
"경주 낭산 일원"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
31번째 줄: 31번째 줄:
Archaeological Area of Nangsan Mountain, Gyeongju
Nangsan Mountain has long been preserved as a sacred place as it is considered the western guardian mountain of the ancient capital of the Silla kingdom (57 BCE-935 CE).
According to the ''History of the Three Kingdoms'' (Samguk sagi), the mountain has been considered sacred since the year 413, when clouds in the shape of a pavilion arose above the mountain and stayed there for a long time. This was seen as a sign that the mountain was where the spirits of the former Silla kings engaged in merriment. The mountain was thus deemed to be auspicious, and it became forbidden to cut down trees on the mountain.
From the 7th century, the mountain became a sacred place of Buddhism. It was at the southern slope of this mountain that Queen Seondeok (r. 632-647), known for having actively promoted the religion, wished to be buried (Historic Site No. 182) and where Sacheonwangsa Temple (Historic Site No. 7) was established in 669. There are also various Buddhist sites '''related to the Silla royal family''' on the mountain, including a three-story stone pagoda (National Treasure No. 37) erected in 692 at Hwangboksa Temple, as well as a stone-carved seated bodhisattva triad (Treasure No. 665) made during the Unified Silla period (668-935).
*Archaeological 이라고 하면 – ‘발굴조사 이루었던 터’ 로 이해가 되요. 그냥 Nangsan Mountain and Surroundings으로 해도 될 것 같아요.
*마애불은 왕족과 무슨 관련이지?

2020년 9월 30일 (수) 10:35 판

경주 낭산 일원
Archaeological Area of Nangsan Mountain, Gyeongju
경주 낭산 일원, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.
대표명칭 경주 낭산 일원
영문명칭 Archaeological Area of Nangsan Mountain, Gyeongju
한자 慶州 狼山 一圓
주소 경북 경주시 보문동 214-2번지
국가유산 종목 사적 제163호
지정(등록)일 1968년 12월 13일
분류 유적건조물/유물산포지유적산포지/유적분포지/유적분포지
시대 시대미상
수량/면적 909,854
웹사이트 경주 낭산 일원, 국가문화유산포털, 문화재청.



낭산은 신라 왕경인 경주를 사면에서 둘러싸고 있는 토함산(東), 선도산(西), 남산(南), 금강산(北)의 중앙에 위치하고 있어 진산(鎭山)으로 여겨 성역으로 보존해 온 곳이다.

『삼국사기』에 의하면 실성왕 12년(413) 낭산에 구름이 일어나 바라보니 누각(樓閣)과 같았고 향기가 가득 퍼져 오랫동안 없어지지 않으니 왕은 신령이 내려와 노니는 것으로 여기고 복 받은 땅이라고 생각하여 이후로는 그곳에서 나무 베는 일을 금지하고 신성시 하였다고 한다.

7세기부터는 불교의 성스러운 산으로 변하기 시작하였다. 선덕여왕의 유언에 따라 만든 여왕의 능(사적 제182호)을 비롯하여 사천왕사지(사적 제7호)가 있고, 황복사지 삼층석탑(국보 제37호), 낭산 마애보살삼존좌상(보물 제665호) 등 왕실과 불교 관련 유적이 곳곳에 자리하고 있다.


Archaeological Area of Nangsan Mountain, Gyeongju

Nangsan Mountain has long been preserved as a sacred place as it is considered the western guardian mountain of the ancient capital of the Silla kingdom (57 BCE-935 CE).

According to the History of the Three Kingdoms (Samguk sagi), the mountain has been considered sacred since the year 413, when clouds in the shape of a pavilion arose above the mountain and stayed there for a long time. This was seen as a sign that the mountain was where the spirits of the former Silla kings engaged in merriment. The mountain was thus deemed to be auspicious, and it became forbidden to cut down trees on the mountain.

From the 7th century, the mountain became a sacred place of Buddhism. It was at the southern slope of this mountain that Queen Seondeok (r. 632-647), known for having actively promoted the religion, wished to be buried (Historic Site No. 182) and where Sacheonwangsa Temple (Historic Site No. 7) was established in 669. There are also various Buddhist sites related to the Silla royal family on the mountain, including a three-story stone pagoda (National Treasure No. 37) erected in 692 at Hwangboksa Temple, as well as a stone-carved seated bodhisattva triad (Treasure No. 665) made during the Unified Silla period (668-935).

  • Archaeological 이라고 하면 – ‘발굴조사 이루었던 터’ 로 이해가 되요. 그냥 Nangsan Mountain and Surroundings으로 해도 될 것 같아요.
  • 마애불은 왕족과 무슨 관련이지?