Collège Canada inc.

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Provided Programs&Courses

Specific Courses Offered

  1. Program Remarks - Canada College offers a variety of Korean courses within a well-structured program, designed to meet the requirements of adult learners from beginner to advanced.
    1. Korea-related Courses : Beginner Level
      • Course Remarks - This level aims to develop the student's proficiency in pronouncing and writing Korean vowels and consonants, and gradually building your vocabulary and a list of terminologies. Through dialogues, role-plays, and other interactive activities, the student will learn basic daily expressions used in different settings. By the end of the course, the student will have developed an understanding of Korean culture through various discussions and audio/visual aids.
    2. Korea-related Courses : Low-Intermediate Level
      • Course Remarks - This level further builds the four language skills - speaking, listening, writing and reading - with an emphasis on oral skill sets. Through learning expressions and vocabulary, the student will become competent to carry on basic conversations in a wide variety of settings. The student will also learn grammar, such as verb conjugations; and pronunciation rules. Completion of the beginner level or an evaluation is required.
    3. Korea-related Courses : High-Intermediate Level
      • Course Remarks - Continuing from the low-intermediate level, this level further explores a variety of grammatical patterns, terminology, and situational dialogues. The student will practice pronunciation through drills and exercises in an interactive learning environment. Completion of the low-intermediate level or an evaluation is required.
    4. Korea-related Courses : Low-Advanced Level
      1. Course Remarks - The student will learn complex sentence structure and advanced vocabulary to express the student's thoughts and feelings. Role-plays, dialogues, and in-class presentations will strengthen the student's conversational skills. Written skills will also be a focus in this course. Completion of the high-intermediate level or an evaluation is required.
    5. Korea-related Courses : High-Advanced Level
      • Course Remarks - Materials from various reading sources will be used to present routine social interactions at this level. Terminology, idioms, Korean proverbs, and Chinese-origin proverbs will also be covered. Upon completion, students will be capable of expressing their thoughts on diverse topics through practice doing presentations, role-plays, and other interactive activities. Completion of the low-advanced level or an evaluation is required.
    6. Korea-related Courses : Korean Conversation
      • Course Remarks - Designed for students with knowledge of elementary words and simple phrases, this course further builds the student's oral skills by learning vocabulary and idiomatic expressions through discussing various topics. Students will gain better understanding of the cultural context underlying spoken Korean.
    7. Korea-related Courses : Learning Korean through Drama
      • Course Remarks - This course combines the fun of watching a Korean TV drama with the practicality of learning conversational phrases. The student will learn the proper usage of Korean idioms as determined by various real life situations. Upon completion of the course, students’ oral and written skills will be enhanced through learning from additional online resources.