NJ2018 Cultivating Rice - Upland Rice

Evelyn (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 6월 1일 (금) 17:08 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
Nongsa jikseol
Table of Contents
  1. Preface
  2. Preparing the Seed Grain
  3. Plowing the Soil
  4. Cultivating Hemp
  5. Cultivating Rice
  6. Cultivating Proso and Foxtail Millet
  7. Cultivating Barnyard Grass
  8. Cultivating Soybeans, Red Beans, and Mung Beans
  9. Cultivating Barley and Wheat
  10. Cultivating Sesame
  11. Cultivating Buckwheat

Original Script

Text with Punctuation Text Image

稻種甚多。大抵皆同, 別有一種, 曰旱稻【鄕名: 山稻】。

徧宜於高地及水冷處, 然土大燥則不成。

二月上旬耕之。 三月上旬至中旬, 又耕之, 作畝足種。訖踏畝背令堅。

耘時, 去苗間土勿擁。地若瘠薄, 和熟糞或尿灰,種之。

或旱稻二分、稷二分、小豆一分, 相和而種。【大抵雜種之術, 以歲有水旱。 九穀隨歲異宜, 故交種, 則不至全失。】。


Korean Translation

English Translation



Further Reading