Significance of Buddhism in Early Korean History

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
Pankaj Mohan
8. Pankaj Mohan.jpg
Name in Latin Alphabet: Pankaj Mohan
Nationality: India
Affiliation: The Academy of Korean Studies

강연 소개

This paper aims to provide an understanding of the dynamic flow of Buddhist ideas on the silk road, and further on to the early Korean state of Silla, focusing on the ways in which the ideas and ideals of Buddhism in early India were adapted to suit the political and cultural needs of North China, and underwent further modification in Korea to suit its political and social needs. Although Buddhism equally served as an ideological prop of various early states that emerged in northeast Asia, and most of the rulers in these states in Northeast Asia invoked the rich and versatile Buddhist symbolism--rulers as cakravartin and Maitreya, the Future Buddha-- between the fourth and seventh centuries, the forms in which these motifs found expression varied according to local traditions and conditions in these lands. The period between the fourth and seventh centuries is characterised by revolutionary changes in East Asia. Traditional tribal pattern of politics was gradually replaced during this period by new discourse of statecraft, informed by Buddhist cosmology. In the context of the Korean state of Silla Buddhism underpinned the legitimacy of the ruling stratum of centralised unitary states as an ideology of cohesive force. In the process of transition from a pre-state form to a centralised polity, the state is primarily concerned with shifting the allegiance and affiliation of the polity from local centres of power to the central authority. Promulgation of common set of laws and codes of Behaviors is doubtless important, but the state also obtains justification for the social order and ideology it is trying to develop from state affiliated religious institutions and personnel. However, before discussing the social and political significance of Buddhism in early Korea it is important to examine the character of ”Silk Road Buddhism’ that was transmitted to the Korean peninsula, and to analyze its perceived value for the Korean rulers who enthusiastically supported and patronised it.

강연 영상

Significance of Buddhism in Early Korean History