"전운상 영정"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(같은 사용자의 중간 판 하나는 보이지 않습니다)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
38번째 줄: 37번째 줄:
This is a portrait of Jeon Un-sang (1694-1760), a military official of the Joseon period (1392-1910).
This is a portrait of Jeon Un-sang (1694-1760), a military official of the Joseon period (1392-1910).
Jeon Un-sang was born in a clan village of the Damyang Jeon clan that is located in today's Guhang-myeon Township. He was born into a five-generation military official family. He passed the state military examination in 1717. When he was serving as a magistrate in Hamgyong-do Province, he was rewarded by the king for his his distinguished governance. In 1740, while serving as a naval commander of Jeolla-do Province, he was inspired by the shape of the falcon and produced a special vessel that could move very fast.
Jeon Un-sang was born in a clan village of the Damyang Jeon clan that is located in today’s Guhang-myeon Township. He was born into a five-generation military official family. He passed the state military examination in 1717. When he was serving as a magistrate in Hamgyong-do Province, he was rewarded by the king for his distinguished governance. In 1740, while serving as a naval commander of Jeolla-do Province, he was inspired by the shape of the falcon and produced a special vessel that could move very fast.
The portrait remains in good condition. It was made on silk canvas measuring 88 cm in width and 136.5 cm in height. Jeon is depicted seated on a chair covered in tiger fur. He wears his official robes, which feature a rank badge on his chest consisting of an embroidered tiger design with a belt around it. His sharp gaze and good posture evoke the resourcefulness and imposing character of a military official.  
The portrait remains in good condition. It was made on silk canvas measuring 88 cm in width and 136.5 cm in height. Jeon is depicted seated on a chair covered in tiger fur. He wears his official robes, which feature a rank badge on his chest consisting of an embroidered tiger design with a belt around it. His sharp gaze and good posture evoke the resourcefulness and imposing character of a military official.
There are no records about who or when it was painted, but it is presumed to have been painted around 1748 when the portrait (Chungcheongnam-do Tangible Cultural Heritage No. 127) of his younger brother Jeon Il-sang (1700-1753) was painted.
There are no records about who or when it was painted, but it is presumed to have been painted around 1748 when the portrait (Chungcheongnam-do Tangible Cultural Heritage No. 127) of his younger brother Jeon Il-sang (1700-1753) was painted.
62번째 줄: 61번째 줄:
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2021년 2월 5일 (금) 16:34 기준 최신판

Portrait of Jeon Un-sang
전운상 영정, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 전운상영정
영문명칭 Portrait of Jeon Un-sang
한자 田雲祥影幀
주소 충청남도 홍성군 구항면 거북로 422-41(홍주성역사관 소장)
국가유산 종목 충청남도 유형문화재 제147호
지정(등록)일 1995년 10월 7일
분류 유물/일반회화/인물화/초상화
시대 조선시대
수량/면적 1점
웹사이트 전운상 영정, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



전운상 영정은 조선 후기 무신 전운상(1694∼1760)을 그린 초상화이다. 전운상은 5대에 걸쳐 무관을 배출한 홍성군 구항면의 담양 전씨 가문에서 태어나 24세 때인 1717년(숙종 43) 무과에 급제하였다. 함경도 부사로 있을 때 백성의 고통을 해결하여 왕의 포상을 받았다. 1740년(영조 16) 전라좌수사로 있을 때에는 수군의 특수 함정인 해골선(海鶻船)을 제작하였다.

초상화는 88.0cm 세로 136.5cm의 크기로 관복을 입고 의자에 앉아 정면을 바라보고 있는 모습이다. 호랑이 무늬가 있는 흉배*를 가슴에 붙이고 그 위에 허리띠를 둘렀으며, 호랑이 가죽을 깐 의자에 앉아 있다. 날카로운 눈빛과 반듯한 자세에서 지략과 풍모를 갖춘 무인의 모습을 확인할 수 있으며, 보존 상태 역시 상당히 양호하다.

초상화가 그려진 시기나 화가에 대한 기록은 남아 있지 않으나 동생 전일상(1700~1753)의 초상화**가 그려진 1748년(영조 24)경에 그려졌을 것으로 추정된다.

  • 조선 시대에 문무관이 입는 관복의 가슴과 등에 학이나 범을 수놓아 붙이던 사각형의 표장(表章).
  • 충청남도 유형문화재 제127호.


Portrait of Jeon Un-sang

This is a portrait of Jeon Un-sang (1694-1760), a military official of the Joseon period (1392-1910).

Jeon Un-sang was born in a clan village of the Damyang Jeon clan that is located in today’s Guhang-myeon Township. He was born into a five-generation military official family. He passed the state military examination in 1717. When he was serving as a magistrate in Hamgyong-do Province, he was rewarded by the king for his distinguished governance. In 1740, while serving as a naval commander of Jeolla-do Province, he was inspired by the shape of the falcon and produced a special vessel that could move very fast.

The portrait remains in good condition. It was made on silk canvas measuring 88 cm in width and 136.5 cm in height. Jeon is depicted seated on a chair covered in tiger fur. He wears his official robes, which feature a rank badge on his chest consisting of an embroidered tiger design with a belt around it. His sharp gaze and good posture evoke the resourcefulness and imposing character of a military official.

There are no records about who or when it was painted, but it is presumed to have been painted around 1748 when the portrait (Chungcheongnam-do Tangible Cultural Heritage No. 127) of his younger brother Jeon Il-sang (1700-1753) was painted.

영문 해설 내용

조선시대의 무신인 전운상(田雲祥, 1694∼1760)의 초상화이다.

전운상은 지금의 홍성군 구항면의 담양전씨 집성촌에서 태어났다. 5대를 연이은 무관 집안 출신이며, 1717년 무과에 급제하였다. 함경도 부사로 있을 때에는 어진 정치를 베풀어 왕으로부터 포상을 받았다. 전라좌수사로 재직 중이던 1740년에는 매의 형상에서 영감을 받아 매우 빠르게 움직일 수 있는 특수 함정을 제작하였다.

초상화는 가로 88㎝, 세로 136.5㎝ 크기의 비단에 채색하여 그렸고, 보존 상태도 상당히 양호하다. 호랑이 무늬가 수놓인 흉배를 가슴에 붙이고 그 위에 허리띠를 둘렀으며, 호랑이 가죽을 깐 의자에 앉아 있다. 날카로운 눈빛과 반듯한 자세에서 지략과 풍모를 갖춘 무인의 모습을 확인할 수 있다.

초상화가 그려진 시기나 화가에 대한 기록은 남아있지 않으나, 동생인 전일상(1700-1753)의 초상화(충청남도 유형문화재 제127호)가 그려진 1748년과 비슷한 시기에 그려졌을 것으로 추정된다.
