Panel 34

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
일시 Date Session 7 10월 7일(금), 15:30-17:00 (Oct. 7. Fri. 15:30-17:00)
장소 Venue Room 204
사회자 Moderator 박자현 Jahyon Park (Cornell University)
발표 분야 Disciplines 문화, 예술, 영화 4
발표자 Speaker 박자현
Jahyon Park
Cornell University Heroic and Monstrous Violence in Extreme-marked Korean Horror Films Abstract
Ravikesh Jawaharlal Nehru University Nature Imagery in Modern Korean Poetry: Focused on Jeong Ji Yong’s ‘Nostalgia’ Abstract
Donna Kwon
University of Kentucky From the Madang into the Future: Creative Strategies of Engagement in the Performances of Changjak Yeonhui Teams Abstract
Tanner Jones University of Kentucky The Impact of Cultural Preservation on Jeju’s Shaman Community Abstract
발표사진 Photograph Panel34.jpg