Mohammed Ali Berawi
Mohammed Ali Berawi | |
Name in Latin Alphabet: | Mohammed Ali Berawi |
Nationality: | Indonesia |
Affiliation: | Professor. University of Indonesia, Faculty of Engineering |
[숨기기]강연자 소개
Dr. Berawi menyelesaikan pendidikan doktornya pada bidang Value Engineering and Innovation di Oxford Brookes University, Inggris. Sebelum bergabung dengan Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Indonesia di tahun 2008, Dr Berawi bekerja sebagai Lecturer di Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Technology, Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom dan Senior Lecturer pada Faculty of the Built Environment, University of Malaya yang juga menjabat sebagai Director, Value Management Centre, University of Malaya. Dr. Berawi juga dipercaya sebagai Lead Advisor untuk Kementerian Perhubungan, Republik Indonesia pada awal tahun 2012.
Puluhan publikasi ilmiah berupa artikel ilmiah maupun buku teks (antara lain, Achieving Excellence through Project Management oleh penerbit di Kuala Lumpur, Biography featured in the Who’s Who in the World – 24th edition oleh penerbit di USA, Aplikasi Value Engineering Pada Industri Konstruksi) telah dipublikasikan pada berbagai International Journals dan conference proceedings. Atas dedikasi yang telah dilakukan, Dr. Berawi memperoleh berbagai penghargaan internasional maupun nasional antara lain Prize Winner at the research student conference ‘2004 and ‘2005, FBE, Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom; Trophy Award, The Favourite Subject, Quantity Surveying Night (QS Night), University of Malaya, 2008; Finalis UK Alumni Award (2008); Dosen Peneliti Berprestasi Universitas Indonesia (2009), Dosen Peneliti Muda Terbaik Universitas Indonesia (2009), penerima penghargaan Ilmiah bagi Dosen/Peneliti UI 2010 untuk kategori Ketua Editor Jurnal Internasional, Best Paper Award pada International Conference on Value Engineering Management (ICVEM), Hong Kong (2012), Presenter Terbaik pada Seminar Riset Kompetitif Nasional oleh DIKTI (2013) dan Poster Terbaik pada Seminar Riset Kompetitif Nasional oleh DIKTI (2014) serta Finalis Toray Science and Technology Award (2014).
Saat ini Dr.Berawi menjabat sebagai Direktur, Direktorat Riset dan Pengembangan Masyarakat (DRPM), Universitas Indonesia; Direktur eksekutif , Center for Sustainable Infrastructure Development (CSID) FTUI; Editor-in-Chief ,Value World, Journal of the Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE International - ); Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Technology ( ) dan menjadi anggota berbagai editorial board dan invited reviewer untuk berbagai jurnal internasional diantaranya, International Journal of Construction Project Management (Canada), Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (ASCE, USA), Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology (Emerald, UK), International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management (Emerald, UK).
1 Improving Feasibility of Mega Infrastructure Project Development Using Value Engineering Method (Berawi, M.A., Susantono, B., Dikun, S., Ilyas, T., Zetha, H., Berawi, A.R.B., Zagloel, T.Y., Miraj, P., Petroceany, J.S) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International; Volume: 37; pp. 32-38
2 Enhancing Value for Money of Mega Infrastructure Projects Development Using Value Engineering Method (Berawi, M. A., Susantono, B., Miraj, P., Berawi, A. R. B., Rahman, H. Z., &Husin, A.) Procedia Technology, 16, 1037-1046.
3 Development of The Soekarno – Hatta International Airport Rail Link Project Using The Value Engineering Method: Creating Value for Money (Berawi, M.A. &Susantono, B., Dikun, S., Ilyas, T., Zetha H., Berawi, A.R.B., Zagloel, T.Y., Miraj, P., Petroceany, J.S) Makara Journal of Technology, 18(3).
4 Feasibility Analysis of Investment with Life Cycle Cost Approach on PRASTI Tunnel Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Conceptual Design (Yuristiary, Y., Berawi, M.A., Ali, F.) Third International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE), 2014, Jogjakarta.
5 Life Cycle Costing Analysis of Soekarno – Hatta Rail Link (SHIARL) Project Using Value Engineering Method (Berawi, M.A. &Susantono, B., Dikun, S., Ilyas, T., Zetha H., Zagloel, T.Y., Berawi, A.R.B., Susilowati, S.I.) The Second Australasia and South East Asia Conference in Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ASEA – SEC-2), 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.
6 Financial Feasibility of The Development of Sunda Strait Bridge Conceptual Design Using Value Engineering Method (Berawi, M.A. &Susantono, B., Miraj, P., Gunawan.,Berawi, A.R.B., Husin, A.) The Second Australasia and South East Asia Conference in Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ASEA – SEC-2), 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.
7 Achieving Efficiency by Unlocking Innovation in System Design and Engineering – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International – spring edition, Volume: 37; pp. 1-2
8 Integrating Quality Management and Value management Methods: Creating Value Added for Building Projects (Berawi, M.A., Susantono, B., Abdul-Rahman, H., Sari, M., Sesmiwati, Rahman, H.Z) International Journal of Technology; Volume: 4; pp. 45-55
9 Developing Conceptual Design of Mega Infrastructure Project: Creating Innovation and Added Value (Berawi, M.A., Susantono, B) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International; Volume: 36; pp. 12-20
10 Technology Selection In Airport Railway Project Using Value Engineering Approach (2. Berawi, MA, Zetha, H.R., Zulkarnaen, M) International Conference on Advanced Technology to Support Sustainable Development, 2013, Jakarta.
11 Emphasizing Function Analysis to Create Added Value – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International – spring edition, Volume: 36; pp. 1-2
12 Developing Conceptual Design of Mega Infrastructure Project: Creating Innovation and Added Value (Berawi, M. A., Susantono, B.) Value Summit, The American Society of Value Engineering (SAVE) International Conference 2013, Washington, USA
13 Improving System Performance Through Design and Technological Advancements – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) International Journal of Technology (IJTech), Volume.4, Issues 1
14 PerkembanganKebijakanPembiayaanInfrastrukturTransportasiBerbasisKerjasamaPemerintahSwasta di Indonesia (Susantono, B., Berawi, M.A) JurnalTransportasi; Volume: 12; pp. 93-102
15 Managing construction logistics management: Findings from construction contractors and industrialized building system (IBS) manufacturers (Berawi, M. A., Berawi, A. R. B., &Hadwart, K. A) African Journal of Business Management; Volume 6; pp. 1932-1944
16 Improving Contruction Project Performance using Quality and Value Management (Berawi, M. A, Hamzah A.R, Sesmiwati, Zetha, H. R. & Sari, M.) Proceeding of International Conference on Value Engineering Management, Hongkong, 2012
17 Application of Value Engineering at Public Private Partnership to Improve Quality of Feasibility Study (Case Study: Airport Railway in Indonesia) (Zetha, H.R., Berawi, M.A &Sesmiwati, Susilowati, Dofir. A,) Proceeding of International Conference on Value Engineering Management, Hongkong, 2012
18 Conceptual Design of Sunda Strait Bridge Using Value Engineering Approach (Berawi, M. A, Miraj, P., Gunawan&Husin, A. E.) Proceeding of International Conference on Value Engineering Management, Hongkong, 2012
19 Improving Productivity and Performance to Deliver More Value – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International – spring edition, Volume: 35; pp. 1-2
20 Empowering Function Analysis to Stimulate Innovation – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International – fall edition, Volume: 35; pp. 1-2
21 Impoving Productivity, Quality and Process Efficiency – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) International Journal of Technology (IJTech), Volume.3, Issues 2, July 2012
22 Advancing Scientific and Technological Capacity Development – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) International Journal of Technology (IJTech), Volume.3, Issues 1, January 2012
23 Tolerance Limit For Trucks With Excess Load in Transport Regulation in Indonesia (Hadiwardoyo, SP, Sumabrata, RJ., Berawi, M.A) Makara, Teknologi; Volume. 16; pp. 85-92
24 A Guide for Idea Generation and Creativity using Function Analysis (Berawi, M.A) Proceeding of the 51th SAVE Annual Conference, Oregon, USA
25 Creating Value in Product/Product Life Cycle – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International – fall edition, Volume: 34; pp. 1-2
26 Achieving Professional Development: Improving Project/Product Performance – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International – spring edition, Volume: 34; pp. 1-2
27 Integrated Design in Urban Eco-Technology for Quality of Life and Humanity – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) International Journal of Technology (IJTech), Volume.2, Issues 3 (SE), July 2011
28 Optimizing Product/Project Performance towards Sustainable Development – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) International Journal of Technology (IJTech), Volume.2, Issues 2, July 2011
29 Creating Value through Engineering Design and Technology – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) International Journal of Technology (IJTech), Volume.2, Issues 1, January 2011
30 A Guide for Ide Generation: Creating Value through System Innovation (Berawi, M.A.) Proceeding of the 50th SAVE Annual Conference, California, USA
31 Integrating Engineering Design and Technology Towards Sustainable Development – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) International Journal of Technology (IJTech), Volume.1, Issues 1, July 2010
32 The Role of Effectiveness, Efficiency and High Quality in Project/Product Designs – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) Value World Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International – fall edition, Volume: 33; pp. 2-3
33 Managing Change and Uncertainty using Value Engineering – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International – summer edition, Volume: 33; pp. 32-38
34 Optimizing Business Strategy and Performance – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International – spring edition, Volume: 33; pp. 2-3
35 Establishing a Reliable Method of Distinguishing Functions and Processes (Berawi, M.A) Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International Press, USA
36 Enhancing “Value Added” in Project/Product Designs and Processes – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International – fall edition, Volume: 32; pp. 2-3.
37 Process and Product Optimization Using Value Engineering/Value Management – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International – summer edition, Volume: 32; pp. 2-3
38 Managing Innovation Indicators in Value Engineering – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International – spring edition, Volume: 32; pp. 2-3.
39 Strengthening Codes of Professional Ethics in the Construction Industry (Berawi, M.A., Abdul-Rahman, H & Siang, K.W) Building Engineer, The Association of Building Engineers (ABE) Press, United Kingdom; pp. 6-11
40 Stimulating Innovation Using Function Models: Adding Product Value Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International; Volume: 31; pp. 4-7
41 A conceptual model for mitigating delay in construction projects using a project learning approach (Abdul-Rahman, H., Yahya, I.A., Berawi, M.A., WaiWah, L) Construction Management and Economics; Volume 26; pp. 15-17
42 Issues Affecting payments in the Building and Construction Industry of a Rapidly Developing Economy (Abdul-Rahman, H., CheMunaaim, ME., MohdDanuri, MS., Berawi, M.A) Building Engineer, The Association of Building Engineers (ABE) Press, United Kingdom; pp. 4-10
43 Managing Innovation Indicators in Value Engineering – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International – spring edition, Volume: 32; pp. 2-3.
44 Managing Change in Construction Contract Using Knowledge Management (Abdul-Rahman H, Berawi M.A, Ehsan, CM and Meiye, K.) Quantity Surveying International Conference (QSIC) Proceeding, 21-22 Oct 2008, Malaysia
45 The Perception of Professional Ethics In The Construction Industry (Berawi, M. A., Abdul-Rahman, H., Berawi, A. R., & Wei Siang, K) International Conference on Project Management Proceeding, Malaysia
46 Optimizing Operational Production Using Lean Concept by Implementing Logistics Management Among Contractors and IBS Manufacturers In Malaysia (Abdul-Rahman, H., Berawi B. P., Berawi M. A., Hadwart, K. A. A.) International Conference on Project Management Proceeding, Malaysia
47 Implication of Town Planning to Malaysia Land Development (Berawi, M. A., Abdul-Rahman, H, Yahya, I. A., Abdul-Samad, Z & Yen Wui, I. L.) International Conference on Project Management Proceeding, Malaysia
48 Construction Management – Procedures and Implementation (Berawi, M.A) 2 August 2008 – 6 August 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Projacs International (consultancy proceeding)
49 The Complete Program on Construction Management, Strategic Planning and Leadership Skills (Berawi, M.A) 2 August 2008 – 6 August 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Projacs International (consultancy proceeding)
50 The Role of Project Learning as Professional Best Practice to Contractor’s and Consultants (Abdul-Rahman H, Yahya I. A, Berawi M. A and Low W.W) Quantity Surveying International Conference (QSIC) Proceeding 4-5 Sept 2007, Malaysia
51 Analyzing Project Brief Using Value Management (Yahya I. A, Berawi M.A. and AbdKarim S.B and Abdul-Rahman H) Quantity Surveying International Conference (QSIC) Proceeding 4-5 Sept 2007, Malaysia
52 Does Professional Ethic Affects Construction Quality? (Abdul-Rahman H, AbdKarim S.B, MohdDanuri M. S, Berawi, M.A. and Yap X.W) Quantity Surveying International Conference (QSIC) Proceeding, 4-5 Sept 2007, Malaysia
53 The Integration of Value and Risk Management: Learning from Others (AbdKarim S. B, Yahya I. A, Berawi M. A, Abdul-Rahman H and Mohamed O.) Quantity Surveying International Conference (QSIC) Proceeding, 4-5 Sept 2007, Malaysia
54 A Review on the Issues and Strategies of Stakeholder Management (AbdKarim S. B, Berawi M. A, Abdul-Rahman H and Jaapar A) Management in Construction Researchers’ Association (MICRA) Conference Proceeding, 28-29 Aug 2007, Malaysia
55 Managing Education and Practical Workshops for Value Management/Value Engineering Program – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International – spring edition, Volume: 31; pp. 2-3.
56 Value Concepts in Industrial Applications – Editorial Note (Berawi, M.A.) Value World, Journal of Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International – fall edition, Volume: 31; pp. 2-3.
57 Construction, Operation and Maintenance Executive Program (Berawi, M.A.) 6th Annual Program: 11-23 November 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Projacs International (consultancy proceeding)
58 Distinguishing concept types in function models during the act of innovation (Berawi, M.A.) Departement of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Auckland, 2 October 2007, Invited Presentation, Auckland, New Zealand
59 Construction Management – Procedures and Implementation (Berawi, M.A.) 11 – 15 August 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Projacs International (consultancy proceeding)
60 Construction Project Management (Berawi, M.A.) 24-25 Nov 2007, Kuala Lumpur (consultancy proceeding)
61 Dynamics of Managing Construction Contracts (Berawi, M.A.) 20 May 2007, Kuala Lumpur (consultancy proceeding)
62 An Alternative Theory to Idea Generation; International Journal of Management Practice (Woodhead, R.M., Berawi, M.A) Inderscience; Volume 3; pp. 1-19
63 Delay Mitigation in the Malaysian Construction Industry (Abdul-Rahman, H., Berawi, M. A., Berawi, A. R.) Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), USA; Volume 132; pp. 125-133
64 How-Why Logic Paths and Intentionality (Berawi, M.A., Woodhead, R.M; 2005) Value World, Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International Press, USA; Volume: 2; pp. 12-15
65 The If-Then Modelling Relationship of Causal Function and Their Conditioning Effect on Intentionality (Berawi, M.A., Woodhead, R.M) Value World, Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International Press, USA; Volume: 28; pp. 16-20
66 Application of Knowledge Management in Production Management; Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing (Berawi, M.A., Woodhead, RM) Wiley and Son; Vol. 15; pp.249 – 257
67 Is “Drink Beer” a function? (Woodhead, R.M., J.J. Kaufman, Berawi, M.A) Value World, Journal of the Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE) International, USA; Volume: 27; pp. 11-15
68 Quality Revolution: Leading the Innovation and Competitive Advantages (Berawi, M.A.) International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management,Emerald; Volume: 21; pp. 425-438
69 A Teleological explanation of the How-Why logic in Classic FAST (Berawi, M. A. &Woodhead, RM) The American Society of Value Engineering (SAVE) International Conference 2004, Montreal, Canada
70 An Etiological explanation of WHEN logic in Classic FAST (Woodhead, RM &Berawi, M. A.) The American Society of Value Engineering (SAVE) International Conference 2004, Montreal, Canada
71 Application of Knowledge Management in Construction Production Management (Abdul-Rahman, H &Berawi, M. A.) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century, Hongkong, 2003
72 Power Quality System, A new System for Quality Management in Globalization-Towards Innovation and Competitive Advantages (Abdul-Rahman, H &Berawi, M.A.) Quality Assurance: Best practice, Regulation, and Law, Taylor & Francis; Vol.9; pp 5-30
73 Quality Management in Construction, Construction Operation & Maintenance Executive Programme (Berawi, M.A.) Projacs International, Malaysia, 2002 (consultancy)
74 Developing Knowledge Management System for QS Education-Managing Change and Uncertainty in Construction Industry (Abdul-Rahman, H., Berawi, M. A., I. A. Yahya) QS National Convention 2002, 5th – 7 May 2002, Malaysia
75 Towards Innovation and Competitive Advantages Using A New Quality Management System (Abdul-Rahman, H &Berawi, M. A.) European Conference of Product and Process Modelling (ECPPM), Slovenia, Sept. 9-11, 2002, Europe
76 Developing A Knowledge System (Berawi, M.A.) 20th Annual The Association of Management and the International Association of Management (AoM/IaoM) Conference, 2002, Canada
77 Management of Time and Site Project (Abdul-Rahman, H &Berawi, M. A.) Conference on Management Time and Site Project, Malaysia, 2001 (consultancy)
78 Developing Knowledge Management System for Construction Contract Management – Managing Change and Uncertainty (Abdul-Rahman, H &Berawi, M. A.) Conference on Management Time and Site Project, Malaysia, 2001 (consultancy)
79 Critical factors for mitigation delays in construction (Abdul-Rahman, H, Berawi, M. A., I. A. Abbas,) National Conference on Construction Industry (NACID 2001), Malaysia
80 Experiences in handling projects delays in construction (Abdul-Rahman, H, P. Woods, Berawi, M. A., I. A. Abbas) National Conference on Construction Industry (NACID, 2001), Malaysia
81 Design optimum for SRM (Berawi, M. A. & M. R. Tamjis,) 5SEA Regional Conference On Higher Engineering Education Network (REECHEN), 2001, Malaysia.
82 Developing Knowledge Management for Construction Contract Management (Abdul-Rahman, H &Berawi, M. A.) Prolog Association of Japan, 2001, ISSN 1345-0980, Tokyo, Japan.
Awards and Achievements
- Trophy Award, research student conference ‘2004 and ‘2005, FBE, OxforUniversity, Oxford, United Kingdom.
- Trophy Award, The Favourite Lecture Subject, Quantity Surveying Night University of Malaya, 2008
- Finalist UK Alumni Award, 2008
- Penghargaan Dies Natalis ke-59 Universitas Indonesia, 2009
- Dosen/Peneliti Berprestasi Universitas Indonesia, 2009
- Dosen/Peneliti MudaTerbaik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
- Penghargaan Ilmiah Universitas Indonesia – Ketua Dewan Editor Journal International 2010
- Penghargaan Ilmiah Universitas Indonesia – Ketua Dewan Editor Journal International 2011
- Best Paper di International Conference on Value Engineering Management (ICVEM), Hong Kong, 2012
- Best Presenter, Seminar Riset Kompetitif Nasional, Direktorat Jenderal PendidikanTinggi, KementerianPendidikandanKebudayaan, 2013
- Best Poster, Seminar Riset Kompetitif Nasional, Direktorat Jenderal PendidikanTinggi, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2014
- Presidium Ketua PerhimpunanMahasiswaTeknik Indonesia (BP Nasional PMTI) 1998
- Ketua Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Malaysia 2002
- Ketua Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Inggris Raya 2004
- Ketua Jaringan Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) International 2005
Research Grants
- Pengembangan Konseptual Desain dan Model Pembiayaan JalanTol Trans – Sumatera Berbasis Metode Rekayasa Nilai (2015),PENPRINAS MP3EI, DIKTI.
- Pengembangan Konseptual Desain High Speed Railways Berbasis Rekayasa Nilai untuk Meningkatkan Kelayakan Investasi Proyek (2015),Hibah Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi, DIKTI.
- Model Pembiayaan dan Kelembagaan Proyek Infrastruktur Kereta Api Bandara dan PRASTI Tunnel dengan Skema Kerjasama Pemerintah Swasta (2015), PENPRINAS MP3EI, DIKTI.
- Pengembangan Konseptual Desain dan Model Kelembagaan Jalan Tol Trans – Sumatera Berbasis Metode RekayasaNilai (2015), Hibah Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi, DIKTI.
- Hibah PRASTI Tunnel Development Using Value Engineering Method to Improve Project Feasibility in PPP Scheme (2014), Hibah Penguatan Riset Berbasis Kolaborasi Internasional UI
- Model Pembiayaan dan Kelembagaan Proyek Infrastruktur Kereta Api Bandara dan PRASTI Tunnel Dengan Skema Kerjasama Pemerintah – Swasta (2014), PENPRINAS MP3EI, DIKTI.
- Formulating Rail Infrastructure Charging Scheme to Stimulate Railways Public Services Liberalization (2014), AIIRA research grant, AUSaid.
- Kajian Pembangunan dan Konseptual Design Jembatan Selat Sunda Berbasis Rekayasa Nilai Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing dan Inovasi (2012 – 2013), PENPRINAS MP3EI, DIKTI.
- Model LCC Berbasis Rekayasa Nilai Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Kelayakan Proyek Infrastruktur Kereta Api Dengan Skema KPS (2013), Hibah Riset UtamaUniversitas Indonesia
- Improving Construction Project Performance Using Quality and Value Management (2012 – 2013), Collaboration Research Grant, DIKTI
- Perencanaandan Pembangunan Sistem Tramway Untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi dan Mobilitas Kota (2011), Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi
- Pengembangan Panduan Praktis Penerapan Rekayasa Nilai (Value Engineering) pada Bangunan Gedung Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Proyek Konstruksi yang Inovatif di Indonesia (2010 – 2012), Research Grant Competency, DIKTI
- Penerapan Rekayasa Nilai Dalam Proses Desain dan Pembiayaan Konstruksi Tramway di kota Depok (2009), Research Grant Competency , DIKTI
- Aplikasi Rekayasa Nilai/Manajemen Nilai pada Industri Konstruksi di Indonesia untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing dan Inovasi (2009), Research of national strategic grant. University of Indonesia.
- Enhancing Operational Performance in Construction projects by Implementing Lean Construction (LC) (2007 – 2009), Ministry of Science & Technology (MOSTI) Research Grant, Malaysia.
- Improving the Legal Instruments for Land Development in Urban Areas (2007 – 2009), Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Malaysia
- Improving Project Performance By Unlocking Construction Project Risks Through Project Learning (2007 – 2009), Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Malaysia
- Managing Innovation in Construction and Manufacturing Industries (2003 – 2006), Research Grant Scheme, United Kingdom
- Application of Value Engineering in Construction and Manufacturing Industry (2003 – 2006), Research Grant Scheme, United Kingdom
Presenter and Invited Speaker
- Berawi, M. A. (2009), Panel Ahli: Politik Pemilu 2009, Debat Caleg Lintas Partai, KBRI Kuala Lumpur, 27 Januari 2009
- Berawi, M. A. (2009-2011), How to Publish your International Journal Papers, Pelatihan Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Untuk Jurnal Internasional, Universitas Indonesia (2009, 2010, 2011); Universitas Brawijaya (2009); Universitas Trisakti (2011)
- Berawi, M. A. (2009), Narasumber: Value Engineering untuk Proyek Rusunami, Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat (Kemenpera), 9 Juni 2009
- Berawi, M. A. (2009), Narasumber: Uji Publik Naskah VE untuk Rusunami, Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat (Kemenpera), 23 Juni 2009
- Berawi, M. A. (2009), Narasumber: Value Engineering to Improve Project Benefit, Project Management Institute (PMI) Indonesia and Komunitas Migas Indonesia Seminar Series, Auditorium Microsoft Indonesia, BEJ, 21 Agustus 2009
- Zetha, H. R., Latief, Y. &Berawi, M. A. (2009), Integration of Value Engineering and Risk Management to Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Construction Industry in Indonesia, Proceeding of the 11 International Conference on QiR, Indonesia, 3-6 August 2009
- Arminto, Y., Berawi M.A& Latief, Y. (2009), Building a Knowledge Sharing Culture for Successful Lessons Learned in Construction, Proceeding of the 11 International Conference on QiR, Indonesia, 3-6 August 2009
- Berawi, M. A (2010), Pelatihan Pengembangan Jurnal Internasional bagi para Editor Jurnal Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia
- Berawi, M. A (2010), Pembangunan Mega Infrastruktur berbasis Rekayasa Nilai (Value Engineering), Diskusi Pakar: Pembangunan Jembatan Selat Sunda (JSS), Gedung Artha Graha, Jakarta
- Berawi, M. A (2010), Peran, Tantangan dan Prospek Pertumbuhan Jasa Konstruksi Indonesia, Keynote Speaker, Seminar Nasional Gabungan Perusahaan Konstruksi Nasional Indonesia (GAPEKSINDO), Hotel Grand Melia, 12 Oktober 2010
- Berawi, M. A (2010), Penerapan Value Engineering untuk Meningkatkan Inovasi dan Daya Saing Konstruksi Indonesia, Seminar Asosiasi Kontraktor Indonesia (AKI), Jakarta Design Centre (JDC), 30 November 2010
- Berawi, M. A. (2011), Penerapan Rekayasa Nilai pada Pembangunan Jembatan Selat Sunda, Seminar Nasional Mahakarya Indonesia: Jembatan Selat Sunda, Universitas Mercubuana, Jakarta
- Berawi, M. A., Priyatno, H., Latief. Y., Sesmiwati, Rahman, H.R (2011), Application of Value Engineering at Design Stage in Indonesia Construction Industry, International Conference on QiR 2011, Bali, Indonesia
- Berawi, M. A. (2011), Manajemen Inovasi pada Industri Farmasi Indonesia, Pembahas/Narasumber, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), Desember 2011, Jakarta
- Berawi, M. A (2011), Publikasi Ilmiah Berbasis Penelitian pada Jurnal Internasional, Seminar Penelitian, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), Desember 2011, Jakarta
- Berawi, M. A. (2011), Stimulating Innovation in Project/Product Design using Function Analysis, Project Management Institute (PMI), International Symposium and Exhibition, The Laguna Resort Hotel, December 7-8, 2011 Nusa Dua, Bali
- Berawi M.A. (2012), Conceptual Design of Sunda Strait Bridge Using Value Engineering Approach, Exclusive Interview at MNC Business and Starhub Asia Singapore, Oktober 2012, Jakarta
강연자 목록
구분 | 성명 |
1 | Inditian Latifa |
2 | Mohammed Ali Berawi |
3 | Phan Thi Thu Hien |
4 | Tran Thuy Anh |
5 | Eduardo T. Gonzalez |
6 | Norma Mansor |
7 | Jakkrit Sangkhamanee |
8 | Neak Chandarith |
9 | Ni Lar Myint Htoo |