윤홍기 (University of Auckland 교수)

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
Hong-Key Yoon
36. Hong-Key Yoon.jpg
Name in Latin Alphabet: Hong-Key Yoon
Nationality: Republic of Korea
Affiliation: University of Auckland

강연자 소개

Academic Training and Degrees

  • B.A. Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea) 1967
  • M.S. Brigham Young University (Utah, U.S.A.) 1971
  • Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (U.S.A.) 1976

Main Fields of Teaching and Research

  • Cultural Geography (Cultural Landscape, Place Names and Cultural Ecology)
  • East Asia (culture and environment in China Japan and Korea)
  • Environmental ideas of East and West
  • Korean Geomancy
  • Geomentality


Books on Cultural Geography and Geomancy

  • 1986 Maori Mind, Maori Land: Essays on the cultural geography ofthe Maori people from an outsider's perspective. Peter Lang: Berne, Francfort-S.Main, New York, Paris, pp 138.
  • 2006 The Culture of Fengshui in Korea. Lanham, D, USA:Lexington Books, pp.331+xvi, Cloth (hard) cover: Paperback edition, 2008.
  • 2011 Ttangui Maum(땅의 마음: The Mind of Land) [in Korean]. Seoul: Science Books, pp. 416.

Other research papers are published as articles in academic journals or chapters in academic books.
Creative literature

  • 1977 Hong-key Yoon, Where is Home? (Kohyang'i udie issupnika) [in Korean], The First Collection of Poems by Hong-key Yoon, (Seoul: Chimunsa, 1997), pp.130.