이성미 (한국학대학원 명예교수)

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
Yi Sŏng-mi
25. Yi Song-mi.jpg
Name in Latin Alphabet: Yi Sŏng-mi
Nationality: Republic of Korea
Affiliation: The Academy of Korean Studies

강연자 소개

Yi Sŏng-mi is Emerita of Art History at the Academy of Korean Studies. Previously, she served as Dean of the Graduate School of Korean Studies at the Academy. Prior to her tenure at the Academy, she taught at Duksung Women’s University in Seoul and also served as the Director of the University Museum there. She has been an active member of the National History Council of Korea and has served as the President of Korean Art History Association. Overseas she is a member of the editorial board of Archives of Asian Art. In February, 2001, she held the 21st Franklin Murphy Lectureship at the University of Kansas. Professor Yi was educated at Seoul National University (B.A.), the University of California at Berkeley (M.A.), and Princeton University where she received a Ph.D. degree in Art History. Her recent publications on Korean painting include the award winning Joseon Dynasty books of Royal Wedding in Art Historical Perspective (Korean, 2008), Korean landscape Painting: Continuity and Innovation Through the Ages (2006), Fragrance, Elegance, and Virtue: Korean Women in Traditional Arts and Humanities (2002/2005), Western influence on Korean Painting of the Chosŏn Dynasty (Korean, 2000/2003, revised and enlarged edition, 2008), Fragrance of Ink: Korean Literati Paintings of the Chosŏn Dynasty (co-authored, Korean and English, 1996). An avid traveler, she wrote about her adventures in the Architectural Treasures of the World: A Personal Perspective (Korean, 2002, revised ed., 2004). She has also contributed numerous academic articles to both Korean and English language journals.