"NJ2018 Cultivating Rice - Transplanting"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(English Translation)
(Korean Translation)
(사용자 2명의 중간 판 7개는 보이지 않습니다)
25번째 줄: 25번째 줄:
根未着土, 灌水不可令深。【曝土時, 以人踏暫印爲度。 此法, 便於除草, 萬一大旱, 則失手, 農家之危事也。】
根未着土, 灌水不可令深。【此法, 便於除草, 萬一大旱, 則失手, 農家之危事也。】
下秧吉日【種秧、揷秧同。 】 辛未、癸酉、壬午、癸未、庚寅、甲午、甲辰、乙巳、丙午、丁未、戊申、己酉、乙卯、辛酉。 【總論有】 己亥、己未、成月、收日, 下五穀種通用。
秧基, 以灰和人糞布秧基。 而假如五斗落多年秧基, 則和糞灰三石; 若初作秧基, 則和糞灰四石適中。 和糞時, 極細調均。 若糞塊未破, 穀着其上, 反致浮釀。【慶尙左、西道行之。】
莭早無草, 則可好; 而至於晩稻, 亦爲之。
○ 沙沓秧基, 不待曝土, 因水下種。不然, 暫乾秧, 不着根。
凡地品不强, 或因雨水, 不得如法曝土處有秧種浮釀之狀, 則去水。如根未着土, 以沙量宜厭之, 根着後貯水。
移秧處, 水若乾涸, 急於移栽而苗弱, 若儲水秧基, 則秧苗自然, 出水長成。然弱而長, 移種時不無折傷之患矣。
54번째 줄: 41번째 줄:
=='''Korean Translation'''==
=='''Korean Translation'''==
'''모내기'''로 재배하는 방법은 물이 있는 논을 갈되 비록 가물어도 마르지 않는 곳이어야 한다. '''2월 하순'''부터 '''3월 상순'''까지 사이에 갈 수 있으며 논마다 10분의 1은 모를 기르고 나머지 10분의 9는 모를 심도록 헤아린다.{{원주|모를 뽑고 나면 못자리에도 아울러 모를 심는다.}}먼저 못자리로 할 곳을 갈아 방법대로 잘 다스리고 물을 뺀 다음 '''연한 버들가지'''를 잘게 썰어서 두껍게 편 다음 발로 밟아 넣고 흙을 볕에 쪼여 말린 후에 물을 댄다. 우선 '''볍씨'''를 3일 동안 담갔다가 걸러내서 '''''호천'''''{{원주|향명 ''빈섬''}}에 넣고, 하루 뒤에 파종한 다음 '''''판로'''''{{원주|향명 ''번지''}}로 볍씨를 덮는다. 모가 한 줌 이상 자라서 옮겨 심을 수 있게 되면, 먼저 모를 심을 곳을 간 다음에 '''갈잎'''{{원주|향명 가을초}}이나 '''소똥․말똥'''을 깐다. 모를 옮겨 심을 무렵에 다시 농법대로 갈되 흙이 아주 부드럽게 되도록 잘 간다. [옮겨 심는] 1'''''과''''' 당 4~5모가 넘지 않도록 하고, 흙에 착근되지 못했을 경우에는 너무 깊게 물을 대서는 안 된다.{{원주|이 방법은 제초에는 편리하지만, 만의 하나 크게 가물면 실수하게 되니, 농가의 위기이다.}}
=='''English Translation'''==
=='''English Translation'''==
'''Transplanting Seedlings'''  
'''Transplanting Method'''  
Select '''wet fields''' where the seedlings will not become dry, even if in the case of a drought.
Plowing should be done between the last week of the second month and the first week of the third month.  
Select '''wet fields''' where the seedlings will not become dry, even in the case of a drought.  
Each paddy field is divided into ten parts, one part is for raising the seedlings, and the other nine parts are intended for (transplanting) the plant seedlings. {{Original Commentary|After picking the seedlings completely, (transplant the seedlings in the fields), including the section where the seedlings were raised.}}
Plowing should be done between the last week<ref group="EN">A lunar month has three weeks of 10 days each.</ref> of the second (lunar) month and the first week of the third month.  
First, plow the section where the seedlings will be grown according to the plowing method (mentioned above), make the soil soft and levelled, and drain the water. Chop the soft ends of willow branches. Spread them thickly all over the fields and then stamp them underfoot. Leave the soil in the sunlight, let it dry completely, and irrigate the field.  
Each '''paddy field''' is divided into ten parts: One part is for raising the seedlings and the other nine parts are for (transplanting) the seedlings. {{Original Commentary|When the seedlings have completely been picked (and transplanted into the other nine parts), also transplant them into the part where the seedlings were raised.}}
First soak the rice seeds for three days, put them in the hoch’ŏn (known locally as pinsŏm) to drain. After one day set the seeds in the soil and cover them [with dirt] by  p’anro (known locally as pŏnji).  
First, plow the section where the seedlings will be grown according to the plowing method (mentioned previously), make the soil soft and levelled, and drain the water. Chop the soft ends of '''willow branches'''. Spread them thickly all over the fields and then stamp them underfoot. Let the soil dry completely under the sun and (then) irrigate the field.  
When the seedlings have grown over the height of one’s fist and are able to be transplanted, First plow the place where the seedlings will be transplanted and then spread the oak leaves (known locally as kaŭlch’oor cattle or horse manure.  
First, soak the seeds for three days. Then, put them in a '''''hocheon''''' {{Original Commentary|Its common name is ''binseom''}} to drain. After one day, plant the seeds in the soil and cover them (with soil) using a '''''panno'''''. {{Original Commentary|Its common name is ''beonji''.)
When it is time to transplant the seedlings, plow again according to the method (mentioned previously) to make the soil loosen and level, making it extremely '''soft'''. Plant four or five seedlings for each transplantation. Since they have not yet taken root, do not irrigate them deeply. {{Original Commentary|This method is convenient for weeding, in case of severe drought the crops will be lost, which is a matter of risk for the farm.}}
When the seedlings have grown taller than the height of one's fist, they are able to be transplanted, First, plow the place where the seedlings will be transplanted. Then, spread the '''oak branches with leaves''' {{Original Commentary|Its common name is ''gaeulcho''}} or '''cow or horse manure'''. When it is time to transplant the seedlings, plow again according to the method (mentioned previously) to make the soil loose and level, making it extremely '''soft'''. Plant four or five seedlings for each transplantation. Since they have not yet taken root, do not irrigate them deeply. {{Original Commentary|This method is convenient for weeding, in case of severe drought the crops will be lost, which is a matter of risk for the farm.}}
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2018년 6월 13일 (수) 10:45 기준 최신판

Nongsa jikseol
Table of Contents
  1. Preface
  2. Preparing the Seed Grain
  3. Plowing the Soil
  4. Cultivating Hemp
  5. Cultivating Rice
  6. Cultivating Proso and Foxtail Millet
  7. Cultivating Barnyard Grass
  8. Cultivating Soybeans, Red Beans, and Mung Beans
  9. Cultivating Barley and Wheat
  10. Cultivating Sesame
  11. Cultivating Buckwheat

Original Script

Text with Punctuation Text Image

擇水田, 雖遇旱不乾處。

二月下旬至三月上旬可耕。 每水田十分, 以一分養苗, 餘九分以擬裁苗。 【拔苗訖, 幷裁養苗處。】

先耕養苗處如法, 熟治去水, 剉柳枝軟梢厚布, 訖足踏之。

曝土令乾, 後灌水。 先漬稻種三日, 漉入蒿篅【鄕名: 空石】。

經一日下種, 後以板撈【鄕名: 翻地】覆種。

苗長一握以上, 可移裁之。

先耕苗種處, 布杼葉【鄕名: 加乙草】或牛馬糞。

臨移裁時, 又耕之如法, 熟治, 令土極軟。


根未着土, 灌水不可令深。【此法, 便於除草, 萬一大旱, 則失手, 農家之危事也。】



Korean Translation


모내기로 재배하는 방법은 물이 있는 논을 갈되 비록 가물어도 마르지 않는 곳이어야 한다. 2월 하순부터 3월 상순까지 사이에 갈 수 있으며 논마다 10분의 1은 모를 기르고 나머지 10분의 9는 모를 심도록 헤아린다.모를 뽑고 나면 못자리에도 아울러 모를 심는다. 먼저 못자리로 할 곳을 갈아 방법대로 잘 다스리고 물을 뺀 다음 연한 버들가지를 잘게 썰어서 두껍게 편 다음 발로 밟아 넣고 흙을 볕에 쪼여 말린 후에 물을 댄다. 우선 볍씨를 3일 동안 담갔다가 걸러내서 호천향명 빈섬 에 넣고, 하루 뒤에 파종한 다음 판로향명 번지 로 볍씨를 덮는다. 모가 한 줌 이상 자라서 옮겨 심을 수 있게 되면, 먼저 모를 심을 곳을 간 다음에 갈잎향명 가을초 이나 소똥․말똥을 깐다. 모를 옮겨 심을 무렵에 다시 농법대로 갈되 흙이 아주 부드럽게 되도록 잘 간다. [옮겨 심는] 1 당 4~5모가 넘지 않도록 하고, 흙에 착근되지 못했을 경우에는 너무 깊게 물을 대서는 안 된다.이 방법은 제초에는 편리하지만, 만의 하나 크게 가물면 실수하게 되니, 농가의 위기이다.

English Translation

Transplanting Method

Select wet fields where the seedlings will not become dry, even in the case of a drought.

Plowing should be done between the last week[EN 1] of the second (lunar) month and the first week of the third month.

Each paddy field is divided into ten parts: One part is for raising the seedlings and the other nine parts are for (transplanting) the seedlings. When the seedlings have completely been picked (and transplanted into the other nine parts), also transplant them into the part where the seedlings were raised.

First, plow the section where the seedlings will be grown according to the plowing method (mentioned previously), make the soil soft and levelled, and drain the water. Chop the soft ends of willow branches. Spread them thickly all over the fields and then stamp them underfoot. Let the soil dry completely under the sun and (then) irrigate the field.

First, soak the seeds for three days. Then, put them in a hocheon Its common name is binseom to drain. After one day, plant the seeds in the soil and cover them (with soil) using a panno. {{Original Commentary|Its common name is beonji.)

When the seedlings have grown taller than the height of one's fist, they are able to be transplanted, First, plow the place where the seedlings will be transplanted. Then, spread the oak branches with leaves Its common name is gaeulcho or cow or horse manure. When it is time to transplant the seedlings, plow again according to the method (mentioned previously) to make the soil loose and level, making it extremely soft. Plant four or five seedlings for each transplantation. Since they have not yet taken root, do not irrigate them deeply. This method is convenient for weeding, in case of severe drought the crops will be lost, which is a matter of risk for the farm.

  1. A lunar month has three weeks of 10 days each.



Further Reading