Understanding Korea materials - All About Korea 2014 - Arts & Culture: Modern and Contemporary Art in Korea

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Modern and Contemporary Art in Korea

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▶ Arts & Culture ▶ Cultural Phenomena
  • Summary: (Korean Culture Series 1) This book discusses the issues of tradition and modernity as well as the identity of modern and contemporary art in Korea. It introduces Korean art not only to art lovers or specialists but to those with a general interest as well.
  • Language: English
  • Format: Book
  • Year of Publication: 2005
  • Pages: 121
  • Publisher: Hollym
  • Price: $30 / ₩19,800
  • Inquiry: The Korea Foundation (+82-2-2151-6520) / Hollym (+82-2-795-7551~4)
  • ISBN: 978-1-56591-215-2 (H) / 978-1-56591-217-9 (S)