Understanding Korea materials - All About Korea 2014 - Arts & Culture: Fashion Express, Dongdaemun

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Fashion Express, Dongdaemun

AllAboutKorea2014 img 400.jpg
▶ Arts & Culture ▶ Clothing
  • Summary: Beyond its lengthy history as a traditional marketplace, Dongdaemun Market has been transformed into a center of Korean fashion. To glimpse the future of Dongdaemun, the film also features interviews with designers who are out to challenge the world.
  • Language: English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Korean
  • Format: DVD (NTSC, PAL)
  • Year of Publication: 2008
  • Running Time: 54minutes
  • Publisher: Korea Cinetel (KF Sponsored)
  • Price: Not for sale, but available through official request from institutions
  • Inquiry: The Korea Foundation (+82-2-2151-6520)