Dr Rathi Jafer

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

과제책임자 소개

  • Name: Rathi Jafer
  • Nationality: India
  • Affiliation: InKo Centre


  • Ph.D English Literature, Glasgow University, UK
  • M.A, English Literature, Stella Maris College, Chennai, India (Gold Medallist, Madra University)
  • B.A, English Literature, Stella Maris College, Chennai, India (Fourth in the Madras University)


  • 2006, November to date : Director, InKo Centre (The Indo-Korean Cultural and Information Centre).
  • April 2000 - October 2006 : Head Arts, South India, British Council, Chennai, India
  • June 1997 - March 2000 : English Studies Officer, South India British Council Chennai, India
  • November 1996 - May 1997 : Editor, Children's Books and Higher Education books British India (B.I) Publications, Chennai, India
  • Aug 1988 - July 1989 : Consultant and Co-ordinator Students' Book Fair, British India (B.I) Publications, Chennai, India
  • June 1986 - April 1988 : English Language Teacher, La Chatelaine Residential Junior College, Chennai, India