Sepideh Zamani (세피데 자마니) 초급

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

--초급 수업--

As of now I have attended a total of 8 초급 (beginners) Korean classes during my stay at 한국학중앙연구원. We are a small class of 7 students under the wings of 전송희 선생님. The majority of us study in different fields back in our respective home universities. Therefore we haven't studied the Korean language in depth compared to the rest of our friends here. In my case I have attended Korean classes as an extracurricular module for two academic years and while attending 초급 Korean classes here I've come to realise the advantages and disadvantages of how I've learned Korean. The classes conducted once a week by the Trinity Centre for Asian Studies are very practical orientated with an emphasis on learning to engage the language. So while I have no issues in being able to follow 송희 선생님 words in class, asking questions or even conversing with friends in 중급 and‎ 고급‎‎ classes, my written Korean skills and knowledge of grammatical rules are very limited. I'm grateful that I'm able to take this opportunity to improve my weaknesses. Overall the classes are well balanced with written exercises and presentations. Everything is well explained with clear examples. I believe no matter how you've been taught and what level of skills you have, you will leave these intensive classes with a better and improved grasp of the Korean language.