"김해 대성동 고분군 88호분"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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30번째 줄: 30번째 줄:
'''Tomb No. 88'''
'''Tomb No. 88'''
This wooden chamber tomb, located on the northern peak of Aeguji Hill, was built in the late 4th century. The wooden chamber of this massive tomb measures 5.9 m in length and 2.7 m in width, but the significant part was destroyed due to plundering.
The bottom of the tomb was cut to create a 10 cm deep inverted triangular furrows and fix the wooden chamber in place. Around 10 flat stone slabs were lined at the bottom of the tomb preparing it for burial. The owner of the tomb was buried in the center and the burial goods were placed around him. One human sacrifice was buried in the chamber. The remains of three more human sacrifices - an elderly woman, a young woman, and a middle-aged man - were found in the space between the pit and the wooden chamber, which was filled/packed/stacked with dirt. The young woman and the man have a comb-shaped bone adornment pinned in the hair at the back of the head.
This wooden chamber tomb, located on the northern peak of Aeguji Hill, was built in the late 4th century. The wooden chamber of this massive tomb measures 5.9 m in length and 2.7 m in width, but a significant part was destroyed due to looting.
Although this tomb was plundered prior to excavation, various artifacts and prestigious items were found on the site including as 207 iron arrowheads, 292 bone arrowheads, 14 iron axes, 3 pieces of cylindrical bronzeware, and 764 bead necklaces. Among the prestigious items found in the tomb are elaborate dragon-shaped gilt-bronze belt rings*, horseshoe-shaped rings, and flower-shaped belt pendants popular among upper class of Western Jin (China) (266–316), as well as bronze spears, spindle-shaped stone artifacts, bronze arrowheads, and pinwheel-shaped bronze artifacts from Japan. Those artifacts are evidence of ties between the ruling classes of Geumgwan Gaya and Northeast Asia.
The bottom of the tomb was cut to create 10 cm-deep inverted triangular furrows and fix the wooden chamber in place. Around 10 flat stone slabs were lined at the bottom of the tomb to prepare it for the burial. The owner of the tomb was buried in the center and the burial goods were placed around him. One human sacrifice was buried in the chamber. The remains of three more human sacrifices – an elderly woman, a young woman, and a middle-aged man – were found in the space between the pit and the wooden chamber, which was packed with dirt. The young woman and the man have a comb-shaped bone adornment pinned in the hair at the back of the head.
*고리 – buckle? loop? ring?
Although this tomb was looted prior to excavation, various artifacts and prestigious items were found on the site including 207 iron arrowheads, 292 bone arrowheads, 14 iron axes, 3 pieces of cylindrical bronzeware, and 764 bead necklaces. Among the prestigious items found in the tomb are elaborate dragon-shaped gilt-bronze belt buckles, horseshoe-shaped buckles, and flower-shaped belt pendants popular among the upper class of Western Jin China (266–316), as well as bronze spears, spindle-shaped stone artifacts, bronze arrowheads, and pinwheel-shaped bronze artifacts from Japan. These artifacts are evidence of ties between the ruling classes of Geumgwan Gaya and other parts of Northeast Asia.
===영문 해설 내용===
===영문 해설 내용===

2020년 11월 17일 (화) 14:35 기준 최신판

김해 대성동 고분군 88호분
Goto.png 종합안내판: 김해 대성동 고분군



김해 대성동 고분군 88호분은 애구지 북쪽 구릉 정상부에 위치한 4세기 중‧후반의 덧널무덤*이다. 길이 5.9m, 너비 2.7m 규모의 덧널을 설치한 초대형급 무덤이다.

덧널 부분에 ‘브이(V)’ 자 모양의 홈을 파서 덧널을 고정했다. 바닥에는 납작한 돌 10여 장을 동서로 늘어놓아 6열의 시상**을 마련하고 중앙부에 무덤의 주인을 안치하고 껴묻거리를 배치하였다.

덧널에서는 무덤 주인과 더불어 1명의 순장자가 확인되었다. 무덤구덩이와 덧널 사이를 채운 충전토 내에서도 3명의 순장자가 발견되었다. 충전토 내에서 발견된 순장자는 노년의 여성, 어린 나이의 여성, 장년층의 남성으로 추정된다. 어린 나이의 여성과 장년층의 남성은 머리 뒤에 뼈로 만든 빗 모양의 장식품을 꽂고 있었다.

유물 대부분이 도굴되었지만 다양한 형태의 철 화살촉 207점, 뼈 화살촉 292점, 철 도끼 14점, 원통 모양의 청동기 3점, 764점의 구슬로 구성된 목걸이 등 많은 양의 위세품***이 출토되어, 왕릉급 무덤으로 추정된다. 화려한 용무늬가 조각된 금동제 허리띠 고리, 말굽 모양 고리와 화초 모양이 장식된 허리띠 드리개****는 중국 서진(西晉)에서 유행하였던 최고급 위세품으로 ‘서진-요녕-백제-금관가야-왜’의 지배층 간 교류를 보여 준다.

일본 계통의 유물로는 청동 창과 가락바퀴 모양의 석제품, 당시 일본의 지배층 무덤에서만 나오는 청동 화살촉 4점과 바람개비 모양의 청동기 13점이 출토되었다. 이들은 금관가야와 그 당시 일본 왕권 간의 교류를 보여 주는 유물이다.

  • 덧널무덤: 무덤 속에 관을 넣어두는 묘실을 나무로 짜 만든 무덤.
  • 시상: 입관하기 전에 시체를 얹어 놓는 긴 널.
  • 위세품: 왕이 자신을 따르는 지방 세력의 수장에게 하사한 귀한 물품.
  • 허리띠 드리개: 허리띠에 장식으로 늘어뜨린 패물.


Tomb No. 88

This wooden chamber tomb, located on the northern peak of Aeguji Hill, was built in the late 4th century. The wooden chamber of this massive tomb measures 5.9 m in length and 2.7 m in width, but a significant part was destroyed due to looting.

The bottom of the tomb was cut to create 10 cm-deep inverted triangular furrows and fix the wooden chamber in place. Around 10 flat stone slabs were lined at the bottom of the tomb to prepare it for the burial. The owner of the tomb was buried in the center and the burial goods were placed around him. One human sacrifice was buried in the chamber. The remains of three more human sacrifices – an elderly woman, a young woman, and a middle-aged man – were found in the space between the pit and the wooden chamber, which was packed with dirt. The young woman and the man have a comb-shaped bone adornment pinned in the hair at the back of the head.

Although this tomb was looted prior to excavation, various artifacts and prestigious items were found on the site including 207 iron arrowheads, 292 bone arrowheads, 14 iron axes, 3 pieces of cylindrical bronzeware, and 764 bead necklaces. Among the prestigious items found in the tomb are elaborate dragon-shaped gilt-bronze belt buckles, horseshoe-shaped buckles, and flower-shaped belt pendants popular among the upper class of Western Jin China (266–316), as well as bronze spears, spindle-shaped stone artifacts, bronze arrowheads, and pinwheel-shaped bronze artifacts from Japan. These artifacts are evidence of ties between the ruling classes of Geumgwan Gaya and other parts of Northeast Asia.

영문 해설 내용

88호분은 애구지 언덕 북쪽 구릉 정상부에 위치한 4세기 후반의 덧널무덤이다. 덧널의 크기가 길이 5.9m, 너비 2.7m 인 초대형급 무덤이지만, 도굴로 인해 상당 부분이 파괴되었다.

바닥에 깊이 10cm 정도의 역삼각형 홈을 파서 덧널을 고정하고, 바닥에는 납작한 돌 10여 장을 깔아 시상을 마련했다. 시상 중앙에 무덤의 주인을 안치하고 주변에 껴묻거리를 배치하였으며, 1명의 순장자가 확인되었다. 무덤 구덩이와 덧널 사이를 흙으로 채운 부분에서도 노년의 여성, 젊은 여성, 장년층의 남성 등 3명의 순장자가 발견되었다. 젊은 여성과 남성은 뼈로 만든 빗 모양의 장신구를 머리 뒤에 꽂고 있었다.

유물 대부분이 도굴되었지만 다양한 형태의 유물과 위세품이 출토되었다. 출토된 유물로는 철 화살촉 207점, 뼈 화살촉 292점, 철 도끼 14점, 원통 모양의 청동기 3점, 764점의 구슬 목걸이 등이 있다. 화려한 용무늬가 조각된 금동제 허리띠 고리, 말굽 모양 고리, 화초 모양이 장식된 허리띠 드리개 등은 중국 서진(西晉)에서 유행하였던 최고급 위세품이고, 청동 창, 가락바퀴 모양의 석제품, 청동 화살촉, 바람개비 모양의 청동기 등은 일본 계통의 유물들이다. 이러한 유물들은 당시 동북아시아 지역의 지배층 간 교류를 보여 준다.