South-Korean Catholic Church and Democratization Movements

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
Evelyne Chérel-Riquier
33. Evelyne.JPG
Name in Latin Alphabet: Evelyne Chérel-Riquier
Nationality: France
Affiliation: University of La Rochelle

강연 소개

This presentation focuses on the relations between the South-Korean Catholic Church and South-Korean’s State democratization, depicting the heterogeneous attitudes of South-Korean Catholic Church members toward participation to democratization movements: those who actively participated to democratization movements met sometimes the strong opposition of other Church members who opposed to this participation. This presentation will be also widened to related other aspects of Catholic Church members participation to political issues as the question of relations with North-Korea.

강연 영상

South-Korean Catholic Church and Democratization Movements