
"가평 현등사"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
34번째 줄: 34번째 줄:
'''Hyeondeungsa Temple'''
'''Hyeondeungsa Temple'''
According to legends, Hyeondeungsa Temple was founded in the 6th century by an Indian monk and was reconstructed by National Preceptor Doseon (827-898), an eminent Buddhist monk of the Unified Silla period (668-935). However, the temple fell into disuse over time, and it is said that National Preceptor Bojo (1158-1210) reestablished a temple at the remains of the old temple in 1210. He named the temple Hyeondeungsa, meaning “a temple with a hanging lantern,” as he repeatedly dreamt of a lantern before he visited Unaksan Mountain and rebuilt this temple. During the Joseon period (1392-1910), after Monk Hamheo expanded the temple in 1411, and the temple became a major prayer hall for the royal family.  
This temple is said to have first been founded in the 6th century by an Indian monk and reconstructed by National Preceptor Doseon (827-898), an eminent Buddhist monk of the Unified Silla period (668-935). However, the temple fell into disuse over time, and it is said that National Preceptor Bojo (1158-1210) reestablished a temple at the remains of the old temple in 1210. He named the temple Hyeondeungsa, meaning “a temple with a hanging lantern,” as he repeatedly dreamt of a lantern before he visited Unaksan Mountain and rebuilt this temple. During the Joseon period (1392-1910), after Monk Hamheo expanded the temple in 1411, the temple became a major prayer hall for the royal family.  
In 1763, many buildings of this temple were burned down, and the reconstruction and repairs were conducted following year. However, the temple was destroyed by fire again during the Korean War (1950-1953) and was reconstructed from the 1960s.  
In 1763, many buildings of this temple were burned down, and reconstructions and repairs were conducted following year. However, the temple was destroyed by fire again during the Korean War (1950-1953) and was reconstructed beginning in the 1960s.  
In the premises, there are several buildings including Burimun Gate, Geungnakjeon Hall, Bogwangjeon Hall, Jijangjeon Hall, Samseonggak Shrine, Yeongsanbojeon Hall, Manwolbojeon Hall, and Jeongmyeolbogung Hall. Cultural heritages kept at this temple include a bronze bell (Treasure No. 1793), two stone pagodas, one stupa, two buddhist statues, seven buddhist paintings.  
In the premises, there are several buildings including Burimun Gate, Geungnakjeon Hall, Bogwangjeon Hall, Jijangjeon Hall, Samseonggak Shrine, Yeongsanbojeon Hall, Manwolbojeon Hall, and Jeongmyeolbogung Hall. Cultural heritages kept at this temple include a bronze bell (Treasure No. 1793), two stone pagodas, one stupa, two buddhist statues, seven buddhist paintings.
===영문 해설 내용===
===영문 해설 내용===

2019년 12월 13일 (금) 15:03 판

가평 현등사
Hyeondeungsa Temple
대표명칭 가평 현등사
영문명칭 Hyeondeungsa Temple
한자 加平 懸燈寺
주소 경기도 가평군 조종면 현등사길 34



현등사는 대한불교 조계종 제25교구 봉선사의 말사로, 1772년 쓰인 운악산현등사사적(雲岳山懸燈寺事蹟)이란 책에 신라 23대 법흥왕 때 인도 승려 마라가미가 들어오자 그를 위해 운악산에 절을 만들었다는 기록이 남아있고 통일신라 말 도선국사(道詵國師)가 다시 지었다고 전해진다. 이후 고려 희종6년(1210) 보조국사(普照國師) 지눌이 등불이 거듭 보이는 꿈을 꾸어 운악산을 방문하니 건물 앞에 옥으로 만든 등이 걸려 있었다고 한다. 이에 절을 다시 크게 지은 뒤 현등사라 이름 지었다고 전해진다. 조선시대에 들어와 태종11년(1411) 함허대사(涵虛大師) 기화가 절을 다시 고쳐지은 후 왕실에서 기도를 드리는 사찰로 위치하게 되었다.

영조39년(1763))에는 화재를 입어 많은 건물이 없어졌고 이듬해 다시 지었으며 계속해서 조금씩 수리를 하다 6·25 전쟁 때 폭격으로 불에 탄 이후 지금과 같은 모습을 지니게 되었다.

운악산 등산로 입구에 일주문이 있으며 사찰 안에는 불이문, 극락전, 보광전, 지장전, 삼성각, 영산보전, 만월보전, 적멸보궁 등의 주요 건물들이 있다.

현등사에는 보물 제1793호 현등사 동종을 비롯하여 석탑 2기, 승탑 1기, 불상 2점, 불화 7점 등 경기도 지정문화재 12점을 소장하고 있다.


Hyeondeungsa Temple

This temple is said to have first been founded in the 6th century by an Indian monk and reconstructed by National Preceptor Doseon (827-898), an eminent Buddhist monk of the Unified Silla period (668-935). However, the temple fell into disuse over time, and it is said that National Preceptor Bojo (1158-1210) reestablished a temple at the remains of the old temple in 1210. He named the temple Hyeondeungsa, meaning “a temple with a hanging lantern,” as he repeatedly dreamt of a lantern before he visited Unaksan Mountain and rebuilt this temple. During the Joseon period (1392-1910), after Monk Hamheo expanded the temple in 1411, the temple became a major prayer hall for the royal family.

In 1763, many buildings of this temple were burned down, and reconstructions and repairs were conducted following year. However, the temple was destroyed by fire again during the Korean War (1950-1953) and was reconstructed beginning in the 1960s.

In the premises, there are several buildings including Burimun Gate, Geungnakjeon Hall, Bogwangjeon Hall, Jijangjeon Hall, Samseonggak Shrine, Yeongsanbojeon Hall, Manwolbojeon Hall, and Jeongmyeolbogung Hall. Cultural heritages kept at this temple include a bronze bell (Treasure No. 1793), two stone pagodas, one stupa, two buddhist statues, seven buddhist paintings.

영문 해설 내용