belongs to the same monk.  
This stupa was made in 1383 to honor Bou (1301-1382, also known as State Preceptor Wonjeung) an eminent Buddhist monk of the Goryeo period (918-1392). After a monk’s death, a stupa containing his remains was erected together with a stele recording his life and achievements. Although this stupa does not have the name of its owner inscribed on it, the Stele of State Preceptor Wonjeung (Tangible Cultural Heritage of Gyeonggi-do No. 73) located next to it, suggest that the stupa belongs to the same monk.  
Bou was ordained as a monk at the age of 13 at Hweeomsa Temple. In 1346, he went to China where he studied the principles of the Linji school of Chan Buddhism* and later promoted/implemented them in Korea. In 1356 during the reign of King Gongmin (r. 1351-1374), Bou was given the post of the royal preceptor, and in 1371, was promoted to State Preceptor, the highest position in the Buddhist clergy. It is said that when Bou died and his body was cremated, his relics were of an incomprehensible nature. Stupas to enshrine the relics were installed in today’s Bongamsa Temple in Mungyeong, Taegosa Temple in Yangju, and Sanasa Temple in Yangpyeong.  
Bou was ordained as a monk at the age of 13 at Hweeomsa Temple. In 1346, he went to China and studied the principles of the Linji school of Chan Buddhism which he later actively implemented in Korea. In 1356 during the reign of King Gongmin (r. 1351-1374), Bou was given the post of the royal preceptor, and in 1371, was promoted to State Preceptor, the highest position in the Buddhist clergy. It is said that when Bou died and his body was cremated, his relics were of an incomprehensible nature. Stupas to enshrine the relics were installed in today’s Bongamsa Temple in Mungyeong, Taegosa Temple in Yangju, and Sanasa Temple in Yangpyeong.  
The stupa has the shape of a bell and features a lotus-bud decorative top. Bell-shaped stupas started gaining popularity at the end of Goryeo and remained a common design during the Joseon period (1392-1910).  
The stupa has the shape of a bell and features a lotus-bud decorative top. Bell-shaped stupas started gaining popularity at the end of Goryeo and remained a common design during the Joseon period (1392-1910).  

2021년 7월 31일 (토) 12:02 판

사나사 원증국사탑
Stupa of State Preceptor Wonjeung at Sanasa Temple
사나사 원증국사 탑, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 사나사 원증국사탑
영문명칭 Stupa of State Preceptor Wonjeung at Sanasa Temple
한자 舍那寺 圓證國師塔
주소 경기도 양평군 옥천면 용천리 304번지
지정번호 경기도 유형문화재 제72호
지정일 1978년 10월 10일
분류 유적건조물/종교신앙/불교/탑
시대 고려시대
수량/면적 1기
웹사이트 사나사 원증국사 탑, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



고려 후기 승려 보우(普愚, 1301~1382)의 사리*를 모신 탑(부도)이다. 원증은 보우대사가 열반한 뒤 그의 업적과 덕을 칭송하여 붙인 이름(시호)이다.

원증국사 탑은 종 형태의 몸돌에 연꽃 봉오리 모양의 머리 장식이 얹혀 있다. 종 모양(석종형) 부도는[탑은] 고려 말부터 조선 시대에 유행하였다. 탑에는 누구의 것인지 적혀 있지 않지만, 바로 옆에 있는 비석을 통해 탑의 주인이 원증국사 보우 임을 알 수 있다. 보우가 열반한 뒤 다음 해인 고려 우왕 9년(1383)에 그의 제자 달심(達心)이 탑을 세웠다.

원증국사 보우는 고려 충목왕 2년(1346)에 중국 원나라에 가서 선(禪) 불교**의 하나인 임제종(臨濟宗)을 배워 이를 본격적으로 고려에 도입하였다. 고려 공민왕·우왕 때 덕이 높아 왕과 국가의 스승이 될 만한 승려에게 주는 최고의 칭호인 왕사(王師)·국사(國師)가 되었다.

원증국사 탑 왼쪽에 원증국사의 업적을 적은 ‘사나사 원증국사 석종비’(경기도 유형문화재 제73호)가 있다.

  • 사리 : 승려가 죽은 뒤 화장한 후에 나오는 구슬 모양의 것
  • 선불교 : 참선 수행으로 깨달음을 얻는 것을 중요시하는 불교의 한 종파


Stupa of State Preceptor Wonjeung at Sanasa Temple

This stupa was made in 1383 to honor Bou (1301-1382, also known as State Preceptor Wonjeung) an eminent Buddhist monk of the Goryeo period (918-1392). After a monk’s death, a stupa containing his remains was erected together with a stele recording his life and achievements. Although this stupa does not have the name of its owner inscribed on it, the Stele of State Preceptor Wonjeung (Tangible Cultural Heritage of Gyeonggi-do No. 73) located next to it, suggest that the stupa belongs to the same monk.

Bou was ordained as a monk at the age of 13 at Hweeomsa Temple. In 1346, he went to China and studied the principles of the Linji school of Chan Buddhism which he later actively implemented in Korea. In 1356 during the reign of King Gongmin (r. 1351-1374), Bou was given the post of the royal preceptor, and in 1371, was promoted to State Preceptor, the highest position in the Buddhist clergy. It is said that when Bou died and his body was cremated, his relics were of an incomprehensible nature. Stupas to enshrine the relics were installed in today’s Bongamsa Temple in Mungyeong, Taegosa Temple in Yangju, and Sanasa Temple in Yangpyeong.

The stupa has the shape of a bell and features a lotus-bud decorative top. Bell-shaped stupas started gaining popularity at the end of Goryeo and remained a common design during the Joseon period (1392-1910).

  • I guess since we're speaking about China here it's better to use the Chinese transcriptions.

영문 해설 내용

고려시대의 승려 보우(원증국사, 1301-1382)를 기리기 위해 1383년에 세워진 승탑이다. 스님의 사후에는 유골을 모신 승탑과 그의 생애와 업적을 기리는 탑비가 함께 조성된다. 이 승탑은 누구의 것인지 적혀 있지 않지만, 바로 왼쪽에 보우의 탑비(경기도 유형문화재 제73호)가 있어서 승탑의 주인이 보우임을 알 수 있다.

보우는 13세 때 양주 회암사에서 출가하였다. 이후 1346년 중국 원나라에 가서 선불교의 하나인 임제종을 배웠고, 이를 본격적으로 고려에 도입하였다. 1356년 공민왕(재위 1351-1374)의 왕사로 책봉되었고, 1371년에는 승려 최고 지위인 국사에 책봉되었다. 입적 후 화장을 하니 헤아릴 수 없는 사리가 나왔다고 하며, 지금의 문경 봉암사, 양주 태고사, 양평 사나사에 승탑을 세웠다고 전해진다.

이 승탑은 종 형태의 몸돌에 연꽃 봉오리 모양의 머리 장식이 얹혀 있다. 종 모양 승탑은 고려 말부터 조선시대에 유행하였다.